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import copy
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
import warnings
from functools import partial

import numpy as np
import scipy as sp

from sklearn.linear_model import RidgeCV, Ridge, \
    LogisticRegression, HuberRegressor, Lasso
from sklearn.metrics import log_loss, mean_squared_error
from scipy.special import softmax

class PartialPredictionModelBase(ABC):
    An interface for partial prediction models, objects that make use of a
    block partitioned data object, fits a regression or classification model
    on all the data, and for each block k, applies the model on a modified copy
    of the data (by either imputing the mean of each feature in block k or
    imputing the mean of each feature not in block k.)

    estimator: scikit estimator object
        The regression or classification model used to obtain predictions.

    def __init__(self, estimator):
        self.estimator = copy.deepcopy(estimator)
        self.is_fitted = False

    def fit(self, X, y):
        Fit the partial prediction model.

        X: ndarray of shape (n_samples, n_features)
            The covariate matrix.
        y: ndarray of shape (n_samples, n_targets)
            The observed responses.
        self._fit_model(X, y)
        self.is_fitted = True

    def _fit_model(self, X, y):
        Fit the regression or classification model on all the data.

        X: ndarray of shape (n_samples, n_features)
            The covariate matrix.
        y: ndarray of shape (n_samples, n_targets)
            The observed responses.

    def predict(self, X):
        Make predictions on new data using the fitted model.

        X: ndarray of shape (n_samples, n_features)
            The covariate matrix, for which to make predictions.

    def predict_full(self, blocked_data):
        Make predictions using all the data based upon the fitted model.
        Used to make full predictions in MDI+.

        blocked_data: BlockPartitionedData object
            The block partitioned covariate data, for which to make predictions.

    def predict_partial_k(self, blocked_data, k, mode):
        Make predictions on modified copies of the data based on the fitted model,
        for a particular feature k of interest. Used to get partial predictions
        for feature k in MDI+.

        blocked_data: BlockPartitionedData object
            The block partitioned covariate data, for which to make predictions.
        k: int
            Index of feature in X of interest.
        mode: string in {"keep_k", "keep_rest"}
            Mode for the method. "keep_k" imputes the mean of each feature not
            in block k, "keep_rest" imputes the mean of each feature in block k

    def predict_partial(self, blocked_data, mode):
        Make predictions on modified copies of the data based on the fitted model,
        for each feature under study. Used to get partial predictions in MDI+.

        blocked_data: BlockPartitionedData object
            The block partitioned covariate data, for which to make predictions.
        mode: string in {"keep_k", "keep_rest"}
            Mode for the method. "keep_k" imputes the mean of each feature not
            in block k, "keep_rest" imputes the mean of each feature in block k

        List of length n_features of partial predictions for each feature.
        n_blocks = blocked_data.n_blocks
        partial_preds = {}
        for k in range(n_blocks):
            partial_preds[k] = self.predict_partial_k(blocked_data, k, mode)
        return partial_preds

class _GenericPPM(PartialPredictionModelBase, ABC):
    Partial prediction model for arbitrary estimators. May be slow.

    def __init__(self, estimator):

    def _fit_model(self, X, y):
        self.estimator.fit(X, y)

    def predict(self, X):
        return self.estimator.predict(X)

    def predict_full(self, blocked_data):
        return self.predict(blocked_data.get_all_data())

    def predict_partial_k(self, blocked_data, k, mode):
        modified_data = blocked_data.get_modified_data(k, mode)
        return self.predict(modified_data)

class GenericRegressorPPM(_GenericPPM, PartialPredictionModelBase, ABC):
    Partial prediction model for arbitrary regression estimators. May be slow.

class GenericClassifierPPM(_GenericPPM, PartialPredictionModelBase, ABC):
    Partial prediction model for arbitrary classification estimators. May be slow.

    def predict_proba(self, X):
        return self.estimator.predict_proba(X)

    def predict_partial_k(self, blocked_data, k, mode):
        modified_data = blocked_data.get_modified_data(k, mode)
        return self.predict_proba(modified_data)

class _GlmPPM(PartialPredictionModelBase, ABC):
    PPM class for GLM estimator. The GLM estimator is assumed to have a single
    regularization hyperparameter accessible as a named attribute called either
    "alpha" or "C". When fitting, the PPM class will select this hyperparameter
    using efficient approximate leave-one-out calculations.

    estimator: scikit estimator object
        The regression or classification model used to obtain predictions.
    loo: bool
        Flag for whether to also use LOO calculations for making predictions.
    alpha_grid: ndarray of shape (n_alphas, )
        The grid of alpha values for hyperparameter optimization.
    inv_link_fn: function
        The inverse of the GLM link function.
    l_dot: function
        The first derivative of the log likelihood (with respect to the linear
        predictor), as a function of the linear predictor and the response y.
    l_doubledot: function
        The second derivative of the log likelihood (with respect to the linear
        predictor), as a function of the linear predictor and the true response
    r_doubledot: function
        The second derivative of the regularizer with respect to each
        coefficient. We assume that the regularizer is separable and symmetric
        with respect to the coefficients.
    hyperparameter_scorer: function
        The function used to evaluate different hyperparameter values.
        Typically, this is the loglikelihood as a function of the linear
        predictor and the true response y.
    trim: float
        The amount by which to trim predicted probabilities away from 0 and 1.
        This helps to stabilize some loss calculations.
    gcv_mode: string in {"auto", "svd", "eigen"}
        Flag indicating which strategy to use when performing leave-one-out
        cross-validation for ridge regression, if applicable.
        See gcv_mode in sklearn.linear_model.RidgeCV for details.

