Discretization MDLP

Python implementation of Fayyad and Irani's MDLP criterion discretization algorithm

Reference: Irani, Keki B. "Multi-interval discretization of continuous-valued attributes for classification learning." (1993).

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# Discretization MDLP
Python implementation of Fayyad and Irani's MDLP criterion discretization algorithm

Irani, Keki B. "Multi-interval discretization of continuous-valued attributes for classification learning." (1993).

__author__ = 'Victor Ruiz, vmr11@pitt.edu'

import numbers
from math import log

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from imodels.util.metrics import entropy, cut_point_information_gain

class MDLPDiscretizer(object):
    def __init__(self, dataset, class_label, out_path_data=None, out_path_bins=None, features=None):
        initializes discretizer object:
            saves raw copy of data and creates self._data with only features to discretize and class
            computes initial entropy (before any splitting)
            self._features = features to be discretized
            self._classes = unique classes in raw_data
            self._class_name = label of class in pandas dataframe
            self._data = partition of data with only features of interest and class
            self._cuts = dictionary with cut points for each feature

            pandas dataframe with data to discretize
            name of the column containing class in input dataframe
            if !None, features that the user wants to discretize specifically

        if not isinstance(dataset, pd.core.frame.DataFrame):  # class needs a pandas dataframe
            raise AttributeError('input dataset should be a pandas data frame')

        self._data_raw = dataset  # copy or original input data

        self._class_name = class_label

        self._classes = self._data_raw[self._class_name]  # .unique()

        # if user specifies which attributes to discretize
        if features:
            self._features = [f for f in features if f in self._data_raw.columns]  # check if features in dataframe
            missing = set(features) - set(self._features)  # specified columns not in dataframe
            if missing:
                print('WARNING: user-specified features %s not in input dataframe' % str(missing))
        else:  # then we need to recognize which features are numeric
            numeric_cols = self._data_raw._data.get_numeric_data().items
            self._features = [f for f in numeric_cols if f != class_label]
        # other features that won't be discretized
        self._ignored_features = set(self._data_raw.columns) - set(self._features)

        # create copy of data only including features to discretize and class
        self._data = self._data_raw.loc[:, self._features + [class_label]]
        self._data = self._data.infer_objects()  # convert_objects(convert_numeric=True)
        # pre-compute all boundary points in dataset
        self._boundaries = self._compute_boundary_points_all_features()
        # initialize feature bins with empty arrays
        self._cuts = {f: [] for f in self._features}
        # get cuts for all features
        # discretize self._data
        self._apply_cutpoints(out_data_path=out_path_data, out_bins_path=out_path_bins)

    def MDLPC_criterion(self, data, feature, cut_point):
        Determines whether a partition is accepted according to the MDLPC criterion
        :param feature: feature of interest
        :param cut_point: proposed cut_point
        :param partition_index: index of the sample (dataframe partition) in the interval of interest
        :return: True/False, whether to accept the partition
        # get dataframe only with desired attribute and class columns, and split by cut_point
        data_partition = data.copy(deep=True)
        data_left = data_partition[data_partition[feature] <= cut_point]
        data_right = data_partition[data_partition[feature] > cut_point]

        # compute information gain obtained when splitting data at cut_point
        cut_point_gain = cut_point_information_gain(dataset=data_partition, cut_point=cut_point,
                                                    feature_label=feature, class_label=self._class_name)
        # compute delta term in MDLPC criterion
        N = len(data_partition)  # number of examples in current partition
        partition_entropy = entropy(data_partition[self._class_name])
        k = len(data_partition[self._class_name].unique())
        k_left = len(data_left[self._class_name].unique())
        k_right = len(data_right[self._class_name].unique())
        entropy_left = entropy(data_left[self._class_name])  # entropy of partition
        entropy_right = entropy(data_right[self._class_name])
        delta = log(3 ** k, 2) - (k * partition_entropy) + (k_left * entropy_left) + (k_right * entropy_right)

        # to split or not to split
        gain_threshold = (log(N - 1, 2) + delta) / N

        if cut_point_gain > gain_threshold:
            return True
            return False

    def _feature_boundary_points(self, data, feature):
        Given an attribute, find all potential cut_points (boundary points)
        :param feature: feature of interest
        :param partition_index: indices of rows for which feature value falls within interval of interest
        :return: array with potential cut_points
        # get dataframe with only rows of interest, and feature and class columns
        data_partition = data.copy(deep=True)
        data_partition.sort_values(feature, ascending=True, inplace=True)

        boundary_points = []

