Module src.viz
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import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from colorama import Fore
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from matplotlib_venn import venn2
from sklearn import metrics
from sklearn.utils.multiclass import unique_labels
import os
from os.path import join as oj
import seaborn as sns
DIR_FILE = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) # directory of this file
DIR_FIGS = oj(DIR_FILE, '../reports/figs')
cb2 = '#66ccff'
cb = '#1f77b4'
cr = '#cc0000'
cp = '#cc3399'
cy = '#d8b365'
cg = '#5ab4ac'
cm = sns.diverging_palette(10, 240, n=1000, as_cmap=True)
cm_rev = sns.diverging_palette(240, 10, n=1000, as_cmap=True)
cmap_div = sns.diverging_palette(10, 220, as_cmap=True)
def rename(s):
'gcsscore': 'GCS Score',
'initheartrate': 'Heart rate',
'initsysbprange': 'Systolic BP',
'abdtenderdegree': 'Abd. tenderness\ndegree',
'irf': 'Iterative random forest',
'grl': 'CART rule list',
'moi': 'MOI',
'decision_tree': 'CART decision tree',
'rulefit': 'Rule fit',
'bayesian_rule_list': 'Bayesian rule list',
'pedestrian/bicyclist struck by moving vehicle': 'Pedestrian/bicyclist struck\nby moving vehicle',
'native hawaiian or other pacific islander': 'Native hawaiian\nor other pacific islander',
'decrbreathsound': 'Decr. breath sounds',
'abddistention': 'Abd. distention',
'vomitwretch': 'Vomit/wretch',
'seatbeltsign': 'Seatbelt sign',
'costaltender': 'Costal tenderness',
'rtcostaltender': 'Right costal tenderness',
'abdtrauma': 'Abd. trauma',
'thoracictrauma': 'Thoracic trauma',
'ltcostaltender': 'Left costal tenderness',
'distractingpain': 'Distracting pain',
'abdomenpain': 'Abd. pain',
if s.lower() in RENAMING:
return RENAMING[s.lower()]
elif s == 'PECARN':
return s
return s.capitalize()
return s
def savefig(s: str):
plt.savefig(oj(DIR_FIGS, s + '.pdf'))
plt.savefig(oj(DIR_FIGS, s + '.png'), dpi=300)
def venn_overlap(df, col1: str, col2: str, val1=1, val2=1):
'''Plots venn diagram of overlap between 2 cols with values specified
cind = df[df[col1] == val1].index.values
rind = df[df[col2] == val2].index.values
venn2((set(cind), set(rind)), (f'{col1} ({str(val1)})', f'{col2} ({str(val2)})'))
def visualize_individual_results(results, X_test, Y_test, print_results=True):
'''Print and visualize results from a single train.
scores_cv = results['cv']
scores_test = results['test']
imps = results['imps']
m = imps['model'][0]
if print_results:
print(Fore.CYAN + f'{"metric":<25}\tvalidation') # \ttest')
for s in results['metrics']:
if not 'curve' in s:
print(Fore.WHITE + f'{s:<25}\t{np.mean(scores_cv[s]):.3f} ~ {np.std(scores_cv[s]):.3f}')
# print(Fore.WHITE + f'{s:<25}\t{np.mean(scores_cv[s]):.3f} ~ {np.std(scores_cv[s]):.3f}\t{np.mean(scores_test[s]):.3f} ~ {np.std(scores_test[s]):.3f}')
print(Fore.CYAN + '\nfeature importances')
imp_mat = np.array(imps['imps'])
imp_mu = imp_mat.mean(axis=0)
imp_sd = imp_mat.std(axis=0)
for i, feat_name in enumerate(results['feat_names']):
print(Fore.WHITE + f'{feat_name:<25}\t{imp_mu[i]:.3f} ~ {imp_sd[i]:.3f}')
# print(m.coef_)
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 3), dpi=200)
R, C = 1, 3
plt.subplot(R, C, 1)
# print(X_test.shape, results['feat_names'])
preds = m.predict(X_test[results['feat_names']])
preds_proba = m.predict_proba(X_test[results['feat_names']])[:, 1]
plot_confusion_matrix(Y_test, preds, classes=np.array(['Failure', 'Success']))
plt.subplot(R, C, 2)
prec, rec, thresh = scores_test['precision_recall_curve'][0]
plt.plot(rec, prec)
plt.xlim((-0.1, 1.1))
plt.ylim((-0.1, 1.1))
plt.subplot(R, C, 3)
plt.hist(preds_proba[Y_test == 0], alpha=0.5, label='Failure')
plt.hist(preds_proba[Y_test == 1], alpha=0.5, label='Success')
plt.xlabel('Predicted probability')
return preds, preds_proba
def plot_confusion_matrix(y_true, y_pred, classes,
This function prints and plots the confusion matrix.