    def __init__(self, estimator, loo=True, alpha_grid=np.logspace(-4, 4, 10),
                 inv_link_fn=lambda a: a, l_dot=lambda a, b: b - a,
                 l_doubledot=lambda a, b: 1, r_doubledot=lambda a: 1,
                 trim=None, gcv_mode='auto'):
        self.loo = loo
        self.alpha_grid = alpha_grid
        self.inv_link_fn = inv_link_fn
        self.l_dot = l_dot
        self.l_doubledot = l_doubledot
        self.r_doubledot = r_doubledot
        self.trim = trim
        self.gcv_mode = gcv_mode
        self.hyperparameter_scorer = hyperparameter_scorer
        self.alpha_ = {}
        self.loo_coefficients_ = {}
        self.coefficients_ = {}
        self._intercept_pred = None

    def _fit_model(self, X, y):
        y_train = copy.deepcopy(y)
        if y_train.ndim == 1:
            y_train = y_train.reshape(-1, 1)
        self._n_outputs = y_train.shape[1]
        for j in range(self._n_outputs):
            yj = y_train[:, j]
            # Compute regularization hyperparameter using approximate LOOCV
            if isinstance(self.estimator, Ridge):
                cv = RidgeCV(alphas=self.alpha_grid, gcv_mode=self.gcv_mode)
                cv.fit(X, yj)
                self.alpha_[j] = cv.alpha_
                self.alpha_[j] = self._get_aloocv_alpha(X, yj)
            # Fit the model on the training set and compute the coefficients
            if self.loo:
                self.loo_coefficients_[j] = \
                    self._fit_loo_coefficients(X, yj, self.alpha_[j])
                self.coefficients_[j] = _extract_coef_and_intercept(self.estimator)
                self.coefficients_[j] = \
                    self._fit_coefficients(X, yj, self.alpha_[j])

    def predict(self, X):
        preds_list = []
        for j in range(self._n_outputs):
            preds_j = _get_preds(X, self.coefficients_[j], self.inv_link_fn)
        if self._n_outputs == 1:
            preds = preds_list[0]
            preds = np.stack(preds_list, axis=1)
        return _trim_values(preds, self.trim)

    def predict_loo(self, X):
        preds_list = []
        for j in range(self._n_outputs):
            if self.loo:
                preds_j = _get_preds(X, self.loo_coefficients_[j], self.inv_link_fn)
                preds_j = _get_preds(X, self.coefficients_[j], self.inv_link_fn)
        if self._n_outputs == 1:
            preds = preds_list[0]
            preds = np.stack(preds_list, axis=1)
        return _trim_values(preds, self.trim)

    def predict_full(self, blocked_data):
        return self.predict_loo(blocked_data.get_all_data())

    def predict_partial_k(self, blocked_data, k, mode):
        assert mode in ["keep_k", "keep_rest"]
        if mode == "keep_k":
            block_indices = blocked_data.get_block_indices(k)
            data_block = blocked_data.get_block(k)
        elif mode == "keep_rest":
            block_indices = blocked_data.get_all_except_block_indices(k)
            data_block = blocked_data.get_all_except_block(k)
        if len(block_indices) == 0:  # If empty block
            return self.intercept_pred
            partial_preds_list = []
            for j in range(self._n_outputs):
                if self.loo:
                    coefs = self.loo_coefficients_[j][:, block_indices]
                    intercept = self.loo_coefficients_[j][:, -1]
                    coefs = self.coefficients_[j][block_indices]
                    intercept = self.coefficients_[j][-1]
                partial_preds_j = _get_preds(
                    data_block, coefs, self.inv_link_fn, intercept
            if self._n_outputs == 1:
                partial_preds = partial_preds_list[0]
                partial_preds = np.stack(partial_preds_list, axis=1)
            return _trim_values(partial_preds, self.trim)

    def intercept_pred(self):
        if self._intercept_pred is None:
            self._intercept_pred = np.array([
                _trim_values(self.inv_link_fn(self.coefficients_[j][-1]), self.trim) \
                for j in range(self._n_outputs)
        return ("constant_model", self._intercept_pred)

    def _fit_coefficients(self, X, y, alpha):
        _set_alpha(self.estimator, alpha)
        self.estimator.fit(X, y)
        return _extract_coef_and_intercept(self.estimator)

    def _fit_loo_coefficients(self, X, y, alpha, max_h=1-1e-4):
        Get the coefficient (and intercept) for each LOO model. Since we fit
        one model for each sample, this gives an ndarray of shape (n_samples,
        n_features + 1)
        orig_coef_ = self._fit_coefficients(X, y, alpha)
        X1 = np.hstack([X, np.ones((X.shape[0], 1))])
        orig_preds = _get_preds(X, orig_coef_, self.inv_link_fn)
        support_idxs = orig_coef_ != 0
        if not any(support_idxs):
            return orig_coef_ * np.ones_like(X1)
        X1 = X1[:, support_idxs]
        orig_coef_ = orig_coef_[support_idxs]
        l_doubledot_vals = self.l_doubledot(y, orig_preds)
        J = X1.T * l_doubledot_vals @ X1
        if self.r_doubledot is not None:
            r_doubledot_vals = self.r_doubledot(orig_coef_) * \
            r_doubledot_vals[-1] = 0 # Do not penalize constant term
            reg_curvature = np.diag(r_doubledot_vals)
            J += alpha * reg_curvature
        normal_eqn_mat = np.linalg.inv(J) @ X1.T
        h_vals = np.sum(X1.T * normal_eqn_mat, axis=0) * l_doubledot_vals
        h_vals[h_vals == 1] = max_h
        loo_coef_ = orig_coef_[:, np.newaxis] + \
                    normal_eqn_mat * self.l_dot(y, orig_preds) / (1 - h_vals)
        if not all(support_idxs):
            loo_coef_dense_ = np.zeros((X.shape[1] + 1, X.shape[0]))
            loo_coef_dense_[support_idxs, :] = loo_coef_
            loo_coef_ = loo_coef_dense_
        return loo_coef_.T

