Module src.data_pecarn

Expand source code
import os
from os.path import join as oj

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from tqdm import tqdm

import data
from config import PROCESSED_DIR, PECARN_DIR


def get_data(use_processed=False, frac_missing_allowed=0.05,
             processed_file=oj(PROCESSED_DIR, 'df_pecarn.pkl'), dummy=False,
    '''Run all the preprocessing
    use_processed: bool, optional
        determines whether to load df from cached pkl (only for reading from the csv)
    save_processed: bool, optional
        if not using processed, determines whether to save the df
    if use_processed and os.path.exists(processed_file):
        return pd.read_pickle(processed_file)
        df_features = get_features()  # read all features into df
        df_outcomes = get_outcomes()  # 2 outcomes: iai, and iai_intervention
        df = pd.merge(df_features, df_outcomes, on='id', how='left')
        df = rename_values(df)  # rename the features by their meaning
        df = data.derived_feats(df)

        # drop cols with vals missing this percent of the time
        df = df.dropna(axis=1, thresh=(1 - frac_missing_allowed) * NUM_PATIENTS)

        # delete repeat columns
        keys = list(df.keys())
        keys_to_remove = [k for k in keys if 'Repeat_instance' in k]
        df = df.drop(labels=keys_to_remove, axis=1)
        if impute_feats:
            df = impute(df)  # impute and fill
        df = data.add_cv_split(df, dset='pecarn')
        if dummy:
            df = data.to_dummies(df)
        df['dset'] = 'pecarn'

        # save
        os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(processed_file), exist_ok=True)
        df.to_csv(processed_file[:-4] + '.csv')

        return df

def get_features(processed_file=oj(PROCESSED_DIR, 'df_pecarn_features.pkl')):
    '''Read all features into df
    features: pd.DataFrame

    if os.path.exists(processed_file):
        return pd.read_pickle(processed_file)

    # all the fnames to be loaded and searched over
    fnames = sorted([fname for fname in os.listdir(PECARN_DIR)
                     if 'csv' in fname
                     and not 'formats' in fname
                     and not 'form6' in fname])  # remove outcome
    # feature_names = [fname[:-4].replace('form', '').replace('-', '_') for fname in fnames]
    # demographics = pd.read_csv('iaip_data/Datasets/demographics.csv')

    # read through each fname and save into the r dictionary
    r = {}
    print('read all the csvs...')
    for fname in tqdm(fnames):
        df = pd.read_csv(oj(PECARN_DIR, fname), engine='python')
        df.rename(columns={'SubjectID': 'id'}, inplace=True)
        df.rename(columns={'subjectid': 'id'}, inplace=True)
        assert ('id' in df.keys())
        r[fname] = df

    # loop over the relevant forms and merge into one big df
    fnames_small = [fname for fname in fnames
                    if 'form1' in fname
                    or 'form2' in fname
                    or 'form4' in fname
                    or 'form5' in fname
                    or 'form7' in fname
    df = r[fnames[0]]
    print('merge all the dfs...')
    for i, fname in tqdm(enumerate(fnames_small)):
        df2 = r[fname].copy()

        # if subj has multiple entries, only keep first
        df2 = df2.drop_duplicates(subset=['id'], keep='last')

        # possibly rename the columns to include form number
        rename_dict = {
            key: key + '_' + fname[:-4].replace('form', '')
            for key in df2.keys()
            if not key == 'id'
        df2.rename(columns=rename_dict, inplace=True)

        # don't save duplicate columns
        df = df.set_index('id').combine_first(df2.set_index('id')).reset_index()

    # save to pickle
    os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(processed_file), exist_ok=True)
    return df

def get_outcomes():
    """Read in the outcomes

    outcomes: pd.DataFrame
        iai (has 761 positives)
        iai_intervention (has 203 positives)
    form4abdangio = pd.read_csv(oj(PECARN_DIR, 'form4bother_abdangio.csv')).rename(columns={'subjectid': 'id'})
    # form6a = pd.read_csv(oj(PECARN_DIR, 'form6a.csv')).rename(columns={'subjectid': 'id'})
    form6b = pd.read_csv(oj(PECARN_DIR, 'form6b.csv')).rename(columns={'SubjectID': 'id'})
    form6c = pd.read_csv(oj(PECARN_DIR, 'form6c.csv')).rename(columns={'subjectid': 'id'})

