Expand source code
#######Supplement for "Interpretable classifiers using rules and Bayesian analysis: Building a better stroke prediction model."
# This software is released under the MIT license.
# Copyright (c) 2013-14 Ben Letham
# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
# to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
# copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
# furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
# all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
# The author/copyright holder can be contacted at bletham@mit.edu
# It is specific to binary classification with binary features (although could
# easily be extended to multiclass).
# The highest level function, "topscript," returns:
# - permsdic - Contains the important information from the MCMC sampling. A
# dictionary whose keys are a string Pickle-dump of the antecedent list d, and
# whose values are a list [a,b] where a is (proportional to) the log posterior of
# d, and b is the number of times d is present in the MCMC samples.
# - d_star - the BRL-point antecedent list. A list of indices corresponding to
# variable "itemsets."
# - itemsets - A list of itemsets. itemsets[d_star[i]] is the antecedent in
# position i on the BRL-point list
# - theta - A list of the expected value of the posterior consequent
# distribution for each entry in BRL-point.
# - ci_theta - A list of tuples, each the 95% credible interval for the
# corresponding theta.
# - preds_d_star - Predictions on the demo data made using d_star and theta.
# - accur_d_star - The accuracy of the BRL-point predictions, with the decision
# boundary at 0.5.
# - preds_fullpost - Predictions on the demo data using the full posterior
# (BRL-post)
# - accur_fullpost - The accuracy of the BRL-post predictions, decision boundary
# at 0.5.
import pickle as Pickle
import time
from collections import defaultdict
from numpy import *
from scipy.special import gammaln
from scipy.stats import poisson, beta
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
def default_permsdic():
'''For producing the defaultdict used for storing MCMC results
return [0., 0.]
def reset_permsdic(permsdic):
'''Resets the number of MCMC samples stored (value[1]) while maintaining the
log-posterior value (so it doesn't need to be re-computed in future chains).
for perm in permsdic:
permsdic[perm][1] = 0.
return permsdic
def run_bdl_multichain_serial(numiters, thinning, alpha, lbda, eta, X, Y, nruleslen, lhs_len, maxlhs, permsdic, burnin,
nchains, d_inits, verbose=True, seed=42):
'''Run mcmc for each of the chains in serial
# random seed
# Run each chain
t1 = time.process_time()
if verbose:
print('Starting mcmc chains')
res = {}
for n in range(nchains):
res[n] = mcmcchain(numiters, thinning, alpha, lbda, eta, X, Y, nruleslen, lhs_len, maxlhs, permsdic, burnin,
nchains, d_inits[n])
if verbose:
print('Elapsed CPU time', time.process_time() - t1)
# Check convergence
Rhat = gelmanrubin(res)
if verbose:
print('Rhat for convergence:', Rhat)
# plot_chains(res)
return res, Rhat
def mcmcchain(numiters, thinning, alpha, lbda, eta, X, Y, nruleslen, lhs_len, maxlhs, permsdic, burnin, nchains,
'''Run and store mcmc chain
res = {}
permsdic, res['perms'] = bayesdl_mcmc(numiters, thinning, alpha, lbda, eta, X, Y, nruleslen, lhs_len, maxlhs,
permsdic, burnin, None, d_init)
# Store the permsdic results
res['permsdic'] = {perm: list(vals) for perm, vals in permsdic.items() if vals[1] > 0}
# Reset the permsdic
permsdic = reset_permsdic(permsdic)
return res
def gelmanrubin(res):
'''Check convergence with GR diagnostic
n = 0 # number of samples per chain - to be computed
m = len(res) # number of chains
phi_bar_j = {}
for chain in res:
phi_bar_j[chain] = 0.
for val in res[chain]['permsdic'].values():
phi_bar_j[chain] += val[1] * val[0] # numsamples*log posterior
n += val[1]
# And _normalize
n = n // m # Number of samples per chain (assuming all m chains have same number of samples)
# Normalize, and compute phi_bar
phi_bar = 0.
for chain in phi_bar_j:
phi_bar_j[chain] = phi_bar_j[chain] / float(n) # _normalize
phi_bar += phi_bar_j[chain]
phi_bar = phi_bar / float(m) # phi_bar = average of phi_bar_j
# Now B
B = 0.
for chain in phi_bar_j:
B += (phi_bar_j[chain] - phi_bar) ** 2
B = B * (n / float(m - 1))
# Now W.
W = 0.
for chain in res:
s2_j = 0.
for val in res[chain]['permsdic'].values():
s2_j += val[1] * (val[0] - phi_bar_j[chain]) ** 2
s2_j = (1. / float(n - 1)) * s2_j
W += s2_j
W = W * (1. / float(m))
# Next varhat
varhat = ((n - 1) / float(n)) * W + (1. / float(n)) * B
# And finally,
Rhat = sqrt(varhat / float(W))
print('RuntimeWarning computing Rhat, W=' + str(W) + ', B=' + str(B))
Rhat = 0.
return Rhat
def plot_chains(res):
'''Plot the logposterior values for the samples in the chains.