    def _get_aloocv_alpha(self, X, y):
        cv_scores = np.zeros_like(self.alpha_grid)
        for i, alpha in enumerate(self.alpha_grid):
            loo_coef_ = self._fit_loo_coefficients(X, y, alpha)
            X1 = np.hstack([X, np.ones((X.shape[0], 1))])
            sample_scores = np.sum(loo_coef_ * X1, axis=1)
            preds = _trim_values(self.inv_link_fn(sample_scores), self.trim)
            cv_scores[i] = self.hyperparameter_scorer(y, preds)
        return self.alpha_grid[np.argmin(cv_scores)]

class GlmRegressorPPM(_GlmPPM, PartialPredictionModelBase, ABC):
    PPM class for GLM regression estimator.

class GlmClassifierPPM(_GlmPPM, PartialPredictionModelBase, ABC):
    PPM class for GLM classification estimator.

    def predict_proba(self, X):
        probs = self.predict(X)
        if probs.ndim == 1:
            probs = np.stack([1 - probs, probs], axis=1)
        return probs

    def predict_proba_loo(self, X):
        probs = self.predict_loo(X)
        if probs.ndim == 1:
            probs = np.stack([1 - probs, probs], axis=1)
        return probs

class _RidgePPM(_GlmPPM, PartialPredictionModelBase, ABC):
    PPM class that uses ridge as the estimator.

    loo: bool
        Flag for whether to also use LOO calculations for making predictions.
    alpha_grid: ndarray of shape (n_alphas, )
        The grid of alpha values for hyperparameter optimization.
    gcv_mode: string in {"auto", "svd", "eigen"}
        Flag indicating which strategy to use when performing leave-one-out
        cross-validation for ridge regression.
        See gcv_mode in sklearn.linear_model.RidgeCV for details.
        Other Parameters are passed on to Ridge().

    def __init__(self, loo=True, alpha_grid=np.logspace(-5, 5, 100),
                 gcv_mode='auto', **kwargs):
        super().__init__(Ridge(**kwargs), loo, alpha_grid, gcv_mode=gcv_mode)

    def set_alphas(self, alphas="default", blocked_data=None, y=None):
        full_data = blocked_data.get_all_data()
        if alphas == "default":
            alphas = get_alpha_grid(full_data, y)
            alphas = alphas
        self.alpha_grid = alphas

class RidgeRegressorPPM(_RidgePPM, GlmRegressorPPM,
                        PartialPredictionModelBase, ABC):
    PPM class for regression that uses ridge as the GLM estimator.

class RidgeClassifierPPM(_RidgePPM, GlmClassifierPPM,
                         PartialPredictionModelBase, ABC):
    PPM class for classification that uses ridge as the GLM estimator.

    def predict_proba(self, X):
        probs = softmax(self.predict(X))
        if probs.ndim == 1:
            probs = np.stack([1 - probs, probs], axis=1)
        return probs

    def predict_proba_loo(self, X):
        probs = softmax(self.predict_loo(X))
        if probs.ndim == 1:
            probs = np.stack([1 - probs, probs], axis=1)
        return probs

class LogisticClassifierPPM(GlmClassifierPPM, PartialPredictionModelBase, ABC):
    PPM class for classification that uses logistic regression as the estimator.

    loo: bool
        Flag for whether to also use LOO calculations for making predictions.
    alpha_grid: ndarray of shape (n_alphas, )
        The grid of alpha values for hyperparameter optimization.
    max_iter: int
        The maximum number of iterations for the LogisticRegression solver.
    trim: float
        The amount by which to trim predicted probabilities away from 0 and 1.
        This helps to stabilize some loss calculations.
        Other Parameters are passed on to LogisticRegression().

    def __init__(self, loo=True, alpha_grid=np.logspace(-2, 3, 25),
                 penalty='l2', max_iter=1000, trim=0.01, **kwargs):
        assert penalty in ['l2', 'l1']
        if penalty == 'l2':
            r_doubledot = lambda a: 1
        elif penalty == 'l1':
            r_doubledot = None
        super().__init__(LogisticRegression(penalty=penalty, max_iter=max_iter, **kwargs),
                         loo, alpha_grid,
                         l_doubledot=lambda a, b: b * (1 - b),

class RobustRegressorPPM(GlmRegressorPPM, PartialPredictionModelBase, ABC):
    PPM class for regression that uses Huber robust regression as the estimator.

    loo: bool
        Flag for whether to also use LOO calculations for making predictions.
    alpha_grid: ndarray of shape (n_alphas, )
        The grid of alpha values for hyperparameter optimization.
    epsilon: float
        The robustness parameter for Huber regression. The smaller the epsilon,
        the more robust it is to outliers. Epsilon must be in the range
        [1, inf).
        Other Parameters are passed on to LogisticRegression().
    def __init__(self, loo=True, alpha_grid=np.logspace(-2, 3, 25),
                 epsilon=1.35, max_iter=2000, **kwargs):
        loss_fn = partial(huber_loss, epsilon=epsilon)
        l_dot = lambda a, b: (b - a) / (1 + ((a - b) / epsilon) ** 2) ** 0.5
        l_doubledot=lambda a, b: (1 + (((a - b) / epsilon) ** 2)) ** (-1.5)
            HuberRegressor(max_iter=max_iter, **kwargs), loo, alpha_grid,

class LassoRegressorPPM(GlmRegressorPPM, PartialPredictionModelBase, ABC):
    PPM class for regression that uses lasso as the estimator.