        # add temporary columns
        data_partition['class_offset'] = data_partition[self._class_name].shift(
            1)  # column where first value is now second, and so forth
        data_partition['feature_offset'] = data_partition[feature].shift(
            1)  # column where first value is now second, and so forth
        data_partition['feature_change'] = (data_partition[feature] != data_partition['feature_offset'])
        data_partition['mid_points'] = data_partition.loc[:, [feature, 'feature_offset']].mean(axis=1)

        potential_cuts = data_partition[data_partition['feature_change'] == True].index[1:]
        sorted_index = data_partition.index.tolist()

        for row in potential_cuts:
            old_value = data_partition.loc[sorted_index[sorted_index.index(row) - 1]][feature]
            new_value = data_partition.loc[row][feature]
            old_classes = data_partition[data_partition[feature] == old_value][self._class_name].unique()
            new_classes = data_partition[data_partition[feature] == new_value][self._class_name].unique()
            if len(set.union(set(old_classes), set(new_classes))) > 1:
                boundary_points += [data_partition.loc[row]['mid_points']]

        return set(boundary_points)

    def _compute_boundary_points_all_features(self):
        Computes all possible boundary points for each attribute in self._features (features to discretize)
        boundaries = {}
        for attr in self._features:
            data_partition = self._data.loc[:, [attr, self._class_name]]
            boundaries[attr] = self._feature_boundary_points(data=data_partition, feature=attr)
        return boundaries

    def _boundaries_in_partition(self, data, feature):
        From the collection of all cut points for all features, find cut points that fall within a feature-partition's
        attribute-values' range
        :param data: data partition (pandas dataframe)
        :param feature: attribute of interest
        :return: points within feature's range
        range_min, range_max = (data[feature].min(), data[feature].max())
        return set([x for x in self._boundaries[feature] if (x > range_min) and (x < range_max)])

    def _best_cut_point(self, data, feature):
        Selects the best cut point for a feature in a data partition based on information gain
        :param data: data partition (pandas dataframe)
        :param feature: target attribute
        :return: value of cut point with highest information gain (if many, picks first). None if no candidates
        candidates = self._boundaries_in_partition(data=data, feature=feature)
        # candidates = self.feature_boundary_points(data=data, feature=feature)
        if not candidates:
            return None
        gains = [(cut, cut_point_information_gain(dataset=data, cut_point=cut, feature_label=feature,
                                                  class_label=self._class_name)) for cut in candidates]
        gains = sorted(gains, key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)

        return gains[0][0]  # return cut point

    def _single_feature_accepted_cutpoints(self, feature, partition_index=pd.DataFrame().index):
        Computes the cuts for binning a feature according to the MDLP criterion
        :param feature: attribute of interest
        :param partition_index: index of examples in data partition for which cuts are required
        :return: list of cuts for binning feature in partition covered by partition_index
        if partition_index.size == 0:
            partition_index = self._data.index  # if not specified, full sample to be considered for partition

        data_partition = self._data.loc[partition_index, [feature, self._class_name]]

        # exclude missing data:
        if data_partition[feature].isnull().values.any:
            data_partition = data_partition[~data_partition[feature].isnull()]

        # stop if constant or null feature values
        if len(data_partition[feature].unique()) < 2:
        # determine whether to cut and where
        cut_candidate = self._best_cut_point(data=data_partition, feature=feature)
        if cut_candidate == None:
        decision = self.MDLPC_criterion(data=data_partition, feature=feature, cut_point=cut_candidate)

        # apply decision
        if not decision:
            return  # if partition wasn't accepted, there's nothing else to do
        if decision:
            # try:
            # now we have two new partitions that need to be examined
            left_partition = data_partition[data_partition[feature] <= cut_candidate]
            right_partition = data_partition[data_partition[feature] > cut_candidate]
            if left_partition.empty or right_partition.empty:
                return  # extreme point selected, don't partition
            self._cuts[feature] += [cut_candidate]  # accept partition
            self._single_feature_accepted_cutpoints(feature=feature, partition_index=left_partition.index)
            self._single_feature_accepted_cutpoints(feature=feature, partition_index=right_partition.index)
            # order cutpoints in ascending order
            self._cuts[feature] = sorted(self._cuts[feature])