for chain in res:
plt.plot([res[chain]['permsdic'][a][0] for a in res[chain]['perms']])
def merge_chains(res):
'''Merge chains into a single collection of posterior samples
permsdic = defaultdict(default_permsdic)
for n in res:
for perm, vals in res[n]['permsdic'].items():
permsdic[perm][0] = vals[0]
permsdic[perm][1] += vals[1]
return permsdic
def get_point_estimate(permsdic, lhs_len, X, Y, alpha, nruleslen, maxlhs, lbda, eta, verbose=True):
'''Get a point estimate with length and width similar to the posterior average, with highest likelihood
# Figure out the posterior expected list length and average rule size
listlens = []
rulesizes = []
for perm in permsdic:
# with open(perm, 'rb') as file:
# d_t = pickle.loads(file)
# print('perm', perm, type(perm))
# print('perm list', list(perm))
# d_t = Pickle.loads(bytes(perm, encoding="latin1")) #, encoding='bytes')
d_t = Pickle.loads(perm) # , encoding='bytes')
listlens.extend([len(d_t)] * int(permsdic[perm][1]))
rulesizes.extend([lhs_len[j] for j in d_t[:-1]] * int(permsdic[perm][1]))
# Now compute average
avglistlen = average(listlens)
if verbose:
print('Posterior average length:', avglistlen)
avgrulesize = average(rulesizes)
if verbose:
print('Posterior average width:', avgrulesize)
# Prepare the intervals
minlen = int(floor(avglistlen))
maxlen = int(ceil(avglistlen))
minrulesize = int(floor(avgrulesize))
maxrulesize = int(ceil(avgrulesize))
# Run through all perms again
likelihoods = []
d_ts = []
beta_Z, logalpha_pmf, logbeta_pmf = prior_calculations(lbda, len(X), eta,
maxlhs) # get the constants needed to compute the prior
for perm in permsdic:
if permsdic[perm][1] > 0:
d_t = Pickle.loads(perm) # this is the antecedent list
# Check the list length
if len(d_t) >= minlen and len(d_t) <= maxlen:
# Check the rule size
rulesize = average([lhs_len[j] for j in d_t[:-1]])
if rulesize >= minrulesize and rulesize <= maxrulesize:
# Compute the likelihood
R_t = d_t.index(0)
N_t = compute_rule_usage(d_t, R_t, X, Y)
fn_logposterior(d_t, R_t, N_t, alpha, logalpha_pmf, logbeta_pmf, maxlhs, beta_Z, nruleslen,
likelihoods = array(likelihoods)
d_star = d_ts[likelihoods.argmax()]
except RuntimeWarning:
# This can happen if all perms are identically [0], or if no soln is found within the len and width bounds (probably the chains didn't converge)
print('No suitable point estimate found')
d_star = None
return d_star
#################COMPUTING RESULTS
def get_rule_rhs(Xtrain, Ytrain, d_t, alpha, intervals):
'''Compute the posterior consequent distributions
(Basically compute points in each part of rule)
N_t = compute_rule_usage(d_t, d_t.index(0), Xtrain, Ytrain)
theta = [] # P(Y=1)
ci_theta = [] # confidence interval for Y=1
for i, j in enumerate(d_t):
# theta ~ Dirichlet(n_rules[j,:] + alpha)
# E[theta] = (n_rules[j,:] + alpha)/float(sum(n_rules[j,:] + alpha))
# NOTE this result is only for binary classification
# theta = p(y=1)
theta.append((N_t[i, 1] + alpha[1]) / float(sum(N_t[i, :] + alpha)))
# And now the 95% interval, for Beta(n_rules[j,1] + alpha[1], n_rules[j,0] + alpha[0])
if intervals:
ci_theta.append(beta.interval(0.95, N_t[i, 1] + alpha[1], N_t[i, 0] + alpha[0]))
return theta, ci_theta
def preds_d_t(X, Y, d_t, theta):
'''Get predictions from the list d_t
# this is binary only. The score is the Prob of 1.
unused = set(range(Y.shape[0]))
preds = -1 * ones(Y.shape[0])
for i, j in enumerate(d_t):
usedj = unused.intersection(X[j]) # these are the observations in X that make it to rule j
preds[list(usedj)] = theta[i]
unused = unused.difference(set(usedj))
if preds.min() < 0:
raise Exception # this means some observation wasn't given a prediction - shouldn't happen
return preds
##############MCMC core
def bayesdl_mcmc(numiters, thinning, alpha, lbda, eta, X, Y, nruleslen, lhs_len, maxlhs, permsdic, burnin, rseed,
'''Run Metropolis-Hastings algorithm
# initialize
perms = []
if rseed:
# Do some pre-computation for the prior
beta_Z, logalpha_pmf, logbeta_pmf = prior_calculations(lbda, len(X), eta, maxlhs)
if d_init: # If we want to begin our chain at a specific place (e.g. to continue a chain)
d_t = Pickle.loads(d_init)
d_t.extend([i for i in range(len(X)) if i not in d_t])
R_t = d_t.index(0)
N_t = compute_rule_usage(d_t, R_t, X, Y)
d_t, R_t, N_t = initialize_d(X, Y, lbda, eta, lhs_len, maxlhs,
nruleslen) # Otherwise sample the initial value from the prior
# Add to dictionary which will store the sampling results
a_t = Pickle.dumps(d_t[:R_t + 1]) # The antecedent list in string form
if a_t not in permsdic:
permsdic[a_t][0] = fn_logposterior(d_t, R_t, N_t, alpha, logalpha_pmf, logbeta_pmf, maxlhs, beta_Z, nruleslen,
lhs_len) # Compute its logposterior
if burnin == 0:
permsdic[a_t][1] += 1 # store the initialization sample
# iterate!
for itr in range(numiters):
# Sample from proposal distribution
d_star, Jratio, R_star, step = proposal(d_t, R_t, X, Y, alpha)
# Compute the new posterior value, if necessary
a_star = Pickle.dumps(d_star[:R_star + 1])
if a_star not in permsdic:
N_star = compute_rule_usage(d_star, R_star, X, Y)
permsdic[a_star][0] = fn_logposterior(d_star, R_star, N_star, alpha, logalpha_pmf, logbeta_pmf, maxlhs,
beta_Z, nruleslen, lhs_len)
# Compute the metropolis acceptance probability
q = exp(permsdic[a_star][0] - permsdic[a_t][0] + Jratio)
u = random.random()
if u < q:
# then we accept the move
d_t = list(d_star)
R_t = int(R_star)
a_t = a_star
# else: pass
if itr > burnin and itr % thinning == 0:
permsdic[a_t][1] += 1
return permsdic, perms
def initialize_d(X, Y, lbda, eta, lhs_len, maxlhs, nruleslen):
'''Samples a list from the prior
m = Inf
while m >= len(X):
m = poisson.rvs(lbda) # sample the length of the list from Poisson(lbda), truncated at len(X)
# prepare the list
d_t = []
empty_rulelens = [r for r in range(1, maxlhs + 1) if r not in nruleslen]
used_rules = []
for i in range(m):
# Sample a rule size.
r = 0
while r == 0 or r > maxlhs or r in empty_rulelens:
r = poisson.rvs(
eta) # Sample the rule size from Poisson(eta), truncated at 0 and maxlhs and not using empty rule lens
# Now sample a rule of that size uniformly at random
rule_cands = [j for j, lhslen in enumerate(lhs_len) if lhslen == r and j not in used_rules]
j = rule_cands[0]
# And add it in
assert lhs_len[j] == r
if len(rule_cands) == 1:
# Done adding rules. We have added m rules. Finish up.
d_t.append(0) # all done
d_t.extend([i for i in range(len(X)) if i not in d_t])
R_t = d_t.index(0)
assert R_t == m
# Figure out what rules are used to classify what points
N_t = compute_rule_usage(d_t, R_t, X, Y)
return d_t, R_t, N_t
def proposal(d_t, R_t, X, Y, alpha):
'''Propose a new d_star
d_star = list(d_t)
R_star = int(R_t)
# We begin with these as the move probabilities, but will renormalize as needed if certain moves are unavailable.
move_probs_default = array([0.3333333333, 0.3333333333, 0.3333333333])
# We have 3 moves: move, add, cut. Define the pdf for the probabilities of the moves, in that order:
if R_t == 0:
# List is empty. We must add.
move_probs = array([0., 1., 0.])
# This is an add transition. The probability of the reverse cut move is the prob of a list of len 1 having
# a cut (other option for list of len 1 is an add).
Jratios = array([0., move_probs_default[2] / float(move_probs_default[1] + move_probs_default[2]), 0.])
elif R_t == 1:
# List has one rule on it. We cannot move, must add or cut.
move_probs = array(move_probs_default) # copy
move_probs[0] = 0. # drop move move.
move_probs = move_probs / sum(move_probs) # renormalize
# If add, probability of the reverse cut is the default cut probability
# If cut, probability of the reverse add is 1.
inv_move_probs = array([0., move_probs_default[2], 1.])
Jratios = zeros_like(move_probs)
Jratios[1:] = inv_move_probs[1:] / move_probs[1:] # array elementwise division
elif R_t == len(d_t) - 1:
# List has all rules on it. We cannot add, must move or cut.
move_probs = array(move_probs_default) # copy
move_probs[1] = 0. # drop add move.
move_probs = move_probs / sum(move_probs) # renormalize
# If move, probability of reverse move is move_probs[0], so Jratio = 1.
# if cut, probability of reverse add is move_probs_default
Jratios = array([1., 0., move_probs_default[1] / move_probs[2]])
elif R_t == len(d_t) - 2:
# List has all rules but 1 on it.
# Move probabilities are the default, but the inverse are a little different.
move_probs = array(move_probs_default)
# If move, probability of reverse move is still default, so Jratio = 1.
# if cut, probability of reverse add is move_probs_default[1],
# if add, probability of reverse cut is,
Jratios = array([1., move_probs_default[2] / float(move_probs_default[0] + move_probs_default[2]) / float(
move_probs_default[1]), move_probs_default[1] / float(move_probs_default[2])])
move_probs = array(move_probs_default)
Jratios = array([1., move_probs[2] / float(move_probs[1]), move_probs[1] / float(move_probs[2])])
u = random.random()
# First we will find the indices for the insertion-deletion. indx1 is the item to be moved, indx2 is the new location
if u < sum(move_probs[:1]):
# This is an on-list move.
step = 'move'
[indx1, indx2] = random.permutation(range(len(d_t[:R_t])))[:2] # value error if there are no on list entries
# print 'move',indx1,indx2
Jratio = Jratios[0] # ratio of move/move probabilities is 1.