    loo: bool
        Flag for whether to also use LOO calculations for making predictions.
    alpha_grid: ndarray of shape (n_alphas, )
        The grid of alpha values for hyperparameter optimization.
        Other Parameters are passed on to Lasso().

    def __init__(self, loo=True, alpha_grid=np.logspace(-2, 3, 25), **kwargs):
        super().__init__(Lasso(**kwargs), loo, alpha_grid, r_doubledot=None)

def _trim_values(values, trim=None):
    if trim is not None:
        assert 0 < trim < 0.5, "Limit must be between 0 and 0.5"
        return np.clip(values, trim, 1 - trim)
        return values

def _extract_coef_and_intercept(estimator):
    Get the coefficient vector and intercept from a GLM estimator
    coef_ = estimator.coef_
    intercept_ = estimator.intercept_
    if coef_.ndim > 1:  # For classifer estimators
        coef_ = coef_.ravel()
        intercept_ = intercept_[0]
    augmented_coef_ = np.append(coef_, intercept_)
    return augmented_coef_

def _set_alpha(estimator, alpha):
    if hasattr(estimator, "alpha"):
    elif hasattr(estimator, "C"):
        warnings.warn("Estimator has no regularization parameter.")

def _get_preds(data_block, coefs, inv_link_fn, intercept=None):
    if coefs.ndim > 1: # LOO predictions
        if coefs.shape[1] == (data_block.shape[1] + 1):
            intercept = coefs[:, -1]
            coefs = coefs[:, :-1]
        lin_preds = np.sum(data_block * coefs, axis=1) + intercept
        if len(coefs) == (data_block.shape[1] + 1):
            intercept = coefs[-1]
            coefs = coefs[:-1]
        lin_preds = data_block @ coefs + intercept
    return inv_link_fn(lin_preds)

def huber_loss(y, preds, epsilon=1.35):
    Evaluates Huber loss function.

    y: array-like of shape (n,)
        Vector of observed responses.
    preds: array-like of shape (n,)
        Vector of estimated/predicted responses.
    epsilon: float
        Threshold, determining transition between squared
        and absolute loss in Huber loss function.

    Scalar value, quantifying the Huber loss. Lower loss
    indicates better fit.

    total_loss = 0
    for i in range(len(y)):
        sample_absolute_error = np.abs(y[i] - preds[i])
        if sample_absolute_error < epsilon:
            total_loss += 0.5 * ((y[i] - preds[i]) ** 2)
            sample_robust_loss = epsilon * sample_absolute_error - 0.5 * \
                                 epsilon ** 2
            total_loss += sample_robust_loss
    return total_loss / len(y)

def get_alpha_grid(X, y, start=-5, stop=5, num=100):
    X = X - X.mean(axis=0)
    y = y - y.mean(axis=0)
    sigma_sq_ = np.linalg.norm(y, axis=0) ** 2 / X.shape[0]
    X_var_ = np.linalg.norm(X, axis=0) ** 2
    alpha_opts_ = (X_var_[:, np.newaxis] / (X.T @ y)) ** 2 * sigma_sq_
    base = np.max(alpha_opts_)
    alphas = np.logspace(start, stop, num=num) * base
    return alphas


def get_alpha_grid(X, y, start=-5, stop=5, num=100)
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def get_alpha_grid(X, y, start=-5, stop=5, num=100):
    X = X - X.mean(axis=0)
    y = y - y.mean(axis=0)
    sigma_sq_ = np.linalg.norm(y, axis=0) ** 2 / X.shape[0]
    X_var_ = np.linalg.norm(X, axis=0) ** 2
    alpha_opts_ = (X_var_[:, np.newaxis] / (X.T @ y)) ** 2 * sigma_sq_
    base = np.max(alpha_opts_)
    alphas = np.logspace(start, stop, num=num) * base
    return alphas
def huber_loss(y, preds, epsilon=1.35)

Evaluates Huber loss function.


y : array-like of shape (n,)
Vector of observed responses.
preds : array-like of shape (n,)
Vector of estimated/predicted responses.
epsilon : float
Threshold, determining transition between squared and absolute loss in Huber loss function.


Scalar value, quantifying the Huber loss. Lower loss

indicates better fit.

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def huber_loss(y, preds, epsilon=1.35):
    Evaluates Huber loss function.

    y: array-like of shape (n,)
        Vector of observed responses.
    preds: array-like of shape (n,)
        Vector of estimated/predicted responses.
    epsilon: float
        Threshold, determining transition between squared
        and absolute loss in Huber loss function.

    Scalar value, quantifying the Huber loss. Lower loss
    indicates better fit.

    total_loss = 0
    for i in range(len(y)):
        sample_absolute_error = np.abs(y[i] - preds[i])
        if sample_absolute_error < epsilon:
            total_loss += 0.5 * ((y[i] - preds[i]) ** 2)
            sample_robust_loss = epsilon * sample_absolute_error - 0.5 * \
                                 epsilon ** 2
            total_loss += sample_robust_loss
    return total_loss / len(y)


class GenericClassifierPPM (estimator)

Partial prediction model for arbitrary classification estimators. May be slow.