Normalization can be applied by setting `normalize=True`.
if not title:
if normalize:
title = 'Normalized confusion matrix'
title = 'Confusion matrix, without normalization'
# Compute confusion matrix
cm = metrics.confusion_matrix(y_true, y_pred)
# Only use the labels that appear in the data
classes = classes[unique_labels(y_true, y_pred)]
if normalize:
cm = cm.astype('float') / cm.sum(axis=1)[:, np.newaxis]
# fig, ax = plt.subplots()
im = plt.imshow(cm, interpolation='nearest', cmap=cmap)
ax = plt.gca()
# ax.figure.colorbar(im, ax=ax)
# We want to show all ticks...
# ... and label them with the respective list entries
xticklabels=classes, yticklabels=classes,
# title=title,
ylabel='True label',
xlabel='Predicted label')
# Rotate the tick labels and set their alignment.
plt.setp(ax.get_xticklabels(), rotation=45, ha="right",
# Loop over data dimensions and create text annotations.
fmt = '.2f' if normalize else 'd'
thresh = cm.max() / 2.
for i in range(cm.shape[0]):
for j in range(cm.shape[1]):
ax.text(j, i, format(cm[i, j], fmt),
ha="center", va="center",
color="white" if cm[i, j] > thresh else "black")
return ax
def highlight_max(data, color='#0e5c99'):
highlight the maximum in a Series or DataFrame
attr = 'background-color: {}'.format(color)
if data.ndim == 1: # Series from .apply(axis=0) or axis=1
is_max = data == data.max()
return [attr if v else '' for v in is_max]
else: # from .apply(axis=None)
is_max = data == data.max().max()
return pd.DataFrame(np.where(is_max, attr, ''),
index=data.index, columns=data.columns)
# visualize biggest errs
def viz_biggest_errs(X_traces_test, Y_test, preds, preds_proba):
# print(preds_proba.shape, X_traces_test.shape)
residuals = np.abs(Y_test - preds_proba)
R, C = 4, 4
args = np.argsort(residuals)[::-1][:R * C]
# print(Y_test[args])
# print(preds[args])
# print(residuals[args][:10])
plt.figure(figsize=(C * 3, R * 2.5), dpi=200)
i = 0
for r in range(R):
for c in range(C):
plt.subplot(R, C, i + 1)
plt.plot(X_traces_test.iloc[args[i]], color=cr)
i += 1
# visualize biggest errs
def viz_errs_spatially(df, idxs_test, preds, Y_test):
x_pos = df['x_pos'][idxs_test]
y_pos = df['y_pos'][idxs_test]
plt.plot(x_pos[(preds == Y_test) & (preds == 1)], y_pos[(preds == Y_test) & (preds == 1)], 'o',
color=cb, alpha=0.5, label='true pos')
plt.plot(x_pos[(preds == Y_test) & (preds == 0)], y_pos[(preds == Y_test) & (preds == 0)], 'x',
color=cb, alpha=0.5, label='true neg')
plt.plot(x_pos[preds > Y_test], y_pos[preds > Y_test], 'o', color=cr, alpha=0.5, label='false pos')
plt.plot(x_pos[preds < Y_test], y_pos[preds < Y_test], 'x', color=cr, alpha=0.5, label='false neg')
# plt.scatter(x_pos, y_pos, c=preds==Y_test, alpha=0.5)
plt.xlabel('x position')
plt.ylabel('y position')
def viz_errs_lifetime(X_test, preds, preds_proba, Y_test, norms):
correct_idxs = preds == Y_test
lifetime = X_test['lifetime'] * norms['lifetime']['std'] + norms['lifetime']['mu']
plt.plot(lifetime[(preds == Y_test) & (preds == 1)], preds_proba[(preds == Y_test) & (preds == 1)], 'o',
color=cb, alpha=0.5, label='true pos')
plt.plot(lifetime[(preds == Y_test) & (preds == 0)], preds_proba[(preds == Y_test) & (preds == 0)], 'x',
color=cb, alpha=0.5, label='true neg')
plt.plot(lifetime[preds > Y_test], preds_proba[preds > Y_test], 'o', color=cr, alpha=0.5, label='false pos')