    def _all_features_accepted_cutpoints(self):
        Computes cut points for all numeric features (the ones in self._features)
        for attr in self._features:

    def _apply_cutpoints(self, out_data_path=None, out_bins_path=None):
        Discretizes data by applying bins according to self._cuts. Saves a new, discretized file, and a description of
        the bins
        :param out_data_path: path to save discretized data
        :param out_bins_path: path to save bins description
        bin_label_collection = {}
        for attr in self._features:
            if len(self._cuts[attr]) == 0:
                self._data[attr] = 'All'
                bin_label_collection[attr] = ['All']
                cuts = [-np.inf] + self._cuts[attr] + [np.inf]
                start_bin_indices = range(0, len(cuts) - 1)
                bin_labels = ['%s_to_%s' % (str(cuts[i]), str(cuts[i + 1])) for i in start_bin_indices]
                bin_label_collection[attr] = bin_labels
                self._data[attr] = pd.cut(x=self._data[attr].values, bins=cuts, right=False, labels=bin_labels,
                                          precision=6, include_lowest=True)

        # reconstitute full data, now discretized
        if self._ignored_features:
            to_return = pd.concat([self._data, self._data_raw[list(self._ignored_features)]], axis=1)
            to_return = to_return[self._data_raw.columns]  # sort columns so they have the original order
            to_return = self._data

        # save data as csv
        if out_data_path:
        # save bins description
        if out_bins_path:
            with open(out_bins_path, 'w') as bins_file:
                print('Description of bins in file: %s' % out_data_path, file=bins_file)
                #                 print(>>bins_file, 'Description of bins in file: %s' % out_data_path)
                for attr in self._features:
                    print('attr: %s\n\t%s' % (attr, ', '.join([bin_label for bin_label in bin_label_collection[attr]])),

class BRLDiscretizer:

    def __init__(self, feature_labels, verbose=False):
        self.feature_labels_original = feature_labels
        self.verbose = verbose

    def fit(self, X, y, undiscretized_features=[]):

        # check which features are numeric (to be discretized)
        self.discretized_features = []

        X_str_disc = self._encode_strings(X)

        for fi in range(X_str_disc.shape[1]):
            # if not string, has values other than 0 and 1, and not specified as undiscretized
            if (
                    isinstance(X_str_disc[0][fi], numbers.Number)
                    and (not set(np.unique(X_str_disc[:, fi])).issubset({0, 1}))
                    and (len(self.feature_labels) == 0 or
                         len(undiscretized_features) == 0 or
                         self.feature_labels[fi] not in undiscretized_features

        if len(self.discretized_features) > 0:
            if self.verbose:
                    "Warning: non-categorical data found. Trying to discretize. (Please convert categorical values to "
                    "strings, and/or specify the argument 'undiscretized_features', to avoid this.)")
            X_str_and_num_disc = self.discretize(X_str_disc, y)

            self.discretized_X = X_str_and_num_disc
            self.discretizer = None

    def discretize(self, X, y):
        '''Discretize the features specified in self.discretized_features
        if self.verbose:
            print("Discretizing ", self.discretized_features, "...")
        D = pd.DataFrame(np.hstack((X, np.expand_dims(y, axis=1))), columns=list(self.feature_labels) + ["y"])
        self.discretizer = MDLPDiscretizer(dataset=D, class_label="y", features=self.discretized_features)

        cat_data = pd.DataFrame(np.zeros_like(X))
        for i in range(len(self.feature_labels)):
            label = self.feature_labels[i]
            if label in self.discretized_features:
                new_column = label + " : " + self.discretizer._data[label].astype(str)
                cat_data.iloc[:, i] = new_column
                cat_data.iloc[:, i] = D[label]

        return np.array(cat_data).tolist()

    def _encode_strings(self, X):
        # handle string data
        X_str_disc = pd.DataFrame([])
        for fi in range(X.shape[1]):
            if issubclass(type(X[0][fi]), str):
                new_columns = pd.get_dummies(X[:, fi])
                new_columns.columns = [self.feature_labels_original[fi] + '_' + value for value in new_columns.columns]
                new_columns_colon_format = new_columns.apply(lambda s: s.name + ' : ' + s.astype(str))
                X_str_disc = pd.concat([X_str_disc, new_columns_colon_format], axis=1)
                X_str_disc = pd.concat([X_str_disc, pd.Series(X[:, fi], name=self.feature_labels_original[fi])], axis=1)
        self.feature_labels = list(X_str_disc.columns)
        return X_str_disc.values

    def transform(self, X, return_onehot=True):

        if type(X) in [pd.DataFrame, pd.Series]:
            X = X.values

        if self.discretizer is None:
            return pd.DataFrame(X, columns=self.feature_labels_original)

        self.data = pd.DataFrame(self._encode_strings(X), columns=self.feature_labels)
        D = np.array(self.data)