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class GenericClassifierPPM(_GenericPPM, PartialPredictionModelBase, ABC):
    Partial prediction model for arbitrary classification estimators. May be slow.

    def predict_proba(self, X):
        return self.estimator.predict_proba(X)

    def predict_partial_k(self, blocked_data, k, mode):
        modified_data = blocked_data.get_modified_data(k, mode)
        return self.predict_proba(modified_data)



def predict_proba(self, X)
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def predict_proba(self, X):
    return self.estimator.predict_proba(X)

Inherited members

class GenericRegressorPPM (estimator)

Partial prediction model for arbitrary regression estimators. May be slow.

Expand source code
class GenericRegressorPPM(_GenericPPM, PartialPredictionModelBase, ABC):
    Partial prediction model for arbitrary regression estimators. May be slow.


Inherited members

class GlmClassifierPPM (estimator, loo=True, alpha_grid=array([1.00000000e-04, 7.74263683e-04, 5.99484250e-03, 4.64158883e-02, 3.59381366e-01, 2.78255940e+00, 2.15443469e+01, 1.66810054e+02, 1.29154967e+03, 1.00000000e+04]), inv_link_fn=<function _GlmPPM.<lambda>>, l_dot=<function _GlmPPM.<lambda>>, l_doubledot=<function _GlmPPM.<lambda>>, r_doubledot=<function _GlmPPM.<lambda>>, hyperparameter_scorer=<function mean_squared_error>, trim=None, gcv_mode='auto')

PPM class for GLM classification estimator.

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class GlmClassifierPPM(_GlmPPM, PartialPredictionModelBase, ABC):
    PPM class for GLM classification estimator.

    def predict_proba(self, X):
        probs = self.predict(X)
        if probs.ndim == 1:
            probs = np.stack([1 - probs, probs], axis=1)
        return probs

    def predict_proba_loo(self, X):
        probs = self.predict_loo(X)
        if probs.ndim == 1:
            probs = np.stack([1 - probs, probs], axis=1)
        return probs




def predict_proba(self, X)
Expand source code
def predict_proba(self, X):
    probs = self.predict(X)
    if probs.ndim == 1:
        probs = np.stack([1 - probs, probs], axis=1)
    return probs
def predict_proba_loo(self, X)
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def predict_proba_loo(self, X):
    probs = self.predict_loo(X)
    if probs.ndim == 1:
        probs = np.stack([1 - probs, probs], axis=1)
    return probs

Inherited members

class GlmRegressorPPM (estimator, loo=True, alpha_grid=array([1.00000000e-04, 7.74263683e-04, 5.99484250e-03, 4.64158883e-02, 3.59381366e-01, 2.78255940e+00, 2.15443469e+01, 1.66810054e+02, 1.29154967e+03, 1.00000000e+04]), inv_link_fn=<function _GlmPPM.<lambda>>, l_dot=<function _GlmPPM.<lambda>>, l_doubledot=<function _GlmPPM.<lambda>>, r_doubledot=<function _GlmPPM.<lambda>>, hyperparameter_scorer=<function mean_squared_error>, trim=None, gcv_mode='auto')

PPM class for GLM regression estimator.

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class GlmRegressorPPM(_GlmPPM, PartialPredictionModelBase, ABC):
    PPM class for GLM regression estimator.



Inherited members

class LassoRegressorPPM (loo=True, alpha_grid=array([1.00000000e-02, 1.61559810e-02, 2.61015722e-02, 4.21696503e-02, 6.81292069e-02, 1.10069417e-01, 1.77827941e-01, 2.87298483e-01, 4.64158883e-01, 7.49894209e-01, 1.21152766e+00, 1.95734178e+00, 3.16227766e+00, 5.10896977e+00, 8.25404185e+00, 1.33352143e+01, 2.15443469e+01, 3.48070059e+01, 5.62341325e+01, 9.08517576e+01, 1.46779927e+02, 2.37137371e+02, 3.83118685e+02, 6.18965819e+02, 1.00000000e+03]), **kwargs)

PPM class for regression that uses lasso as the estimator.


loo : bool
Flag for whether to also use LOO calculations for making predictions.
alpha_grid : ndarray of shape (n_alphas, )
The grid of alpha values for hyperparameter optimization.
Other Parameters are passed on to Lasso().
Expand source code
class LassoRegressorPPM(GlmRegressorPPM, PartialPredictionModelBase, ABC):
    PPM class for regression that uses lasso as the estimator.

    loo: bool
        Flag for whether to also use LOO calculations for making predictions.
    alpha_grid: ndarray of shape (n_alphas, )
        The grid of alpha values for hyperparameter optimization.
        Other Parameters are passed on to Lasso().

    def __init__(self, loo=True, alpha_grid=np.logspace(-2, 3, 25), **kwargs):
        super().__init__(Lasso(**kwargs), loo, alpha_grid, r_doubledot=None)


Inherited members

class LogisticClassifierPPM (loo=True, alpha_grid=array([1.00000000e-02, 1.61559810e-02, 2.61015722e-02, 4.21696503e-02, 6.81292069e-02, 1.10069417e-01, 1.77827941e-01, 2.87298483e-01, 4.64158883e-01, 7.49894209e-01, 1.21152766e+00, 1.95734178e+00, 3.16227766e+00, 5.10896977e+00, 8.25404185e+00, 1.33352143e+01, 2.15443469e+01, 3.48070059e+01, 5.62341325e+01, 9.08517576e+01, 1.46779927e+02, 2.37137371e+02, 3.83118685e+02, 6.18965819e+02, 1.00000000e+03]), penalty='l2', max_iter=1000, trim=0.01, **kwargs)

PPM class for classification that uses logistic regression as the estimator.