elif u < sum(move_probs[:2]):
# this is an add
step = 'add'
indx1 = R_t + 1 + random.randint(0, len(
d_t[R_t + 1:])) # this will throw ValueError if there are no off list entries
indx2 = random.randint(0, len(d_t[:R_t + 1])) # this one will always work
# print 'add',indx1,indx2
# the probability of going from d_star back to d_t is the probability of the corresponding cut.
# p(d*->d|cut) = 1/|d*| = 1/(|d|+1) = 1./float(R_t+1)
# p(d->d*|add) = 1/((|a|-|d|)(|d|+1)) = 1./(float(len(d_t)-1-R_t)*float(R_t+1))
Jratio = Jratios[1] * float(len(d_t) - 1 - R_t)
R_star += 1
elif u < sum(move_probs[:3]):
# this is a cut
step = 'cut'
indx1 = random.randint(0, len(d_t[:R_t])) # this will throw ValueError if there are no on list entries
indx2 = R_t + random.randint(0, len(d_t[R_t:])) # this one will always work
# print 'cut',indx1,indx2
# the probability of going from d_star back to d_t is the probability of the corresponding add.
# p(d*->d|add) = 1/((|a|-|d*|)(|d*|+1)) = 1/((|a|-|d|+1)(|d|))
# p(d->d*|cut) = 1/|d|
# Jratio =
Jratio = Jratios[2] * (1. / float(len(d_t) - 1 - R_t + 1))
R_star -= 1
raise Exception
# Now do the insertion-deletion
d_star.insert(indx2, d_star.pop(indx1))
return d_star, log(Jratio), R_star, step
def prior_calculations(lbda, maxlen, eta, maxlhs):
'''Compute the normalization constants for the prior on rule cardinality
# First normalization constants for beta
beta_Z = poisson.cdf(maxlhs, eta) - poisson.pmf(0, eta)
# Then the actual un-normalized pmfs
logalpha_pmf = {}
for i in range(maxlen + 1):
logalpha_pmf[i] = poisson.logpmf(i, lbda)
except RuntimeWarning:
logalpha_pmf[i] = -inf
logbeta_pmf = {}
for i in range(1, maxlhs + 1):
logbeta_pmf[i] = poisson.logpmf(i, eta)
return beta_Z, logalpha_pmf, logbeta_pmf
def fn_logposterior(d_t, R_t, N_t, alpha, logalpha_pmf, logbeta_pmf, maxlhs, beta_Z, nruleslen, lhs_len):
'''# Compute log posterior
loglikelihood = fn_loglikelihood(d_t, N_t, R_t, alpha)
logprior = fn_logprior(d_t, R_t, logalpha_pmf, logbeta_pmf, maxlhs, beta_Z, nruleslen, lhs_len)
return loglikelihood + logprior
def fn_loglikelihood(d_t, N_t, R_t, alpha):
'''Compute log likelihood
gammaln_Nt_jk = gammaln(N_t + alpha)
gammaln_Nt_j = gammaln(sum(N_t + alpha, 1))
loglikelihood = sum(gammaln_Nt_jk) - sum(gammaln_Nt_j)
return loglikelihood
def fn_logprior(d_t, R_t, logalpha_pmf, logbeta_pmf, maxlhs, beta_Z, nruleslen, lhs_len):
'''# Compute log prior
The prior will be _proportional_ to this -> we drop the normalization for alpha
beta_Z is the normalization for beta, except the terms that need to be dropped due to running out of rules.
log p(d_star) = log \alpha(m|lbda) + sum_{i=1...m} log beta(l_i | eta) + log gamma(r_i | l_i)
The length of the list (m) is R_t
Get logalpha (length of list) (overloaded notation in this code, unrelated to the prior hyperparameter alpha)
logprior = 0.
logalpha = logalpha_pmf[
R_t] # this is proportional to logalpha - we have dropped the normalization for truncating based on total number of rules
logprior += logalpha
empty_rulelens = []
nlens = zeros(maxlhs + 1)
for i in range(R_t):
l_i = lhs_len[d_t[i]]
logbeta = logbeta_pmf[l_i] - log(
beta_Z - sum([logbeta_pmf[l_j] for l_j in empty_rulelens])) # The correction for exhausted rule lengths
# Finally loggamma
loggamma = -log(nruleslen[l_i] - nlens[l_i])
# And now check if we have exhausted all rules of a certain size
nlens[l_i] += 1
if nlens[l_i] == nruleslen[l_i]:
elif nlens[l_i] > nruleslen[l_i]:
raise Exception
# Add 'em in
logprior += logbeta
logprior += loggamma
# All done
return logprior
def compute_rule_usage(d_star, R_star, X, Y):
'''Compute which rules are being used to classify data points with what labels
N_star = zeros((R_star + 1, Y.shape[1]))
remaining_unused = set(range(Y.shape[0]))
i = 0
while remaining_unused:
j = d_star[i]
usedj = remaining_unused.intersection(X[j])
remaining_unused = remaining_unused.difference(set(usedj))
N_star[i, :] = Y[list(usedj), :].sum(0)
i += 1
if int(sum(N_star)) != Y.shape[0]:
raise Exception # bug check
return N_star
def bayesdl_mcmc(numiters, thinning, alpha, lbda, eta, X, Y, nruleslen, lhs_len, maxlhs, permsdic, burnin, rseed, d_init)
Run Metropolis-Hastings algorithm