plt.plot(lifetime[preds < Y_test], preds_proba[preds < Y_test], 'x', color=cr, alpha=0.5, label='false neg')
plt.ylabel('predicted probability')
def corrplot(corrs):
mask = np.triu(np.ones_like(corrs, dtype=np.bool))
corrs[mask] = np.nan
max_abs = np.nanmax(np.abs(corrs))
plt.imshow(corrs, cmap=style.cmap_div, vmax=max_abs, vmin=-max_abs)
def jointplot_grouped(col_x: str, col_y: str, col_k: str, df,
k_is_color=False, scatter_alpha=.5, add_global_hists: bool = True):
'''Jointplot of hists + densities
name of X var
name of Y var
name of variable to group/color by
whether to plot the global hist as well
def colored_scatter(x, y, c=None):
def scatter(*args, **kwargs):
args = (x, y)
if c is not None:
kwargs['c'] = c
kwargs['alpha'] = scatter_alpha
plt.scatter(*args, **kwargs)
return scatter
g = sns.JointGrid(
color = None
legends = []
for name, df_group in df.groupby(col_k):
if k_is_color:
color = name
colored_scatter(df_group[col_x], df_group[col_y], color),
if add_global_hists:
def corrplot(corrs)
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def corrplot(corrs): mask = np.triu(np.ones_like(corrs, dtype=np.bool)) corrs[mask] = np.nan max_abs = np.nanmax(np.abs(corrs)) plt.imshow(corrs, cmap=style.cmap_div, vmax=max_abs, vmin=-max_abs)
def highlight_max(data, color='#0e5c99')
highlight the maximum in a Series or DataFrame
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def highlight_max(data, color='#0e5c99'): ''' highlight the maximum in a Series or DataFrame ''' attr = 'background-color: {}'.format(color) if data.ndim == 1: # Series from .apply(axis=0) or axis=1 is_max = data == data.max() return [attr if v else '' for v in is_max] else: # from .apply(axis=None) is_max = data == data.max().max() return pd.DataFrame(np.where(is_max, attr, ''), index=data.index, columns=data.columns)
def jointplot_grouped(col_x, col_y, col_k, df, k_is_color=False, scatter_alpha=0.5, add_global_hists=True)
Jointplot of hists + densities Params
- name of X var
- name of Y var
- name of variable to group/color by
- whether to plot the global hist as well
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def jointplot_grouped(col_x: str, col_y: str, col_k: str, df, k_is_color=False, scatter_alpha=.5, add_global_hists: bool = True): '''Jointplot of hists + densities Params ------ col_x name of X var col_y name of Y var col_k name of variable to group/color by add_global_hists whether to plot the global hist as well ''' def colored_scatter(x, y, c=None): def scatter(*args, **kwargs): args = (x, y) if c is not None: kwargs['c'] = c kwargs['alpha'] = scatter_alpha plt.scatter(*args, **kwargs) return scatter g = sns.JointGrid( x=col_x, y=col_y, data=df ) color = None legends = [] for name, df_group in df.groupby(col_k): legends.append(name) if k_is_color: color = name g.plot_joint( colored_scatter(df_group[col_x], df_group[col_y], color), ) sns.distplot( df_group[col_x].values, ax=g.ax_marg_x, color=color, ) sns.distplot( df_group[col_y].values, ax=g.ax_marg_y, color=color, vertical=True ) if add_global_hists: sns.distplot( df[col_x].values, ax=g.ax_marg_x, color='grey' ) sns.distplot( df[col_y].values.ravel(), ax=g.ax_marg_y, color='grey', vertical=True ) plt.legend(legends)
def plot_confusion_matrix(y_true, y_pred, classes, normalize=False, title=None, cmap=<matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap object>)