loo : bool
Flag for whether to also use LOO calculations for making predictions.
alpha_grid : ndarray of shape (n_alphas, )
The grid of alpha values for hyperparameter optimization.
max_iter : int
The maximum number of iterations for the LogisticRegression solver.
trim : float
The amount by which to trim predicted probabilities away from 0 and 1. This helps to stabilize some loss calculations.
Other Parameters are passed on to LogisticRegression().
Expand source code
class LogisticClassifierPPM(GlmClassifierPPM, PartialPredictionModelBase, ABC):
    PPM class for classification that uses logistic regression as the estimator.

    loo: bool
        Flag for whether to also use LOO calculations for making predictions.
    alpha_grid: ndarray of shape (n_alphas, )
        The grid of alpha values for hyperparameter optimization.
    max_iter: int
        The maximum number of iterations for the LogisticRegression solver.
    trim: float
        The amount by which to trim predicted probabilities away from 0 and 1.
        This helps to stabilize some loss calculations.
        Other Parameters are passed on to LogisticRegression().

    def __init__(self, loo=True, alpha_grid=np.logspace(-2, 3, 25),
                 penalty='l2', max_iter=1000, trim=0.01, **kwargs):
        assert penalty in ['l2', 'l1']
        if penalty == 'l2':
            r_doubledot = lambda a: 1
        elif penalty == 'l1':
            r_doubledot = None
        super().__init__(LogisticRegression(penalty=penalty, max_iter=max_iter, **kwargs),
                         loo, alpha_grid,
                         l_doubledot=lambda a, b: b * (1 - b),


Inherited members

class PartialPredictionModelBase (estimator)

An interface for partial prediction models, objects that make use of a block partitioned data object, fits a regression or classification model on all the data, and for each block k, applies the model on a modified copy of the data (by either imputing the mean of each feature in block k or imputing the mean of each feature not in block k.)


estimator : scikit estimator object
The regression or classification model used to obtain predictions.
Expand source code
class PartialPredictionModelBase(ABC):
    An interface for partial prediction models, objects that make use of a
    block partitioned data object, fits a regression or classification model
    on all the data, and for each block k, applies the model on a modified copy
    of the data (by either imputing the mean of each feature in block k or
    imputing the mean of each feature not in block k.)

    estimator: scikit estimator object
        The regression or classification model used to obtain predictions.

    def __init__(self, estimator):
        self.estimator = copy.deepcopy(estimator)
        self.is_fitted = False

    def fit(self, X, y):
        Fit the partial prediction model.

        X: ndarray of shape (n_samples, n_features)
            The covariate matrix.
        y: ndarray of shape (n_samples, n_targets)
            The observed responses.
        self._fit_model(X, y)
        self.is_fitted = True

    def _fit_model(self, X, y):
        Fit the regression or classification model on all the data.

        X: ndarray of shape (n_samples, n_features)
            The covariate matrix.
        y: ndarray of shape (n_samples, n_targets)
            The observed responses.

    def predict(self, X):
        Make predictions on new data using the fitted model.

        X: ndarray of shape (n_samples, n_features)
            The covariate matrix, for which to make predictions.

    def predict_full(self, blocked_data):
        Make predictions using all the data based upon the fitted model.
        Used to make full predictions in MDI+.

        blocked_data: BlockPartitionedData object
            The block partitioned covariate data, for which to make predictions.

    def predict_partial_k(self, blocked_data, k, mode):
        Make predictions on modified copies of the data based on the fitted model,
        for a particular feature k of interest. Used to get partial predictions
        for feature k in MDI+.

        blocked_data: BlockPartitionedData object
            The block partitioned covariate data, for which to make predictions.
        k: int
            Index of feature in X of interest.
        mode: string in {"keep_k", "keep_rest"}
            Mode for the method. "keep_k" imputes the mean of each feature not
            in block k, "keep_rest" imputes the mean of each feature in block k

    def predict_partial(self, blocked_data, mode):
        Make predictions on modified copies of the data based on the fitted model,
        for each feature under study. Used to get partial predictions in MDI+.

        blocked_data: BlockPartitionedData object
            The block partitioned covariate data, for which to make predictions.
        mode: string in {"keep_k", "keep_rest"}
            Mode for the method. "keep_k" imputes the mean of each feature not
            in block k, "keep_rest" imputes the mean of each feature in block k

        List of length n_features of partial predictions for each feature.
        n_blocks = blocked_data.n_blocks
        partial_preds = {}
        for k in range(n_blocks):
            partial_preds[k] = self.predict_partial_k(blocked_data, k, mode)
        return partial_preds


  • abc.ABC



def fit(self, X, y)

Fit the partial prediction model.


X : ndarray of shape (n_samples, n_features)
The covariate matrix.
y : ndarray of shape (n_samples, n_targets)
The observed responses.
Expand source code
def fit(self, X, y):
    Fit the partial prediction model.

    X: ndarray of shape (n_samples, n_features)
        The covariate matrix.
    y: ndarray of shape (n_samples, n_targets)
        The observed responses.
    self._fit_model(X, y)
    self.is_fitted = True
def predict(self, X)

Make predictions on new data using the fitted model.


X : ndarray of shape (n_samples, n_features)
The covariate matrix, for which to make predictions.
Expand source code
def predict(self, X):
    Make predictions on new data using the fitted model.