    # (6b) Intra-abdominal injury diagnosed in the ED/during hospitalization by any diagnostic method
    # 1 is yes, 761 have intra-abdominal injury
    # 2 is no -> remap to 0, 841 without intra-abdominal injury

    def get_ids(form, keys):
        '''Returns ids for which any of the keys is 1
        ids_all = set()
        for key in keys:
            ids =[form[key] == 1]
            for i in ids:
        return ids_all

    ids_iai = get_ids(form6b, ['IAIinED1'])  #[form6b['IAIinED1'] == 1]

    # print(form4abdangio.keys())
    ids_allangio = get_ids(form4abdangio, ['AbdAngioVessel'])
    # print('num in 4angio', len(ids_allangio))
    # print(form6a.keys())
    # ids_alla = get_ids(form6a, ['DeathCause'])
    # print('num in a', len(ids_alla))
    # print(form6b.keys())
    ids_allb = get_ids(form6b, ['IVFluids', 'BldTransfusion'])
    # print('num in b', len(ids_allb))
    # print(form6c.keys())
    ids_allc = get_ids(form6c, ['IntervenDurLap'])
    # print('num in c', len(ids_allc))
    ids = ids_allb.union(ids_allangio).union(ids_allc)

    ids_iai_np = np.array(list(ids_iai)) - 1
    ids_np = np.array(list(ids)) - 1

    iai = np.zeros(NUM_PATIENTS).astype(
    iai[ids_iai_np] = 1
    iai_intervention = np.zeros(NUM_PATIENTS).astype(
    iai_intervention[ids_np] = 1

    df_iai = pd.DataFrame.from_dict({
        'id': np.arange(1, NUM_PATIENTS + 1),
        'iai': iai,
        'iai_intervention': iai_intervention
    return df_iai

def rename_values(df):
    '''Map values to meanings
    Rename some features
    Compute a couple new features
    set types of 

    # map categorical vars values
    race = {
        1: 'American Indian or Alaska Native',
        2: 'Asian',
        3: 'Black or African American',
        4: 'Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander',
        5: 'White',
        6: 'unknown',  # stated as unknown
        7: 'unknown'  # other
    df.RACE =
    moi = {
        1: 'Motor vehicle collision',
        2: 'Fall from an elevation',
        3: 'Fall down stairs',
        4: 'Pedestrian/bicyclist struck by moving vehicle',
        5: 'Bike collision/fall',
        6: 'Motorcycle/ATV/Scooter collision',
        7: 'Object struck abdomen',
        8: 'unknown',  # unknown mechanism,
        9: 'unknown',  # other mechanism
        10: 'unknown'  # physician did not answer
    df['MOI'] =
    df = df.drop(columns=['RecodedMOI'])
    abdTenderDegree = {
        1: 'Mild',
        2: 'Moderate',
        3: 'Severe',
        4: 'unknown',
        np.nan: 'unknown'

    # combine aggregate gcs into total gcs
    idxs_to_replace = ~df['AggregateGCS'].isna() & df['GCSScore'].isna()
    df.loc[idxs_to_replace, 'GCSScore'] = df['AggregateGCS'][idxs_to_replace]

    # print(np.unique(df['AbdTenderDegree'], return_counts=True))    
    df['AbdTenderDegree'] =
    # print(np.unique(df['AbdTenderDegree'], return_counts=True))
    binary = {
        0: 'no',
        1: 'yes',
        False: 'no',
        True: 'yes',
        'unknown': 'unknown'
    df['HISPANIC_ETHNICITY'] = (df['HISPANIC_ETHNICITY'] == '-1').map(
        binary)  # note: -1 is Hispanic (0 is not, 1 is unknown)

    # rename variables
    df = df.rename(columns={'RACE': 'Race_orig',
                            'SEX': 'Sex',
                            'HISPANIC_ETHNICITY': 'Hispanic',
                            'ageinyrs': 'Age'

    # set types of these variables to categorical
    ks_categorical = ['Sex', 'Race_orig', 'Hispanic',
                      'VomitWretch', 'MOI', 'ThoracicTender', 'ThoracicTrauma',
                      'DecrBreathSound', 'AbdDistention', 'AbdTenderDegree',
                      'AbdTrauma', 'SeatBeltSign', 'DistractingPain',
                      'AbdomenPain', 'AbdomenTender']
    for k in ks_categorical:
        df[k] = df[k].astype(str)

    df['AbdomenPain'] = df['AbdomenPain'].replace('3.0', 'other')
    df['CTScan'] = (df['AbdCTScan'] == 1.0).astype(int)