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def bayesdl_mcmc(numiters, thinning, alpha, lbda, eta, X, Y, nruleslen, lhs_len, maxlhs, permsdic, burnin, rseed, d_init): '''Run Metropolis-Hastings algorithm ''' # initialize perms = [] if rseed: random.seed(rseed) # Do some pre-computation for the prior beta_Z, logalpha_pmf, logbeta_pmf = prior_calculations(lbda, len(X), eta, maxlhs) if d_init: # If we want to begin our chain at a specific place (e.g. to continue a chain) d_t = Pickle.loads(d_init) d_t.extend([i for i in range(len(X)) if i not in d_t]) R_t = d_t.index(0) N_t = compute_rule_usage(d_t, R_t, X, Y) else: d_t, R_t, N_t = initialize_d(X, Y, lbda, eta, lhs_len, maxlhs, nruleslen) # Otherwise sample the initial value from the prior # Add to dictionary which will store the sampling results a_t = Pickle.dumps(d_t[:R_t + 1]) # The antecedent list in string form if a_t not in permsdic: permsdic[a_t][0] = fn_logposterior(d_t, R_t, N_t, alpha, logalpha_pmf, logbeta_pmf, maxlhs, beta_Z, nruleslen, lhs_len) # Compute its logposterior if burnin == 0: permsdic[a_t][1] += 1 # store the initialization sample # iterate! for itr in range(numiters): # Sample from proposal distribution d_star, Jratio, R_star, step = proposal(d_t, R_t, X, Y, alpha) # Compute the new posterior value, if necessary a_star = Pickle.dumps(d_star[:R_star + 1]) if a_star not in permsdic: N_star = compute_rule_usage(d_star, R_star, X, Y) permsdic[a_star][0] = fn_logposterior(d_star, R_star, N_star, alpha, logalpha_pmf, logbeta_pmf, maxlhs, beta_Z, nruleslen, lhs_len) # Compute the metropolis acceptance probability q = exp(permsdic[a_star][0] - permsdic[a_t][0] + Jratio) u = random.random() if u < q: # then we accept the move d_t = list(d_star) R_t = int(R_star) a_t = a_star # else: pass if itr > burnin and itr % thinning == 0: ##store permsdic[a_t][1] += 1 perms.append(a_t) return permsdic, perms
def compute_rule_usage(d_star, R_star, X, Y)
Compute which rules are being used to classify data points with what labels
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def compute_rule_usage(d_star, R_star, X, Y): '''Compute which rules are being used to classify data points with what labels ''' N_star = zeros((R_star + 1, Y.shape[1])) remaining_unused = set(range(Y.shape[0])) i = 0 while remaining_unused: j = d_star[i] usedj = remaining_unused.intersection(X[j]) remaining_unused = remaining_unused.difference(set(usedj)) N_star[i, :] = Y[list(usedj), :].sum(0) i += 1 if int(sum(N_star)) != Y.shape[0]: raise Exception # bug check return N_star
def default_permsdic()
For producing the defaultdict used for storing MCMC results
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def default_permsdic(): '''For producing the defaultdict used for storing MCMC results ''' return [0., 0.]
def fn_loglikelihood(d_t, N_t, R_t, alpha)
Compute log likelihood
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def fn_loglikelihood(d_t, N_t, R_t, alpha): '''Compute log likelihood ''' gammaln_Nt_jk = gammaln(N_t + alpha) gammaln_Nt_j = gammaln(sum(N_t + alpha, 1)) loglikelihood = sum(gammaln_Nt_jk) - sum(gammaln_Nt_j) return loglikelihood
def fn_logposterior(d_t, R_t, N_t, alpha, logalpha_pmf, logbeta_pmf, maxlhs, beta_Z, nruleslen, lhs_len)
Compute log posterior
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def fn_logposterior(d_t, R_t, N_t, alpha, logalpha_pmf, logbeta_pmf, maxlhs, beta_Z, nruleslen, lhs_len): '''# Compute log posterior ''' loglikelihood = fn_loglikelihood(d_t, N_t, R_t, alpha) logprior = fn_logprior(d_t, R_t, logalpha_pmf, logbeta_pmf, maxlhs, beta_Z, nruleslen, lhs_len) return loglikelihood + logprior
def fn_logprior(d_t, R_t, logalpha_pmf, logbeta_pmf, maxlhs, beta_Z, nruleslen, lhs_len)
Compute log prior
The prior will be proportional to this -> we drop the normalization for alpha beta_Z is the normalization for beta, except the terms that need to be dropped due to running out of rules. log p(d_star) = log lpha(m|lbda) + sum_{i=1…m} log beta(l_i | eta) + log gamma(r_i | l_i) The length of the list (m) is R_t Get logalpha (length of list) (overloaded notation in this code, unrelated to the prior hyperparameter alpha)
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def fn_logprior(d_t, R_t, logalpha_pmf, logbeta_pmf, maxlhs, beta_Z, nruleslen, lhs_len): '''# Compute log prior The prior will be _proportional_ to this -> we drop the normalization for alpha beta_Z is the normalization for beta, except the terms that need to be dropped due to running out of rules. log p(d_star) = log \alpha(m|lbda) + sum_{i=1...m} log beta(l_i | eta) + log gamma(r_i | l_i) The length of the list (m) is R_t Get logalpha (length of list) (overloaded notation in this code, unrelated to the prior hyperparameter alpha) ''' logprior = 0. logalpha = logalpha_pmf[ R_t] # this is proportional to logalpha - we have dropped the normalization for truncating based on total number of rules logprior += logalpha empty_rulelens = [] nlens = zeros(maxlhs + 1) for i in range(R_t): l_i = lhs_len[d_t[i]] logbeta = logbeta_pmf[l_i] - log( beta_Z - sum([logbeta_pmf[l_j] for l_j in empty_rulelens])) # The correction for exhausted rule lengths # Finally loggamma loggamma = -log(nruleslen[l_i] - nlens[l_i]) # And now check if we have exhausted all rules of a certain size nlens[l_i] += 1 if nlens[l_i] == nruleslen[l_i]: empty_rulelens.append(l_i) elif nlens[l_i] > nruleslen[l_i]: raise Exception # Add 'em in logprior += logbeta logprior += loggamma # All done return logprior