    X: ndarray of shape (n_samples, n_features)
        The covariate matrix, for which to make predictions.
def predict_full(self, blocked_data)

Make predictions using all the data based upon the fitted model. Used to make full predictions in MDI+.


blocked_data : BlockPartitionedData object
The block partitioned covariate data, for which to make predictions.
Expand source code
def predict_full(self, blocked_data):
    Make predictions using all the data based upon the fitted model.
    Used to make full predictions in MDI+.

    blocked_data: BlockPartitionedData object
        The block partitioned covariate data, for which to make predictions.
def predict_partial(self, blocked_data, mode)

Make predictions on modified copies of the data based on the fitted model, for each feature under study. Used to get partial predictions in MDI+.


blocked_data : BlockPartitionedData object
The block partitioned covariate data, for which to make predictions.
mode : string in {"keep_k", "keep_rest"}
Mode for the method. "keep_k" imputes the mean of each feature not in block k, "keep_rest" imputes the mean of each feature in block k


List of length n_features of partial predictions for each feature.

Expand source code
def predict_partial(self, blocked_data, mode):
    Make predictions on modified copies of the data based on the fitted model,
    for each feature under study. Used to get partial predictions in MDI+.

    blocked_data: BlockPartitionedData object
        The block partitioned covariate data, for which to make predictions.
    mode: string in {"keep_k", "keep_rest"}
        Mode for the method. "keep_k" imputes the mean of each feature not
        in block k, "keep_rest" imputes the mean of each feature in block k

    List of length n_features of partial predictions for each feature.
    n_blocks = blocked_data.n_blocks
    partial_preds = {}
    for k in range(n_blocks):
        partial_preds[k] = self.predict_partial_k(blocked_data, k, mode)
    return partial_preds
def predict_partial_k(self, blocked_data, k, mode)

Make predictions on modified copies of the data based on the fitted model, for a particular feature k of interest. Used to get partial predictions for feature k in MDI+.


blocked_data : BlockPartitionedData object
The block partitioned covariate data, for which to make predictions.
k : int
Index of feature in X of interest.
mode : string in {"keep_k", "keep_rest"}
Mode for the method. "keep_k" imputes the mean of each feature not in block k, "keep_rest" imputes the mean of each feature in block k
Expand source code
def predict_partial_k(self, blocked_data, k, mode):
    Make predictions on modified copies of the data based on the fitted model,
    for a particular feature k of interest. Used to get partial predictions
    for feature k in MDI+.

    blocked_data: BlockPartitionedData object
        The block partitioned covariate data, for which to make predictions.
    k: int
        Index of feature in X of interest.
    mode: string in {"keep_k", "keep_rest"}
        Mode for the method. "keep_k" imputes the mean of each feature not
        in block k, "keep_rest" imputes the mean of each feature in block k
class RidgeClassifierPPM (loo=True, alpha_grid=array([1.00000000e-05, 1.26185688e-05, 1.59228279e-05, 2.00923300e-05, 2.53536449e-05, 3.19926714e-05, 4.03701726e-05, 5.09413801e-05, 6.42807312e-05, 8.11130831e-05, 1.02353102e-04, 1.29154967e-04, 1.62975083e-04, 2.05651231e-04, 2.59502421e-04, 3.27454916e-04, 4.13201240e-04, 5.21400829e-04, 6.57933225e-04, 8.30217568e-04, 1.04761575e-03, 1.32194115e-03, 1.66810054e-03, 2.10490414e-03, 2.65608778e-03, 3.35160265e-03, 4.22924287e-03, 5.33669923e-03, 6.73415066e-03, 8.49753436e-03, 1.07226722e-02, 1.35304777e-02, 1.70735265e-02, 2.15443469e-02, 2.71858824e-02, 3.43046929e-02, 4.32876128e-02, 5.46227722e-02, 6.89261210e-02, 8.69749003e-02, 1.09749877e-01, 1.38488637e-01, 1.74752840e-01, 2.20513074e-01, 2.78255940e-01, 3.51119173e-01, 4.43062146e-01, 5.59081018e-01, 7.05480231e-01, 8.90215085e-01, 1.12332403e+00, 1.41747416e+00, 1.78864953e+00, 2.25701972e+00, 2.84803587e+00, 3.59381366e+00, 4.53487851e+00, 5.72236766e+00, 7.22080902e+00, 9.11162756e+00, 1.14975700e+01, 1.45082878e+01, 1.83073828e+01, 2.31012970e+01, 2.91505306e+01, 3.67837977e+01, 4.64158883e+01, 5.85702082e+01, 7.39072203e+01, 9.32603347e+01, 1.17681195e+02, 1.48496826e+02, 1.87381742e+02, 2.36448941e+02, 2.98364724e+02, 3.76493581e+02, 4.75081016e+02, 5.99484250e+02, 7.56463328e+02, 9.54548457e+02, 1.20450354e+03, 1.51991108e+03, 1.91791026e+03, 2.42012826e+03, 3.05385551e+03, 3.85352859e+03, 4.86260158e+03, 6.13590727e+03, 7.74263683e+03, 9.77009957e+03, 1.23284674e+04, 1.55567614e+04, 1.96304065e+04, 2.47707636e+04, 3.12571585e+04, 3.94420606e+04, 4.97702356e+04, 6.28029144e+04, 7.92482898e+04, 1.00000000e+05]), gcv_mode='auto', **kwargs)

PPM class for classification that uses ridge as the GLM estimator.