This function prints and plots the confusion matrix. Normalization can be applied by setting
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def plot_confusion_matrix(y_true, y_pred, classes, normalize=False, title=None, """ This function prints and plots the confusion matrix. Normalization can be applied by setting `normalize=True`. """ if not title: if normalize: title = 'Normalized confusion matrix' else: title = 'Confusion matrix, without normalization' # Compute confusion matrix cm = metrics.confusion_matrix(y_true, y_pred) # Only use the labels that appear in the data classes = classes[unique_labels(y_true, y_pred)] if normalize: cm = cm.astype('float') / cm.sum(axis=1)[:, np.newaxis] # fig, ax = plt.subplots() im = plt.imshow(cm, interpolation='nearest', cmap=cmap) ax = plt.gca() # ax.figure.colorbar(im, ax=ax) # We want to show all ticks... ax.set(xticks=np.arange(cm.shape[1]), yticks=np.arange(cm.shape[0]), # ... and label them with the respective list entries xticklabels=classes, yticklabels=classes, # title=title, ylabel='True label', xlabel='Predicted label') # Rotate the tick labels and set their alignment. plt.setp(ax.get_xticklabels(), rotation=45, ha="right", rotation_mode="anchor") # Loop over data dimensions and create text annotations. fmt = '.2f' if normalize else 'd' thresh = cm.max() / 2. for i in range(cm.shape[0]): for j in range(cm.shape[1]): ax.text(j, i, format(cm[i, j], fmt), ha="center", va="center", color="white" if cm[i, j] > thresh else "black") return ax
def rename(s)
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def rename(s): RENAMING = { 'gcsscore': 'GCS Score', 'initheartrate': 'Heart rate', 'initsysbprange': 'Systolic BP', 'abdtenderdegree': 'Abd. tenderness\ndegree', 'irf': 'Iterative random forest', 'grl': 'CART rule list', 'moi': 'MOI', 'decision_tree': 'CART decision tree', 'rulefit': 'Rule fit', 'bayesian_rule_list': 'Bayesian rule list', 'pedestrian/bicyclist struck by moving vehicle': 'Pedestrian/bicyclist struck\nby moving vehicle', 'native hawaiian or other pacific islander': 'Native hawaiian\nor other pacific islander', 'decrbreathsound': 'Decr. breath sounds', 'abddistention': 'Abd. distention', 'vomitwretch': 'Vomit/wretch', 'seatbeltsign': 'Seatbelt sign', 'costaltender': 'Costal tenderness', 'rtcostaltender': 'Right costal tenderness', 'abdtrauma': 'Abd. trauma', 'thoracictrauma': 'Thoracic trauma', 'ltcostaltender': 'Left costal tenderness', 'distractingpain': 'Distracting pain', 'abdomenpain': 'Abd. pain', } if s.lower() in RENAMING: return RENAMING[s.lower()] elif s == 'PECARN': return s else: return s.capitalize() return s
def savefig(s)
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def savefig(s: str): plt.savefig(oj(DIR_FIGS, s + '.pdf')) plt.savefig(oj(DIR_FIGS, s + '.png'), dpi=300)
def venn_overlap(df, col1, col2, val1=1, val2=1)
Plots venn diagram of overlap between 2 cols with values specified
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def venn_overlap(df, col1: str, col2: str, val1=1, val2=1): '''Plots venn diagram of overlap between 2 cols with values specified ''' cind = df[df[col1] == val1].index.values rind = df[df[col2] == val2].index.values venn2((set(cind), set(rind)), (f'{col1} ({str(val1)})', f'{col2} ({str(val2)})'))
def visualize_individual_results(results, X_test, Y_test, print_results=True)
Print and visualize results from a single train.