        # prepend feature labels
        Dl = np.copy(D).astype(str).tolist()
        for i in range(len(Dl)):
            for j in range(len(Dl[0])):
                Dl[i][j] = self.feature_labels[j] + " : " + Dl[i][j]

        if not return_onehot:
            return Dl
            return self.get_onehot_df(Dl)

    def onehot_df(self):
        return self.get_onehot_df(self.discretized_X)

    def get_onehot_df(self, discretized_X):
        '''Create readable one-hot encoded DataFrame from discretized features
        data = list(discretized_X[:])

        X_colname_removed = data.copy()
        replace_str_entries_func = lambda s: s.split(' : ')[1] if type(s) is str else s
        for i in range(len(data)):
            X_colname_removed[i] = list(map(replace_str_entries_func, X_colname_removed[i]))

        X_df_categorical = pd.DataFrame(X_colname_removed, columns=self.feature_labels)
        X_df_onehot = pd.get_dummies(X_df_categorical)
        return X_df_onehot

    def data(self):
        return self.discretizer._data

    def data(self, value):
        self.discretizer._data = value

    def _apply_cutpoints(self):
        return self.discretizer._apply_cutpoints()


class BRLDiscretizer (feature_labels, verbose=False)
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class BRLDiscretizer:

    def __init__(self, feature_labels, verbose=False):
        self.feature_labels_original = feature_labels
        self.verbose = verbose

    def fit(self, X, y, undiscretized_features=[]):

        # check which features are numeric (to be discretized)
        self.discretized_features = []

        X_str_disc = self._encode_strings(X)

        for fi in range(X_str_disc.shape[1]):
            # if not string, has values other than 0 and 1, and not specified as undiscretized
            if (
                    isinstance(X_str_disc[0][fi], numbers.Number)
                    and (not set(np.unique(X_str_disc[:, fi])).issubset({0, 1}))
                    and (len(self.feature_labels) == 0 or
                         len(undiscretized_features) == 0 or
                         self.feature_labels[fi] not in undiscretized_features

        if len(self.discretized_features) > 0:
            if self.verbose:
                    "Warning: non-categorical data found. Trying to discretize. (Please convert categorical values to "
                    "strings, and/or specify the argument 'undiscretized_features', to avoid this.)")
            X_str_and_num_disc = self.discretize(X_str_disc, y)

            self.discretized_X = X_str_and_num_disc
            self.discretizer = None

    def discretize(self, X, y):
        '''Discretize the features specified in self.discretized_features
        if self.verbose:
            print("Discretizing ", self.discretized_features, "...")
        D = pd.DataFrame(np.hstack((X, np.expand_dims(y, axis=1))), columns=list(self.feature_labels) + ["y"])
        self.discretizer = MDLPDiscretizer(dataset=D, class_label="y", features=self.discretized_features)

        cat_data = pd.DataFrame(np.zeros_like(X))
        for i in range(len(self.feature_labels)):
            label = self.feature_labels[i]
            if label in self.discretized_features:
                new_column = label + " : " + self.discretizer._data[label].astype(str)
                cat_data.iloc[:, i] = new_column
                cat_data.iloc[:, i] = D[label]

        return np.array(cat_data).tolist()

    def _encode_strings(self, X):
        # handle string data
        X_str_disc = pd.DataFrame([])
        for fi in range(X.shape[1]):
            if issubclass(type(X[0][fi]), str):
                new_columns = pd.get_dummies(X[:, fi])
                new_columns.columns = [self.feature_labels_original[fi] + '_' + value for value in new_columns.columns]
                new_columns_colon_format = new_columns.apply(lambda s: s.name + ' : ' + s.astype(str))
                X_str_disc = pd.concat([X_str_disc, new_columns_colon_format], axis=1)
                X_str_disc = pd.concat([X_str_disc, pd.Series(X[:, fi], name=self.feature_labels_original[fi])], axis=1)
        self.feature_labels = list(X_str_disc.columns)
        return X_str_disc.values

    def transform(self, X, return_onehot=True):

        if type(X) in [pd.DataFrame, pd.Series]:
            X = X.values

        if self.discretizer is None:
            return pd.DataFrame(X, columns=self.feature_labels_original)

        self.data = pd.DataFrame(self._encode_strings(X), columns=self.feature_labels)
        D = np.array(self.data)

