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# This is just a simple wrapper around pycorels: https://github.com/corels/pycorels
import warnings
from typing import List

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.preprocessing import KBinsDiscretizer

from imodels.rule_list.greedy_rule_list import GreedyRuleListClassifier

corels_supported = False
    from corels import CorelsClassifier

    corels_supported = True

class OptimalRuleListClassifier(GreedyRuleListClassifier if not corels_supported else CorelsClassifier):
    """Certifiably Optimal RulE ListS classifier.
    This class implements the CORELS algorithm, designed to produce human-interpretable, optimal
    rulelists for binary feature data and binary classification. As an alternative to other
    tree based algorithms such as CART, CORELS provides a certificate of optimality for its
    rulelist given a training set, leveraging multiple algorithmic bounds to do so.
    In order to use run the algorithm, create an instance of the `CorelsClassifier` class,
    providing any necessary parameters in its constructor, and then call `fit` to generate
    a rulelist. `printrl` prints the generated rulelist, while `predict` provides
    classification predictions for a separate test dataset with the same features. To determine
    the algorithm's accuracy, run `score` on an evaluation dataset with labels.
    To save a generated rulelist to a file, call `save`. To load it back from the file, call `load`.
    c : float, optional (default=0.01)
        Regularization parameter. Higher values penalize longer rulelists.
    n_iter : int, optional (default=10000)
        Maximum number of nodes (rulelists) to search before exiting.
    map_type : str, optional (default="prefix")
        The type of prefix map to use. Supported maps are "none" for no map,
        "prefix" for a map that uses rule prefixes for keys, "captured" for
        a map with a prefix's captured vector as keys.
    policy : str, optional (default="lower_bound")
        The search policy for traversing the tree (i.e. the criterion with which
        to order nodes in the queue). Supported criteria are "bfs", for breadth-first
        search; "curious", which attempts to find the most promising node;
        "lower_bound" which is the objective function evaluated with that rulelist
        minus the default prediction error; "objective" for the objective function
        evaluated at that rulelist; and "dfs" for depth-first search.
    verbosity : list, optional (default=["rulelist"])
        The verbosity levels required. A list of strings, it can contain any
        subset of ["rulelist", "rule", "label", "minor", "samples", "progress", "mine", "loud"].
        An empty list ([]) indicates 'silent' mode.
        - "rulelist" prints the generated rulelist at the end.
        - "rule" prints a summary of each rule generated.
        - "label" prints a summary of the class labels.
        - "minor" prints a summary of the minority bound.
        - "samples" produces a complete dump of the rules, label, and/or minor data. You must also provide at least one of "rule", "label", or "minor" to specify which data you want to dump, or "loud" for all data. The "samples" option often spits out a lot of output.
        - "progress" prints periodic messages as corels runs.
        - "mine" prints debug information while mining rules, including each rule as it is generated.
        - "loud" is the equivalent of ["progress", "label", "rule", "mine", "minor"].
    ablation : int, optional (default=0)
        Specifies addition parameters for the bounds used while searching. Accepted
        values are 0 (all bounds), 1 (no antecedent support bound), and 2 (no
        lookahead bound).
    max_card : int, optional (default=2)
        Maximum cardinality allowed when mining rules. Can be any value greater than
        or equal to 1. For instance, a value of 2 would only allow rules that combine
        at most two features in their antecedents.
    min_support : float, optional (default=0.01)
        The fraction of samples that a rule must capture in order to be used. 1 minus
        this value is also the maximum fraction of samples a rule can capture.
        Can be any value between 0.0 and 0.5.
    Elaine Angelino, Nicholas Larus-Stone, Daniel Alabi, Margo Seltzer, and Cynthia Rudin.
    Learning Certifiably Optimal Rule Lists for Categorical Data. KDD 2017.
    Journal of Machine Learning Research, 2018; 19: 1-77. arXiv:1704.01701, 2017

    def __init__(self, c=0.01, n_iter=10000, map_type="prefix", policy="lower_bound",
                 verbosity=[], ablation=0, max_card=2, min_support=0.01, random_state=0):
        if corels_supported:
            super().__init__(c, n_iter, map_type, policy, verbosity, ablation, max_card, min_support)
            warnings.warn("Should install corels with pip install corels. Using GreedyRuleList instead.")
            self.fit = super().fit
            self.predict = super().predict
            self.predict_proba = super().predict_proba
            self.__str__ = super().__str__

        self.random_state = random_state
        self.discretizer = None
        self.str_print = None
        self._estimator_type = 'classifier'

    def fit(self, X, y, feature_names=None, prediction_name="prediction"):
        Build a CORELS classifier from the training set (X, y).
        X : array-like, shape = [n_samples, n_features]
            The training input samples. All features must be binary, and the matrix
            is internally converted to dtype=np.uint8.
        y : array-line, shape = [n_samples]
            The target values for the training input. Must be binary.

        feature_names : list, optional(default=None)
            A list of strings of length n_features. Specifies the names of each
            of the features. If an empty list is provided, the feature names
            are set to the default of ["feature1", "feature2"... ].
        prediction_name : string, optional(default="prediction")
            The name of the feature that is being predicted.
        self : obj
        if isinstance(X, pd.DataFrame):
            if feature_names is None:
                feature_names = X.columns.tolist()
            X = X.values
        elif feature_names is None:
            feature_names = ['X_' + str(i) for i in range(X.shape[1])]

        # check if any non-binary values
        if not np.isin(X, [0, 1]).all().all():
            self.discretizer = KBinsDiscretizer(encode='onehot-dense')
            self.discretizer.fit(X, y)
            feature_names = [f'{col}_{b}'
                         for col, bins in zip(feature_names, self.discretizer.n_bins_)
                         for b in range(bins)]
            feature_names = self.discretizer.get_feature_names_out()
            X = self.discretizer.transform(X)