    # remap values which take on values 0....4
    ks_remap = ['VomitWretch',
                'ThoracicTender', 'ThoracicTrauma',
                'DecrBreathSound', 'AbdDistention',
                'AbdTrauma', 'SeatBeltSign',
                'DistractingPain', 'AbdomenPain', 'AbdomenTender']
    for k in ks_remap:
        vals = df[k].values
        is_na = df[k].isna()
        uniques = np.unique(vals).astype(np.str)
        contains_nan = np.sum(is_na) > 0
        if contains_nan and uniques.size in [4, 5] or ~contains_nan and uniques.size in [3, 4]:
            if '1.0' in uniques and '2.0' in uniques and ('3.0' in uniques or 'other' in uniques):
                df[k] = df[k].map({
                    '1.0': 'yes',
                    '2.0': 'no',
                    '3.0': 'unknown',
                    '4.0': 'unknown',
                    'other': 'other',
                    np.nan: 'unknown',
    return df

def impute(df: pd.DataFrame):
    """Returns df with imputed features.
    Note: lots of things have filled na with "unknown"

    # fill in values for some vars from unknown -> None
    df.loc[df['AbdomenTender'].isin(['no', 'unknown']), 'AbdTenderDegree'] = 'None'

    # pandas impute missing values with median
    df = df.fillna(df.median())

    df.GCSScore = df.GCSScore.fillna(df.GCSScore.median())
    return df

def unit_test(df):
    assert df.shape[0] == 12044, 'should have 12044 patients'
    assert np.sum(df['iai_intervention']) == 203, 'should have 203 patients IWI'


def get_data(use_processed=False, frac_missing_allowed=0.05, processed_file='../data/processed/df_pecarn.pkl', dummy=False, impute_feats=True)

Run all the preprocessing


use_processed : bool, optional
determines whether to load df from cached pkl (only for reading from the csv)
save_processed : bool, optional
if not using processed, determines whether to save the df
Expand source code
def get_data(use_processed=False, frac_missing_allowed=0.05,
             processed_file=oj(PROCESSED_DIR, 'df_pecarn.pkl'), dummy=False,
    '''Run all the preprocessing
    use_processed: bool, optional
        determines whether to load df from cached pkl (only for reading from the csv)
    save_processed: bool, optional
        if not using processed, determines whether to save the df
    if use_processed and os.path.exists(processed_file):
        return pd.read_pickle(processed_file)
        df_features = get_features()  # read all features into df
        df_outcomes = get_outcomes()  # 2 outcomes: iai, and iai_intervention
        df = pd.merge(df_features, df_outcomes, on='id', how='left')
        df = rename_values(df)  # rename the features by their meaning
        df = data.derived_feats(df)

        # drop cols with vals missing this percent of the time
        df = df.dropna(axis=1, thresh=(1 - frac_missing_allowed) * NUM_PATIENTS)

        # delete repeat columns
        keys = list(df.keys())
        keys_to_remove = [k for k in keys if 'Repeat_instance' in k]
        df = df.drop(labels=keys_to_remove, axis=1)
        if impute_feats:
            df = impute(df)  # impute and fill
        df = data.add_cv_split(df, dset='pecarn')
        if dummy:
            df = data.to_dummies(df)
        df['dset'] = 'pecarn'

        # save
        os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(processed_file), exist_ok=True)
        df.to_csv(processed_file[:-4] + '.csv')

        return df
def get_features(processed_file='../data/processed/df_pecarn_features.pkl')

Read all features into df


features : pd.DataFrame
Expand source code
def get_features(processed_file=oj(PROCESSED_DIR, 'df_pecarn_features.pkl')):
    '''Read all features into df
    features: pd.DataFrame

    if os.path.exists(processed_file):
        return pd.read_pickle(processed_file)

    # all the fnames to be loaded and searched over
    fnames = sorted([fname for fname in os.listdir(PECARN_DIR)
                     if 'csv' in fname
                     and not 'formats' in fname
                     and not 'form6' in fname])  # remove outcome
    # feature_names = [fname[:-4].replace('form', '').replace('-', '_') for fname in fnames]
    # demographics = pd.read_csv('iaip_data/Datasets/demographics.csv')