        # prepend feature labels
        Dl = np.copy(D).astype(str).tolist()
        for i in range(len(Dl)):
            for j in range(len(Dl[0])):
                Dl[i][j] = self.feature_labels[j] + " : " + Dl[i][j]

        if not return_onehot:
            return Dl
            return self.get_onehot_df(Dl)

    def onehot_df(self):
        return self.get_onehot_df(self.discretized_X)

    def get_onehot_df(self, discretized_X):
        '''Create readable one-hot encoded DataFrame from discretized features
        data = list(discretized_X[:])

        X_colname_removed = data.copy()
        replace_str_entries_func = lambda s: s.split(' : ')[1] if type(s) is str else s
        for i in range(len(data)):
            X_colname_removed[i] = list(map(replace_str_entries_func, X_colname_removed[i]))

        X_df_categorical = pd.DataFrame(X_colname_removed, columns=self.feature_labels)
        X_df_onehot = pd.get_dummies(X_df_categorical)
        return X_df_onehot

    def data(self):
        return self.discretizer._data

    def data(self, value):
        self.discretizer._data = value

    def _apply_cutpoints(self):
        return self.discretizer._apply_cutpoints()

Instance variables

var data
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def data(self):
    return self.discretizer._data
var onehot_df
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def onehot_df(self):
    return self.get_onehot_df(self.discretized_X)


def discretize(self, X, y)

Discretize the features specified in self.discretized_features

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def discretize(self, X, y):
    '''Discretize the features specified in self.discretized_features
    if self.verbose:
        print("Discretizing ", self.discretized_features, "...")
    D = pd.DataFrame(np.hstack((X, np.expand_dims(y, axis=1))), columns=list(self.feature_labels) + ["y"])
    self.discretizer = MDLPDiscretizer(dataset=D, class_label="y", features=self.discretized_features)

    cat_data = pd.DataFrame(np.zeros_like(X))
    for i in range(len(self.feature_labels)):
        label = self.feature_labels[i]
        if label in self.discretized_features:
            new_column = label + " : " + self.discretizer._data[label].astype(str)
            cat_data.iloc[:, i] = new_column
            cat_data.iloc[:, i] = D[label]

    return np.array(cat_data).tolist()
def fit(self, X, y, undiscretized_features=[])
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def fit(self, X, y, undiscretized_features=[]):

    # check which features are numeric (to be discretized)
    self.discretized_features = []

    X_str_disc = self._encode_strings(X)

    for fi in range(X_str_disc.shape[1]):
        # if not string, has values other than 0 and 1, and not specified as undiscretized
        if (
                isinstance(X_str_disc[0][fi], numbers.Number)
                and (not set(np.unique(X_str_disc[:, fi])).issubset({0, 1}))
                and (len(self.feature_labels) == 0 or
                     len(undiscretized_features) == 0 or
                     self.feature_labels[fi] not in undiscretized_features

    if len(self.discretized_features) > 0:
        if self.verbose:
                "Warning: non-categorical data found. Trying to discretize. (Please convert categorical values to "
                "strings, and/or specify the argument 'undiscretized_features', to avoid this.)")
        X_str_and_num_disc = self.discretize(X_str_disc, y)

        self.discretized_X = X_str_and_num_disc
        self.discretizer = None
def get_onehot_df(self, discretized_X)

Create readable one-hot encoded DataFrame from discretized features

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def get_onehot_df(self, discretized_X):
    '''Create readable one-hot encoded DataFrame from discretized features
    data = list(discretized_X[:])

    X_colname_removed = data.copy()
    replace_str_entries_func = lambda s: s.split(' : ')[1] if type(s) is str else s
    for i in range(len(data)):
        X_colname_removed[i] = list(map(replace_str_entries_func, X_colname_removed[i]))