def gelmanrubin(res)
Check convergence with GR diagnostic
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def gelmanrubin(res): '''Check convergence with GR diagnostic ''' n = 0 # number of samples per chain - to be computed m = len(res) # number of chains phi_bar_j = {} for chain in res: phi_bar_j[chain] = 0. for val in res[chain]['permsdic'].values(): phi_bar_j[chain] += val[1] * val[0] # numsamples*log posterior n += val[1] # And _normalize n = n // m # Number of samples per chain (assuming all m chains have same number of samples) # Normalize, and compute phi_bar phi_bar = 0. for chain in phi_bar_j: phi_bar_j[chain] = phi_bar_j[chain] / float(n) # _normalize phi_bar += phi_bar_j[chain] phi_bar = phi_bar / float(m) # phi_bar = average of phi_bar_j # Now B B = 0. for chain in phi_bar_j: B += (phi_bar_j[chain] - phi_bar) ** 2 B = B * (n / float(m - 1)) # Now W. W = 0. for chain in res: s2_j = 0. for val in res[chain]['permsdic'].values(): s2_j += val[1] * (val[0] - phi_bar_j[chain]) ** 2 s2_j = (1. / float(n - 1)) * s2_j W += s2_j W = W * (1. / float(m)) # Next varhat varhat = ((n - 1) / float(n)) * W + (1. / float(n)) * B # And finally, try: Rhat = sqrt(varhat / float(W)) except: print('RuntimeWarning computing Rhat, W=' + str(W) + ', B=' + str(B)) Rhat = 0. return Rhat
def get_point_estimate(permsdic, lhs_len, X, Y, alpha, nruleslen, maxlhs, lbda, eta, verbose=True)
Get a point estimate with length and width similar to the posterior average, with highest likelihood
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def get_point_estimate(permsdic, lhs_len, X, Y, alpha, nruleslen, maxlhs, lbda, eta, verbose=True): '''Get a point estimate with length and width similar to the posterior average, with highest likelihood ''' # Figure out the posterior expected list length and average rule size listlens = [] rulesizes = [] for perm in permsdic: # with open(perm, 'rb') as file: # d_t = pickle.loads(file) # print('perm', perm, type(perm)) # print('perm list', list(perm)) # d_t = Pickle.loads(bytes(perm, encoding="latin1")) #, encoding='bytes') d_t = Pickle.loads(perm) # , encoding='bytes') listlens.extend([len(d_t)] * int(permsdic[perm][1])) rulesizes.extend([lhs_len[j] for j in d_t[:-1]] * int(permsdic[perm][1])) # Now compute average avglistlen = average(listlens) if verbose: print('Posterior average length:', avglistlen) try: avgrulesize = average(rulesizes) if verbose: print('Posterior average width:', avgrulesize) # Prepare the intervals minlen = int(floor(avglistlen)) maxlen = int(ceil(avglistlen)) minrulesize = int(floor(avgrulesize)) maxrulesize = int(ceil(avgrulesize)) # Run through all perms again likelihoods = [] d_ts = [] beta_Z, logalpha_pmf, logbeta_pmf = prior_calculations(lbda, len(X), eta, maxlhs) # get the constants needed to compute the prior for perm in permsdic: if permsdic[perm][1] > 0: d_t = Pickle.loads(perm) # this is the antecedent list # Check the list length if len(d_t) >= minlen and len(d_t) <= maxlen: # Check the rule size rulesize = average([lhs_len[j] for j in d_t[:-1]]) if rulesize >= minrulesize and rulesize <= maxrulesize: d_ts.append(d_t) # Compute the likelihood R_t = d_t.index(0) N_t = compute_rule_usage(d_t, R_t, X, Y) likelihoods.append( fn_logposterior(d_t, R_t, N_t, alpha, logalpha_pmf, logbeta_pmf, maxlhs, beta_Z, nruleslen, lhs_len)) likelihoods = array(likelihoods) d_star = d_ts[likelihoods.argmax()] except RuntimeWarning: # This can happen if all perms are identically [0], or if no soln is found within the len and width bounds (probably the chains didn't converge) print('No suitable point estimate found') d_star = None return d_star
def get_rule_rhs(Xtrain, Ytrain, d_t, alpha, intervals)
Compute the posterior consequent distributions (Basically compute points in each part of rule)
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def get_rule_rhs(Xtrain, Ytrain, d_t, alpha, intervals): '''Compute the posterior consequent distributions (Basically compute points in each part of rule) ''' N_t = compute_rule_usage(d_t, d_t.index(0), Xtrain, Ytrain) theta = [] # P(Y=1) ci_theta = [] # confidence interval for Y=1 for i, j in enumerate(d_t): # theta ~ Dirichlet(n_rules[j,:] + alpha) # E[theta] = (n_rules[j,:] + alpha)/float(sum(n_rules[j,:] + alpha)) # NOTE this result is only for binary classification # theta = p(y=1) theta.append((N_t[i, 1] + alpha[1]) / float(sum(N_t[i, :] + alpha))) # And now the 95% interval, for Beta(n_rules[j,1] + alpha[1], n_rules[j,0] + alpha[0]) if intervals: ci_theta.append(beta.interval(0.95, N_t[i, 1] + alpha[1], N_t[i, 0] + alpha[0])) return theta, ci_theta