    # read through each fname and save into the r dictionary
    r = {}
    print('read all the csvs...')
    for fname in tqdm(fnames):
        df = pd.read_csv(oj(PECARN_DIR, fname), engine='python')
        df.rename(columns={'SubjectID': 'id'}, inplace=True)
        df.rename(columns={'subjectid': 'id'}, inplace=True)
        assert ('id' in df.keys())
        r[fname] = df

    # loop over the relevant forms and merge into one big df
    fnames_small = [fname for fname in fnames
                    if 'form1' in fname
                    or 'form2' in fname
                    or 'form4' in fname
                    or 'form5' in fname
                    or 'form7' in fname
    df = r[fnames[0]]
    print('merge all the dfs...')
    for i, fname in tqdm(enumerate(fnames_small)):
        df2 = r[fname].copy()

        # if subj has multiple entries, only keep first
        df2 = df2.drop_duplicates(subset=['id'], keep='last')

        # possibly rename the columns to include form number
        rename_dict = {
            key: key + '_' + fname[:-4].replace('form', '')
            for key in df2.keys()
            if not key == 'id'
        df2.rename(columns=rename_dict, inplace=True)

        # don't save duplicate columns
        df = df.set_index('id').combine_first(df2.set_index('id')).reset_index()

    # save to pickle
    os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(processed_file), exist_ok=True)
    return df
def get_outcomes()

Read in the outcomes


outcomes : pd.DataFrame
iai (has 761 positives) iai_intervention (has 203 positives)
Expand source code
def get_outcomes():
    """Read in the outcomes

    outcomes: pd.DataFrame
        iai (has 761 positives)
        iai_intervention (has 203 positives)
    form4abdangio = pd.read_csv(oj(PECARN_DIR, 'form4bother_abdangio.csv')).rename(columns={'subjectid': 'id'})
    # form6a = pd.read_csv(oj(PECARN_DIR, 'form6a.csv')).rename(columns={'subjectid': 'id'})
    form6b = pd.read_csv(oj(PECARN_DIR, 'form6b.csv')).rename(columns={'SubjectID': 'id'})
    form6c = pd.read_csv(oj(PECARN_DIR, 'form6c.csv')).rename(columns={'subjectid': 'id'})

    # (6b) Intra-abdominal injury diagnosed in the ED/during hospitalization by any diagnostic method
    # 1 is yes, 761 have intra-abdominal injury
    # 2 is no -> remap to 0, 841 without intra-abdominal injury

    def get_ids(form, keys):
        '''Returns ids for which any of the keys is 1
        ids_all = set()
        for key in keys:
            ids =[form[key] == 1]
            for i in ids:
        return ids_all

    ids_iai = get_ids(form6b, ['IAIinED1'])  #[form6b['IAIinED1'] == 1]

    # print(form4abdangio.keys())
    ids_allangio = get_ids(form4abdangio, ['AbdAngioVessel'])
    # print('num in 4angio', len(ids_allangio))
    # print(form6a.keys())
    # ids_alla = get_ids(form6a, ['DeathCause'])
    # print('num in a', len(ids_alla))
    # print(form6b.keys())
    ids_allb = get_ids(form6b, ['IVFluids', 'BldTransfusion'])
    # print('num in b', len(ids_allb))
    # print(form6c.keys())
    ids_allc = get_ids(form6c, ['IntervenDurLap'])
    # print('num in c', len(ids_allc))
    ids = ids_allb.union(ids_allangio).union(ids_allc)

    ids_iai_np = np.array(list(ids_iai)) - 1
    ids_np = np.array(list(ids)) - 1

    iai = np.zeros(NUM_PATIENTS).astype(
    iai[ids_iai_np] = 1
    iai_intervention = np.zeros(NUM_PATIENTS).astype(
    iai_intervention[ids_np] = 1

    df_iai = pd.DataFrame.from_dict({
        'id': np.arange(1, NUM_PATIENTS + 1),
        'iai': iai,
        'iai_intervention': iai_intervention
    return df_iai
def impute(df)

Returns df with imputed features. Note: lots of things have filled na with "unknown"

Expand source code
def impute(df: pd.DataFrame):
    """Returns df with imputed features.
    Note: lots of things have filled na with "unknown"