    X_df_categorical = pd.DataFrame(X_colname_removed, columns=self.feature_labels)
    X_df_onehot = pd.get_dummies(X_df_categorical)
    return X_df_onehot
def transform(self, X, return_onehot=True)
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def transform(self, X, return_onehot=True):

    if type(X) in [pd.DataFrame, pd.Series]:
        X = X.values

    if self.discretizer is None:
        return pd.DataFrame(X, columns=self.feature_labels_original)

    self.data = pd.DataFrame(self._encode_strings(X), columns=self.feature_labels)
    D = np.array(self.data)

    # prepend feature labels
    Dl = np.copy(D).astype(str).tolist()
    for i in range(len(Dl)):
        for j in range(len(Dl[0])):
            Dl[i][j] = self.feature_labels[j] + " : " + Dl[i][j]

    if not return_onehot:
        return Dl
        return self.get_onehot_df(Dl)
class MDLPDiscretizer (dataset, class_label, out_path_data=None, out_path_bins=None, features=None)

initializes discretizer object: saves raw copy of data and creates self._data with only features to discretize and class computes initial entropy (before any splitting) self._features = features to be discretized self._classes = unique classes in raw_data self._class_name = label of class in pandas dataframe self._data = partition of data with only features of interest and class self._cuts = dictionary with cut points for each feature


dataset pandas dataframe with data to discretize class_label name of the column containing class in input dataframe features if !None, features that the user wants to discretize specifically

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class MDLPDiscretizer(object):
    def __init__(self, dataset, class_label, out_path_data=None, out_path_bins=None, features=None):
        initializes discretizer object:
            saves raw copy of data and creates self._data with only features to discretize and class
            computes initial entropy (before any splitting)
            self._features = features to be discretized
            self._classes = unique classes in raw_data
            self._class_name = label of class in pandas dataframe
            self._data = partition of data with only features of interest and class
            self._cuts = dictionary with cut points for each feature

            pandas dataframe with data to discretize
            name of the column containing class in input dataframe
            if !None, features that the user wants to discretize specifically

        if not isinstance(dataset, pd.core.frame.DataFrame):  # class needs a pandas dataframe
            raise AttributeError('input dataset should be a pandas data frame')

        self._data_raw = dataset  # copy or original input data

        self._class_name = class_label

        self._classes = self._data_raw[self._class_name]  # .unique()

        # if user specifies which attributes to discretize
        if features:
            self._features = [f for f in features if f in self._data_raw.columns]  # check if features in dataframe
            missing = set(features) - set(self._features)  # specified columns not in dataframe
            if missing:
                print('WARNING: user-specified features %s not in input dataframe' % str(missing))
        else:  # then we need to recognize which features are numeric
            numeric_cols = self._data_raw._data.get_numeric_data().items
            self._features = [f for f in numeric_cols if f != class_label]
        # other features that won't be discretized
        self._ignored_features = set(self._data_raw.columns) - set(self._features)

        # create copy of data only including features to discretize and class
        self._data = self._data_raw.loc[:, self._features + [class_label]]
        self._data = self._data.infer_objects()  # convert_objects(convert_numeric=True)
        # pre-compute all boundary points in dataset
        self._boundaries = self._compute_boundary_points_all_features()
        # initialize feature bins with empty arrays
        self._cuts = {f: [] for f in self._features}
        # get cuts for all features
        # discretize self._data
        self._apply_cutpoints(out_data_path=out_path_data, out_bins_path=out_path_bins)

    def MDLPC_criterion(self, data, feature, cut_point):
        Determines whether a partition is accepted according to the MDLPC criterion
        :param feature: feature of interest
        :param cut_point: proposed cut_point
        :param partition_index: index of the sample (dataframe partition) in the interval of interest
        :return: True/False, whether to accept the partition
        # get dataframe only with desired attribute and class columns, and split by cut_point
        data_partition = data.copy(deep=True)
        data_left = data_partition[data_partition[feature] <= cut_point]
        data_right = data_partition[data_partition[feature] > cut_point]

        # compute information gain obtained when splitting data at cut_point
        cut_point_gain = cut_point_information_gain(dataset=data_partition, cut_point=cut_point,
                                                    feature_label=feature, class_label=self._class_name)
        # compute delta term in MDLPC criterion
        N = len(data_partition)  # number of examples in current partition
        partition_entropy = entropy(data_partition[self._class_name])
        k = len(data_partition[self._class_name].unique())
        k_left = len(data_left[self._class_name].unique())
        k_right = len(data_right[self._class_name].unique())
        entropy_left = entropy(data_left[self._class_name])  # entropy of partition
        entropy_right = entropy(data_right[self._class_name])
        delta = log(3 ** k, 2) - (k * partition_entropy) + (k_left * entropy_left) + (k_right * entropy_right)

