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from typing import Callable, Generator, Text, Tuple

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from ..model import Model
from ..samplers.leafnode import LeafNodeSampler
from ..samplers.sigma import SigmaSampler
from ..samplers.treemutation import TreeMutationSampler

class SampleSchedule:
    The SampleSchedule class is responsible for handling the ordering of sampling within a Gibbs step
    It is useful to encapsulate this logic if we wish to expand the model

    tree_sampler: TreeMutationSampler
        How to sample tree mutation space
    leaf_sampler: LeafNodeSampler
        How to sample leaf node predictions
    sigma_sampler: SigmaSampler
        How to sample sigma values

    def __init__(self,
                 tree_sampler: TreeMutationSampler,
                 leaf_sampler: LeafNodeSampler,
                 sigma_sampler: SigmaSampler):
        self.leaf_sampler = leaf_sampler
        self.sigma_sampler = sigma_sampler
        self.tree_sampler = tree_sampler

    def steps(self, model: Model) -> Generator[Tuple[Text, Callable[[], float]], None, None]:
        Create a generator of the steps that need to be called to complete a full Gibbs sample

        model: Model
            The model being sampled

        Generator[Callable[[Model], Sampler], None, None]
            A generator a function to be called
        for tree in model.refreshed_trees():
            yield "Tree", lambda: self.tree_sampler.step(model, tree)

            for leaf_node in tree.leaf_nodes:
                yield "Node", lambda: self.leaf_sampler.step(model, leaf_node)
        yield "Node", lambda: self.sigma_sampler.step(model, model.sigma)


class SampleSchedule (tree_sampler: TreeMutationSampler, leaf_sampler: LeafNodeSampler, sigma_sampler: SigmaSampler)

The SampleSchedule class is responsible for handling the ordering of sampling within a Gibbs step It is useful to encapsulate this logic if we wish to expand the model


tree_sampler : TreeMutationSampler
How to sample tree mutation space
leaf_sampler : LeafNodeSampler
How to sample leaf node predictions
sigma_sampler : SigmaSampler
How to sample sigma values
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class SampleSchedule:
    The SampleSchedule class is responsible for handling the ordering of sampling within a Gibbs step
    It is useful to encapsulate this logic if we wish to expand the model

    tree_sampler: TreeMutationSampler
        How to sample tree mutation space
    leaf_sampler: LeafNodeSampler
        How to sample leaf node predictions
    sigma_sampler: SigmaSampler
        How to sample sigma values

    def __init__(self,
                 tree_sampler: TreeMutationSampler,
                 leaf_sampler: LeafNodeSampler,
                 sigma_sampler: SigmaSampler):
        self.leaf_sampler = leaf_sampler
        self.sigma_sampler = sigma_sampler
        self.tree_sampler = tree_sampler

    def steps(self, model: Model) -> Generator[Tuple[Text, Callable[[], float]], None, None]:
        Create a generator of the steps that need to be called to complete a full Gibbs sample

        model: Model
            The model being sampled

        Generator[Callable[[Model], Sampler], None, None]
            A generator a function to be called
        for tree in model.refreshed_trees():
            yield "Tree", lambda: self.tree_sampler.step(model, tree)

            for leaf_node in tree.leaf_nodes:
                yield "Node", lambda: self.leaf_sampler.step(model, leaf_node)
        yield "Node", lambda: self.sigma_sampler.step(model, model.sigma)


def steps(self, model: Model) ‑> Generator[Tuple[str, Callable[[], float]], None, None]

Create a generator of the steps that need to be called to complete a full Gibbs sample


model : Model
The model being sampled


Generator[Callable[[Model], Sampler], None, None]
A generator a function to be called
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def steps(self, model: Model) -> Generator[Tuple[Text, Callable[[], float]], None, None]:
    Create a generator of the steps that need to be called to complete a full Gibbs sample

    model: Model
        The model being sampled

    Generator[Callable[[Model], Sampler], None, None]
        A generator a function to be called
    for tree in model.refreshed_trees():
        yield "Tree", lambda: self.tree_sampler.step(model, tree)

        for leaf_node in tree.leaf_nodes:
            yield "Node", lambda: self.leaf_sampler.step(model, leaf_node)
    yield "Node", lambda: self.sigma_sampler.step(model, model.sigma)