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class RidgeClassifierPPM(_RidgePPM, GlmClassifierPPM,
                         PartialPredictionModelBase, ABC):
    PPM class for classification that uses ridge as the GLM estimator.

    def predict_proba(self, X):
        probs = softmax(self.predict(X))
        if probs.ndim == 1:
            probs = np.stack([1 - probs, probs], axis=1)
        return probs

    def predict_proba_loo(self, X):
        probs = softmax(self.predict_loo(X))
        if probs.ndim == 1:
            probs = np.stack([1 - probs, probs], axis=1)
        return probs



def predict_proba(self, X)
Expand source code
def predict_proba(self, X):
    probs = softmax(self.predict(X))
    if probs.ndim == 1:
        probs = np.stack([1 - probs, probs], axis=1)
    return probs
def predict_proba_loo(self, X)
Expand source code
def predict_proba_loo(self, X):
    probs = softmax(self.predict_loo(X))
    if probs.ndim == 1:
        probs = np.stack([1 - probs, probs], axis=1)
    return probs

Inherited members

class RidgeRegressorPPM (loo=True, alpha_grid=array([1.00000000e-05, 1.26185688e-05, 1.59228279e-05, 2.00923300e-05, 2.53536449e-05, 3.19926714e-05, 4.03701726e-05, 5.09413801e-05, 6.42807312e-05, 8.11130831e-05, 1.02353102e-04, 1.29154967e-04, 1.62975083e-04, 2.05651231e-04, 2.59502421e-04, 3.27454916e-04, 4.13201240e-04, 5.21400829e-04, 6.57933225e-04, 8.30217568e-04, 1.04761575e-03, 1.32194115e-03, 1.66810054e-03, 2.10490414e-03, 2.65608778e-03, 3.35160265e-03, 4.22924287e-03, 5.33669923e-03, 6.73415066e-03, 8.49753436e-03, 1.07226722e-02, 1.35304777e-02, 1.70735265e-02, 2.15443469e-02, 2.71858824e-02, 3.43046929e-02, 4.32876128e-02, 5.46227722e-02, 6.89261210e-02, 8.69749003e-02, 1.09749877e-01, 1.38488637e-01, 1.74752840e-01, 2.20513074e-01, 2.78255940e-01, 3.51119173e-01, 4.43062146e-01, 5.59081018e-01, 7.05480231e-01, 8.90215085e-01, 1.12332403e+00, 1.41747416e+00, 1.78864953e+00, 2.25701972e+00, 2.84803587e+00, 3.59381366e+00, 4.53487851e+00, 5.72236766e+00, 7.22080902e+00, 9.11162756e+00, 1.14975700e+01, 1.45082878e+01, 1.83073828e+01, 2.31012970e+01, 2.91505306e+01, 3.67837977e+01, 4.64158883e+01, 5.85702082e+01, 7.39072203e+01, 9.32603347e+01, 1.17681195e+02, 1.48496826e+02, 1.87381742e+02, 2.36448941e+02, 2.98364724e+02, 3.76493581e+02, 4.75081016e+02, 5.99484250e+02, 7.56463328e+02, 9.54548457e+02, 1.20450354e+03, 1.51991108e+03, 1.91791026e+03, 2.42012826e+03, 3.05385551e+03, 3.85352859e+03, 4.86260158e+03, 6.13590727e+03, 7.74263683e+03, 9.77009957e+03, 1.23284674e+04, 1.55567614e+04, 1.96304065e+04, 2.47707636e+04, 3.12571585e+04, 3.94420606e+04, 4.97702356e+04, 6.28029144e+04, 7.92482898e+04, 1.00000000e+05]), gcv_mode='auto', **kwargs)

PPM class for regression that uses ridge as the GLM estimator.

Expand source code
class RidgeRegressorPPM(_RidgePPM, GlmRegressorPPM,
                        PartialPredictionModelBase, ABC):
    PPM class for regression that uses ridge as the GLM estimator.


Inherited members

class RobustRegressorPPM (loo=True, alpha_grid=array([1.00000000e-02, 1.61559810e-02, 2.61015722e-02, 4.21696503e-02, 6.81292069e-02, 1.10069417e-01, 1.77827941e-01, 2.87298483e-01, 4.64158883e-01, 7.49894209e-01, 1.21152766e+00, 1.95734178e+00, 3.16227766e+00, 5.10896977e+00, 8.25404185e+00, 1.33352143e+01, 2.15443469e+01, 3.48070059e+01, 5.62341325e+01, 9.08517576e+01, 1.46779927e+02, 2.37137371e+02, 3.83118685e+02, 6.18965819e+02, 1.00000000e+03]), epsilon=1.35, max_iter=2000, **kwargs)

PPM class for regression that uses Huber robust regression as the estimator.


loo : bool
Flag for whether to also use LOO calculations for making predictions.
alpha_grid : ndarray of shape (n_alphas, )
The grid of alpha values for hyperparameter optimization.
epsilon : float
The robustness parameter for Huber regression. The smaller the epsilon, the more robust it is to outliers. Epsilon must be in the range [1, inf).
Other Parameters are passed on to LogisticRegression().
Expand source code
class RobustRegressorPPM(GlmRegressorPPM, PartialPredictionModelBase, ABC):
    PPM class for regression that uses Huber robust regression as the estimator.

    loo: bool
        Flag for whether to also use LOO calculations for making predictions.
    alpha_grid: ndarray of shape (n_alphas, )
        The grid of alpha values for hyperparameter optimization.
    epsilon: float
        The robustness parameter for Huber regression. The smaller the epsilon,
        the more robust it is to outliers. Epsilon must be in the range
        [1, inf).
        Other Parameters are passed on to LogisticRegression().
    def __init__(self, loo=True, alpha_grid=np.logspace(-2, 3, 25),
                 epsilon=1.35, max_iter=2000, **kwargs):
        loss_fn = partial(huber_loss, epsilon=epsilon)
        l_dot = lambda a, b: (b - a) / (1 + ((a - b) / epsilon) ** 2) ** 0.5
        l_doubledot=lambda a, b: (1 + (((a - b) / epsilon) ** 2)) ** (-1.5)
            HuberRegressor(max_iter=max_iter, **kwargs), loo, alpha_grid,


Inherited members