def initialize_d(X, Y, lbda, eta, lhs_len, maxlhs, nruleslen)
Samples a list from the prior
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def initialize_d(X, Y, lbda, eta, lhs_len, maxlhs, nruleslen): '''Samples a list from the prior ''' m = Inf while m >= len(X): m = poisson.rvs(lbda) # sample the length of the list from Poisson(lbda), truncated at len(X) # prepare the list d_t = [] empty_rulelens = [r for r in range(1, maxlhs + 1) if r not in nruleslen] used_rules = [] for i in range(m): # Sample a rule size. r = 0 while r == 0 or r > maxlhs or r in empty_rulelens: r = poisson.rvs( eta) # Sample the rule size from Poisson(eta), truncated at 0 and maxlhs and not using empty rule lens # Now sample a rule of that size uniformly at random rule_cands = [j for j, lhslen in enumerate(lhs_len) if lhslen == r and j not in used_rules] random.shuffle(rule_cands) j = rule_cands[0] # And add it in d_t.append(j) used_rules.append(j) assert lhs_len[j] == r if len(rule_cands) == 1: empty_rulelens.append(r) # Done adding rules. We have added m rules. Finish up. d_t.append(0) # all done d_t.extend([i for i in range(len(X)) if i not in d_t]) R_t = d_t.index(0) assert R_t == m # Figure out what rules are used to classify what points N_t = compute_rule_usage(d_t, R_t, X, Y) return d_t, R_t, N_t
def mcmcchain(numiters, thinning, alpha, lbda, eta, X, Y, nruleslen, lhs_len, maxlhs, permsdic, burnin, nchains, d_init)
Run and store mcmc chain
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def mcmcchain(numiters, thinning, alpha, lbda, eta, X, Y, nruleslen, lhs_len, maxlhs, permsdic, burnin, nchains, d_init): '''Run and store mcmc chain ''' res = {} permsdic, res['perms'] = bayesdl_mcmc(numiters, thinning, alpha, lbda, eta, X, Y, nruleslen, lhs_len, maxlhs, permsdic, burnin, None, d_init) # Store the permsdic results res['permsdic'] = {perm: list(vals) for perm, vals in permsdic.items() if vals[1] > 0} # Reset the permsdic permsdic = reset_permsdic(permsdic) return res
def merge_chains(res)
Merge chains into a single collection of posterior samples
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def merge_chains(res): '''Merge chains into a single collection of posterior samples ''' permsdic = defaultdict(default_permsdic) for n in res: for perm, vals in res[n]['permsdic'].items(): permsdic[perm][0] = vals[0] permsdic[perm][1] += vals[1] return permsdic
def plot_chains(res)
Plot the logposterior values for the samples in the chains.
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def plot_chains(res): '''Plot the logposterior values for the samples in the chains. ''' for chain in res: plt.plot([res[chain]['permsdic'][a][0] for a in res[chain]['perms']]) plt.show() return
def preds_d_t(X, Y, d_t, theta)
Get predictions from the list d_t
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def preds_d_t(X, Y, d_t, theta): '''Get predictions from the list d_t ''' # this is binary only. The score is the Prob of 1. unused = set(range(Y.shape[0])) preds = -1 * ones(Y.shape[0]) for i, j in enumerate(d_t): usedj = unused.intersection(X[j]) # these are the observations in X that make it to rule j preds[list(usedj)] = theta[i] unused = unused.difference(set(usedj)) if preds.min() < 0: raise Exception # this means some observation wasn't given a prediction - shouldn't happen return preds
def prior_calculations(lbda, maxlen, eta, maxlhs)
Compute the normalization constants for the prior on rule cardinality
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def prior_calculations(lbda, maxlen, eta, maxlhs): '''Compute the normalization constants for the prior on rule cardinality ''' # First normalization constants for beta beta_Z = poisson.cdf(maxlhs, eta) - poisson.pmf(0, eta) # Then the actual un-normalized pmfs logalpha_pmf = {} for i in range(maxlen + 1): try: logalpha_pmf[i] = poisson.logpmf(i, lbda) except RuntimeWarning: logalpha_pmf[i] = -inf logbeta_pmf = {} for i in range(1, maxlhs + 1): logbeta_pmf[i] = poisson.logpmf(i, eta) return beta_Z, logalpha_pmf, logbeta_pmf
def proposal(d_t, R_t, X, Y, alpha)
Propose a new d_star