        # to split or not to split
        gain_threshold = (log(N - 1, 2) + delta) / N

        if cut_point_gain > gain_threshold:
            return True
            return False

    def _feature_boundary_points(self, data, feature):
        Given an attribute, find all potential cut_points (boundary points)
        :param feature: feature of interest
        :param partition_index: indices of rows for which feature value falls within interval of interest
        :return: array with potential cut_points
        # get dataframe with only rows of interest, and feature and class columns
        data_partition = data.copy(deep=True)
        data_partition.sort_values(feature, ascending=True, inplace=True)

        boundary_points = []

        # add temporary columns
        data_partition['class_offset'] = data_partition[self._class_name].shift(
            1)  # column where first value is now second, and so forth
        data_partition['feature_offset'] = data_partition[feature].shift(
            1)  # column where first value is now second, and so forth
        data_partition['feature_change'] = (data_partition[feature] != data_partition['feature_offset'])
        data_partition['mid_points'] = data_partition.loc[:, [feature, 'feature_offset']].mean(axis=1)

        potential_cuts = data_partition[data_partition['feature_change'] == True].index[1:]
        sorted_index = data_partition.index.tolist()

        for row in potential_cuts:
            old_value = data_partition.loc[sorted_index[sorted_index.index(row) - 1]][feature]
            new_value = data_partition.loc[row][feature]
            old_classes = data_partition[data_partition[feature] == old_value][self._class_name].unique()
            new_classes = data_partition[data_partition[feature] == new_value][self._class_name].unique()
            if len(set.union(set(old_classes), set(new_classes))) > 1:
                boundary_points += [data_partition.loc[row]['mid_points']]

        return set(boundary_points)

    def _compute_boundary_points_all_features(self):
        Computes all possible boundary points for each attribute in self._features (features to discretize)
        boundaries = {}
        for attr in self._features:
            data_partition = self._data.loc[:, [attr, self._class_name]]
            boundaries[attr] = self._feature_boundary_points(data=data_partition, feature=attr)
        return boundaries

    def _boundaries_in_partition(self, data, feature):
        From the collection of all cut points for all features, find cut points that fall within a feature-partition's
        attribute-values' range
        :param data: data partition (pandas dataframe)
        :param feature: attribute of interest
        :return: points within feature's range
        range_min, range_max = (data[feature].min(), data[feature].max())
        return set([x for x in self._boundaries[feature] if (x > range_min) and (x < range_max)])

    def _best_cut_point(self, data, feature):
        Selects the best cut point for a feature in a data partition based on information gain
        :param data: data partition (pandas dataframe)
        :param feature: target attribute
        :return: value of cut point with highest information gain (if many, picks first). None if no candidates
        candidates = self._boundaries_in_partition(data=data, feature=feature)
        # candidates = self.feature_boundary_points(data=data, feature=feature)
        if not candidates:
            return None
        gains = [(cut, cut_point_information_gain(dataset=data, cut_point=cut, feature_label=feature,
                                                  class_label=self._class_name)) for cut in candidates]
        gains = sorted(gains, key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)

        return gains[0][0]  # return cut point

    def _single_feature_accepted_cutpoints(self, feature, partition_index=pd.DataFrame().index):
        Computes the cuts for binning a feature according to the MDLP criterion
        :param feature: attribute of interest
        :param partition_index: index of examples in data partition for which cuts are required
        :return: list of cuts for binning feature in partition covered by partition_index
        if partition_index.size == 0:
            partition_index = self._data.index  # if not specified, full sample to be considered for partition

        data_partition = self._data.loc[partition_index, [feature, self._class_name]]

        # exclude missing data:
        if data_partition[feature].isnull().values.any:
            data_partition = data_partition[~data_partition[feature].isnull()]

        # stop if constant or null feature values
        if len(data_partition[feature].unique()) < 2:
        # determine whether to cut and where
        cut_candidate = self._best_cut_point(data=data_partition, feature=feature)
        if cut_candidate == None:
        decision = self.MDLPC_criterion(data=data_partition, feature=feature, cut_point=cut_candidate)