    # fill in values for some vars from unknown -> None
    df.loc[df['AbdomenTender'].isin(['no', 'unknown']), 'AbdTenderDegree'] = 'None'

    # pandas impute missing values with median
    df = df.fillna(df.median())

    df.GCSScore = df.GCSScore.fillna(df.GCSScore.median())
    return df
def rename_values(df)

Map values to meanings Rename some features Compute a couple new features set types of

Expand source code
def rename_values(df):
    '''Map values to meanings
    Rename some features
    Compute a couple new features
    set types of 

    # map categorical vars values
    race = {
        1: 'American Indian or Alaska Native',
        2: 'Asian',
        3: 'Black or African American',
        4: 'Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander',
        5: 'White',
        6: 'unknown',  # stated as unknown
        7: 'unknown'  # other
    df.RACE =
    moi = {
        1: 'Motor vehicle collision',
        2: 'Fall from an elevation',
        3: 'Fall down stairs',
        4: 'Pedestrian/bicyclist struck by moving vehicle',
        5: 'Bike collision/fall',
        6: 'Motorcycle/ATV/Scooter collision',
        7: 'Object struck abdomen',
        8: 'unknown',  # unknown mechanism,
        9: 'unknown',  # other mechanism
        10: 'unknown'  # physician did not answer
    df['MOI'] =
    df = df.drop(columns=['RecodedMOI'])
    abdTenderDegree = {
        1: 'Mild',
        2: 'Moderate',
        3: 'Severe',
        4: 'unknown',
        np.nan: 'unknown'

    # combine aggregate gcs into total gcs
    idxs_to_replace = ~df['AggregateGCS'].isna() & df['GCSScore'].isna()
    df.loc[idxs_to_replace, 'GCSScore'] = df['AggregateGCS'][idxs_to_replace]

    # print(np.unique(df['AbdTenderDegree'], return_counts=True))    
    df['AbdTenderDegree'] =
    # print(np.unique(df['AbdTenderDegree'], return_counts=True))
    binary = {
        0: 'no',
        1: 'yes',
        False: 'no',
        True: 'yes',
        'unknown': 'unknown'
    df['HISPANIC_ETHNICITY'] = (df['HISPANIC_ETHNICITY'] == '-1').map(
        binary)  # note: -1 is Hispanic (0 is not, 1 is unknown)

    # rename variables
    df = df.rename(columns={'RACE': 'Race_orig',
                            'SEX': 'Sex',
                            'HISPANIC_ETHNICITY': 'Hispanic',
                            'ageinyrs': 'Age'

    # set types of these variables to categorical
    ks_categorical = ['Sex', 'Race_orig', 'Hispanic',
                      'VomitWretch', 'MOI', 'ThoracicTender', 'ThoracicTrauma',
                      'DecrBreathSound', 'AbdDistention', 'AbdTenderDegree',
                      'AbdTrauma', 'SeatBeltSign', 'DistractingPain',
                      'AbdomenPain', 'AbdomenTender']
    for k in ks_categorical:
        df[k] = df[k].astype(str)

    df['AbdomenPain'] = df['AbdomenPain'].replace('3.0', 'other')
    df['CTScan'] = (df['AbdCTScan'] == 1.0).astype(int)

    # remap values which take on values 0....4
    ks_remap = ['VomitWretch',
                'ThoracicTender', 'ThoracicTrauma',
                'DecrBreathSound', 'AbdDistention',
                'AbdTrauma', 'SeatBeltSign',
                'DistractingPain', 'AbdomenPain', 'AbdomenTender']
    for k in ks_remap:
        vals = df[k].values
        is_na = df[k].isna()
        uniques = np.unique(vals).astype(np.str)
        contains_nan = np.sum(is_na) > 0
        if contains_nan and uniques.size in [4, 5] or ~contains_nan and uniques.size in [3, 4]:
            if '1.0' in uniques and '2.0' in uniques and ('3.0' in uniques or 'other' in uniques):
                df[k] = df[k].map({
                    '1.0': 'yes',
                    '2.0': 'no',
                    '3.0': 'unknown',
                    '4.0': 'unknown',
                    'other': 'other',
                    np.nan: 'unknown',
    return df
def unit_test(df)
Expand source code
def unit_test(df):
    assert df.shape[0] == 12044, 'should have 12044 patients'
    assert np.sum(df['iai_intervention']) == 203, 'should have 203 patients IWI'