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def proposal(d_t, R_t, X, Y, alpha): '''Propose a new d_star ''' d_star = list(d_t) R_star = int(R_t) # We begin with these as the move probabilities, but will renormalize as needed if certain moves are unavailable. move_probs_default = array([0.3333333333, 0.3333333333, 0.3333333333]) # We have 3 moves: move, add, cut. Define the pdf for the probabilities of the moves, in that order: if R_t == 0: # List is empty. We must add. move_probs = array([0., 1., 0.]) # This is an add transition. The probability of the reverse cut move is the prob of a list of len 1 having # a cut (other option for list of len 1 is an add). Jratios = array([0., move_probs_default[2] / float(move_probs_default[1] + move_probs_default[2]), 0.]) elif R_t == 1: # List has one rule on it. We cannot move, must add or cut. move_probs = array(move_probs_default) # copy move_probs[0] = 0. # drop move move. move_probs = move_probs / sum(move_probs) # renormalize # If add, probability of the reverse cut is the default cut probability # If cut, probability of the reverse add is 1. inv_move_probs = array([0., move_probs_default[2], 1.]) Jratios = zeros_like(move_probs) Jratios[1:] = inv_move_probs[1:] / move_probs[1:] # array elementwise division elif R_t == len(d_t) - 1: # List has all rules on it. We cannot add, must move or cut. move_probs = array(move_probs_default) # copy move_probs[1] = 0. # drop add move. move_probs = move_probs / sum(move_probs) # renormalize # If move, probability of reverse move is move_probs[0], so Jratio = 1. # if cut, probability of reverse add is move_probs_default Jratios = array([1., 0., move_probs_default[1] / move_probs[2]]) elif R_t == len(d_t) - 2: # List has all rules but 1 on it. # Move probabilities are the default, but the inverse are a little different. move_probs = array(move_probs_default) # If move, probability of reverse move is still default, so Jratio = 1. # if cut, probability of reverse add is move_probs_default[1], # if add, probability of reverse cut is, Jratios = array([1., move_probs_default[2] / float(move_probs_default[0] + move_probs_default[2]) / float( move_probs_default[1]), move_probs_default[1] / float(move_probs_default[2])]) else: move_probs = array(move_probs_default) Jratios = array([1., move_probs[2] / float(move_probs[1]), move_probs[1] / float(move_probs[2])]) u = random.random() # First we will find the indices for the insertion-deletion. indx1 is the item to be moved, indx2 is the new location if u < sum(move_probs[:1]): # This is an on-list move. step = 'move' [indx1, indx2] = random.permutation(range(len(d_t[:R_t])))[:2] # value error if there are no on list entries # print 'move',indx1,indx2 Jratio = Jratios[0] # ratio of move/move probabilities is 1. elif u < sum(move_probs[:2]): # this is an add step = 'add' indx1 = R_t + 1 + random.randint(0, len( d_t[R_t + 1:])) # this will throw ValueError if there are no off list entries indx2 = random.randint(0, len(d_t[:R_t + 1])) # this one will always work # print 'add',indx1,indx2 # the probability of going from d_star back to d_t is the probability of the corresponding cut. # p(d*->d|cut) = 1/|d*| = 1/(|d|+1) = 1./float(R_t+1) # p(d->d*|add) = 1/((|a|-|d|)(|d|+1)) = 1./(float(len(d_t)-1-R_t)*float(R_t+1)) Jratio = Jratios[1] * float(len(d_t) - 1 - R_t) R_star += 1 elif u < sum(move_probs[:3]): # this is a cut step = 'cut' indx1 = random.randint(0, len(d_t[:R_t])) # this will throw ValueError if there are no on list entries indx2 = R_t + random.randint(0, len(d_t[R_t:])) # this one will always work # print 'cut',indx1,indx2 # the probability of going from d_star back to d_t is the probability of the corresponding add. # p(d*->d|add) = 1/((|a|-|d*|)(|d*|+1)) = 1/((|a|-|d|+1)(|d|)) # p(d->d*|cut) = 1/|d| # Jratio = Jratio = Jratios[2] * (1. / float(len(d_t) - 1 - R_t + 1)) R_star -= 1 else: raise Exception # Now do the insertion-deletion d_star.insert(indx2, d_star.pop(indx1)) return d_star, log(Jratio), R_star, step
def reset_permsdic(permsdic)
Resets the number of MCMC samples stored (value[1]) while maintaining the log-posterior value (so it doesn't need to be re-computed in future chains).
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def reset_permsdic(permsdic): '''Resets the number of MCMC samples stored (value[1]) while maintaining the log-posterior value (so it doesn't need to be re-computed in future chains). ''' for perm in permsdic: permsdic[perm][1] = 0. return permsdic
def run_bdl_multichain_serial(numiters, thinning, alpha, lbda, eta, X, Y, nruleslen, lhs_len, maxlhs, permsdic, burnin, nchains, d_inits, verbose=True, seed=42)
Run mcmc for each of the chains in serial
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def run_bdl_multichain_serial(numiters, thinning, alpha, lbda, eta, X, Y, nruleslen, lhs_len, maxlhs, permsdic, burnin, nchains, d_inits, verbose=True, seed=42): '''Run mcmc for each of the chains in serial ''' # random seed random.seed(seed) # Run each chain t1 = time.process_time() if verbose: print('Starting mcmc chains') res = {} for n in range(nchains): res[n] = mcmcchain(numiters, thinning, alpha, lbda, eta, X, Y, nruleslen, lhs_len, maxlhs, permsdic, burnin, nchains, d_inits[n]) if verbose: print('Elapsed CPU time', time.process_time() - t1) # Check convergence Rhat = gelmanrubin(res) if verbose: print('Rhat for convergence:', Rhat) ##plot? # plot_chains(res) return res, Rhat