        # apply decision
        if not decision:
            return  # if partition wasn't accepted, there's nothing else to do
        if decision:
            # try:
            # now we have two new partitions that need to be examined
            left_partition = data_partition[data_partition[feature] <= cut_candidate]
            right_partition = data_partition[data_partition[feature] > cut_candidate]
            if left_partition.empty or right_partition.empty:
                return  # extreme point selected, don't partition
            self._cuts[feature] += [cut_candidate]  # accept partition
            self._single_feature_accepted_cutpoints(feature=feature, partition_index=left_partition.index)
            self._single_feature_accepted_cutpoints(feature=feature, partition_index=right_partition.index)
            # order cutpoints in ascending order
            self._cuts[feature] = sorted(self._cuts[feature])

    def _all_features_accepted_cutpoints(self):
        Computes cut points for all numeric features (the ones in self._features)
        for attr in self._features:

    def _apply_cutpoints(self, out_data_path=None, out_bins_path=None):
        Discretizes data by applying bins according to self._cuts. Saves a new, discretized file, and a description of
        the bins
        :param out_data_path: path to save discretized data
        :param out_bins_path: path to save bins description
        bin_label_collection = {}
        for attr in self._features:
            if len(self._cuts[attr]) == 0:
                self._data[attr] = 'All'
                bin_label_collection[attr] = ['All']
                cuts = [-np.inf] + self._cuts[attr] + [np.inf]
                start_bin_indices = range(0, len(cuts) - 1)
                bin_labels = ['%s_to_%s' % (str(cuts[i]), str(cuts[i + 1])) for i in start_bin_indices]
                bin_label_collection[attr] = bin_labels
                self._data[attr] = pd.cut(x=self._data[attr].values, bins=cuts, right=False, labels=bin_labels,
                                          precision=6, include_lowest=True)

        # reconstitute full data, now discretized
        if self._ignored_features:
            to_return = pd.concat([self._data, self._data_raw[list(self._ignored_features)]], axis=1)
            to_return = to_return[self._data_raw.columns]  # sort columns so they have the original order
            to_return = self._data

        # save data as csv
        if out_data_path:
        # save bins description
        if out_bins_path:
            with open(out_bins_path, 'w') as bins_file:
                print('Description of bins in file: %s' % out_data_path, file=bins_file)
                #                 print(>>bins_file, 'Description of bins in file: %s' % out_data_path)
                for attr in self._features:
                    print('attr: %s\n\t%s' % (attr, ', '.join([bin_label for bin_label in bin_label_collection[attr]])),


def MDLPC_criterion(self, data, feature, cut_point)

Determines whether a partition is accepted according to the MDLPC criterion :param feature: feature of interest :param cut_point: proposed cut_point :param partition_index: index of the sample (dataframe partition) in the interval of interest :return: True/False, whether to accept the partition

Expand source code
def MDLPC_criterion(self, data, feature, cut_point):
    Determines whether a partition is accepted according to the MDLPC criterion
    :param feature: feature of interest
    :param cut_point: proposed cut_point
    :param partition_index: index of the sample (dataframe partition) in the interval of interest
    :return: True/False, whether to accept the partition
    # get dataframe only with desired attribute and class columns, and split by cut_point
    data_partition = data.copy(deep=True)
    data_left = data_partition[data_partition[feature] <= cut_point]
    data_right = data_partition[data_partition[feature] > cut_point]

    # compute information gain obtained when splitting data at cut_point
    cut_point_gain = cut_point_information_gain(dataset=data_partition, cut_point=cut_point,
                                                feature_label=feature, class_label=self._class_name)
    # compute delta term in MDLPC criterion
    N = len(data_partition)  # number of examples in current partition
    partition_entropy = entropy(data_partition[self._class_name])
    k = len(data_partition[self._class_name].unique())
    k_left = len(data_left[self._class_name].unique())
    k_right = len(data_right[self._class_name].unique())
    entropy_left = entropy(data_left[self._class_name])  # entropy of partition
    entropy_right = entropy(data_right[self._class_name])
    delta = log(3 ** k, 2) - (k * partition_entropy) + (k_left * entropy_left) + (k_right * entropy_right)

    # to split or not to split
    gain_threshold = (log(N - 1, 2) + delta) / N

    if cut_point_gain > gain_threshold:
        return True
        return False