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def visualize_individual_results(results, X_test, Y_test, print_results=True): '''Print and visualize results from a single train. ''' scores_cv = results['cv'] scores_test = results['test'] imps = results['imps'] m = imps['model'][0] if print_results: print(Fore.CYAN + f'{"metric":<25}\tvalidation') # \ttest') for s in results['metrics']: if not 'curve' in s: print(Fore.WHITE + f'{s:<25}\t{np.mean(scores_cv[s]):.3f} ~ {np.std(scores_cv[s]):.3f}') # print(Fore.WHITE + f'{s:<25}\t{np.mean(scores_cv[s]):.3f} ~ {np.std(scores_cv[s]):.3f}\t{np.mean(scores_test[s]):.3f} ~ {np.std(scores_test[s]):.3f}') print(Fore.CYAN + '\nfeature importances') imp_mat = np.array(imps['imps']) imp_mu = imp_mat.mean(axis=0) imp_sd = imp_mat.std(axis=0) for i, feat_name in enumerate(results['feat_names']): print(Fore.WHITE + f'{feat_name:<25}\t{imp_mu[i]:.3f} ~ {imp_sd[i]:.3f}') # print(m.coef_) plt.figure(figsize=(10, 3), dpi=200) R, C = 1, 3 plt.subplot(R, C, 1) # print(X_test.shape, results['feat_names']) preds = m.predict(X_test[results['feat_names']]) preds_proba = m.predict_proba(X_test[results['feat_names']])[:, 1] plot_confusion_matrix(Y_test, preds, classes=np.array(['Failure', 'Success'])) plt.subplot(R, C, 2) prec, rec, thresh = scores_test['precision_recall_curve'][0] plt.plot(rec, prec) plt.xlim((-0.1, 1.1)) plt.ylim((-0.1, 1.1)) plt.ylabel('Precision') plt.xlabel('Recall') plt.subplot(R, C, 3) plt.hist(preds_proba[Y_test == 0], alpha=0.5, label='Failure') plt.hist(preds_proba[Y_test == 1], alpha=0.5, label='Success') plt.xlabel('Predicted probability') plt.ylabel('Count') plt.legend() plt.tight_layout() return preds, preds_proba
def viz_biggest_errs(X_traces_test, Y_test, preds, preds_proba)
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def viz_biggest_errs(X_traces_test, Y_test, preds, preds_proba): # print(preds_proba.shape, X_traces_test.shape) residuals = np.abs(Y_test - preds_proba) R, C = 4, 4 args = np.argsort(residuals)[::-1][:R * C] # print(Y_test[args]) # print(preds[args]) # print(residuals[args][:10]) plt.figure(figsize=(C * 3, R * 2.5), dpi=200) i = 0 for r in range(R): for c in range(C): plt.subplot(R, C, i + 1) plt.plot(X_traces_test.iloc[args[i]], color=cr) i += 1 plt.tight_layout()
def viz_errs_lifetime(X_test, preds, preds_proba, Y_test, norms)
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def viz_errs_lifetime(X_test, preds, preds_proba, Y_test, norms): plt.figure(dpi=200) correct_idxs = preds == Y_test lifetime = X_test['lifetime'] * norms['lifetime']['std'] + norms['lifetime']['mu'] plt.plot(lifetime[(preds == Y_test) & (preds == 1)], preds_proba[(preds == Y_test) & (preds == 1)], 'o', color=cb, alpha=0.5, label='true pos') plt.plot(lifetime[(preds == Y_test) & (preds == 0)], preds_proba[(preds == Y_test) & (preds == 0)], 'x', color=cb, alpha=0.5, label='true neg') plt.plot(lifetime[preds > Y_test], preds_proba[preds > Y_test], 'o', color=cr, alpha=0.5, label='false pos') plt.plot(lifetime[preds < Y_test], preds_proba[preds < Y_test], 'x', color=cr, alpha=0.5, label='false neg') plt.xlabel('lifetime') plt.ylabel('predicted probability') plt.legend()
def viz_errs_spatially(df, idxs_test, preds, Y_test)
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def viz_errs_spatially(df, idxs_test, preds, Y_test): x_pos = df['x_pos'][idxs_test] y_pos = df['y_pos'][idxs_test] plt.figure(dpi=200) plt.plot(x_pos[(preds == Y_test) & (preds == 1)], y_pos[(preds == Y_test) & (preds == 1)], 'o', color=cb, alpha=0.5, label='true pos') plt.plot(x_pos[(preds == Y_test) & (preds == 0)], y_pos[(preds == Y_test) & (preds == 0)], 'x', color=cb, alpha=0.5, label='true neg') plt.plot(x_pos[preds > Y_test], y_pos[preds > Y_test], 'o', color=cr, alpha=0.5, label='false pos') plt.plot(x_pos[preds < Y_test], y_pos[preds < Y_test], 'x', color=cr, alpha=0.5, label='false neg') plt.legend() # plt.scatter(x_pos, y_pos, c=preds==Y_test, alpha=0.5) plt.xlabel('x position') plt.ylabel('y position') plt.tight_layout()