        # feature_names = feature_names.tolist()

        super().fit(X, y, features=feature_names, prediction_name=prediction_name)
        # try:
        self._traverse_rule(X, y, feature_names)
        # except:
        #     self.str_print = None
        self.complexity_ = self._get_complexity()
        return self

    def predict(self, X):
        Predict classifications of the input samples X.
        X : array-like, shape = [n_samples, n_features]
            The training input samples. All features must be binary, and the matrix
            is internally converted to dtype=np.uint8. The features must be the same
            as those of the data used to train the model.
        p : array[int] of shape = [n_samples].
            The classifications of the input samples.
        if self.discretizer is not None:
            X = self.discretizer.transform(X)
        return super().predict(X).astype(int)

    def predict_proba(self, X):
        Predict probabilities of the input samples X.
        todo: actually calculate these from training set
        X : array-like, shape = [n_samples, n_features]
            The training input samples. All features must be binary, and the matrix
            is internally converted to dtype=np.uint8. The features must be the same
            as those of the data used to train the model.
        p : array[float] of shape = [n_samples, 2].
            The probabilities of the input samples.
        preds = self.predict(X)
        return np.vstack((1 - preds, preds)).transpose()

    def _traverse_rule(self, X: np.ndarray, y: np.ndarray, feature_names: List[str], print_colors=False):
        """Traverse rule and build up string representation



        str_print = f''
        df = pd.DataFrame(X, columns=feature_names)
        df.loc[:, 'y'] = y
        o = 'y'
        str_print += f'   {df[o].sum()} / {df.shape[0]} (positive class / total)\n'
        if print_colors:
            color_start = '\033[96m'
            color_end = '\033[00m'
            color_start = ''
            color_end = ''
        if len(self.rl_.rules) > 1:
            str_print += f'\t\u2193 \n'
            str_print += '   No rules learned\n'
        for j, rule in enumerate(self.rl_.rules[:-1]):
            antecedents = rule['antecedents']
            query = ''
            for i, feat_idx in enumerate(antecedents):
                if i > 0:
                    query += ' & '
                if feat_idx < 0:
                    query += f'(`{feature_names[-feat_idx - 1]}` == 0)'
                    query += f'(`{feature_names[feat_idx - 1]}` == 1)'
                df_rhs = df.query(query)
                idxs_satisfying_rule = df_rhs.index
                df.drop(index=idxs_satisfying_rule, inplace=True)
                computed_prob = 100 * df_rhs[o].sum() / (df_rhs.shape[0] + 1e-10)

                # add to str_print
                query_print = query.replace('== 1', '').replace('(', '').replace(')', '').replace('`', '')
                str_print += f'{color_start}If {query_print:<35}{color_end} \u2192 {df_rhs[o].sum():>3} / {df_rhs.shape[0]:>4} ({computed_prob:0.1f}%)\n\t\u2193 \n   {df[o].sum():>3} / {df.shape[0]:>5}\t \n'
                if not (j == len(self.rl_.rules) - 2 and i == len(antecedents) - 1):
                    str_print += '\t\u2193 \n'

        self.str_print = str_print

    def __str__(self):
        if corels_supported:
            if self.str_print is not None:
                return 'OptimalRuleList:\n\n' + self.str_print
                return 'OptimalRuleList:\n\n' + self.rl_.__str__()
            return super().__str__()

    def _get_complexity(self):
        return sum([len(corule['antecedents']) for corule in self.rl_.rules])

if __name__ == '__main__':
    X = (np.random.randn(40, 2) > 0).astype(int)
    y = (X[:, 0] > 0).astype(int)
    y[-2:] = 1 - y[-2:]
    m = OptimalRuleListClassifier()
    m.fit(X, y)


class OptimalRuleListClassifier (c=0.01, n_iter=10000, map_type='prefix', policy='lower_bound', verbosity=[], ablation=0, max_card=2, min_support=0.01, random_state=0)

Certifiably Optimal RulE ListS classifier. This class implements the CORELS algorithm, designed to produce human-interpretable, optimal rulelists for binary feature data and binary classification. As an alternative to other tree based algorithms such as CART, CORELS provides a certificate of optimality for its rulelist given a training set, leveraging multiple algorithmic bounds to do so. In order to use run the algorithm, create an instance of the CorelsClassifier class, providing any necessary parameters in its constructor, and then call fit to generate a rulelist. printrl prints the generated rulelist, while predict provides classification predictions for a separate test dataset with the same features. To determine the algorithm's accuracy, run score on an evaluation dataset with labels. To save a generated rulelist to a file, call save. To load it back from the file, call load. Attributes

c : float, optional (default=0.01)
Regularization parameter. Higher values penalize longer rulelists.
n_iter : int, optional (default=10000)
Maximum number of nodes (rulelists) to search before exiting.
map_type : str, optional (default="prefix")
The type of prefix map to use. Supported maps are "none" for no map, "prefix" for a map that uses rule prefixes for keys, "captured" for a map with a prefix's captured vector as keys.
policy : str, optional (default="lower_bound")
The search policy for traversing the tree (i.e. the criterion with which to order nodes in the queue). Supported criteria are "bfs", for breadth-first search; "curious", which attempts to find the most promising node; "lower_bound" which is the objective function evaluated with that rulelist minus the default prediction error; "objective" for the objective function evaluated at that rulelist; and "dfs" for depth-first search.
verbosity : list, optional (default=["rulelist"])
The verbosity levels required. A list of strings, it can contain any subset of ["rulelist", "rule", "label", "minor", "samples", "progress", "mine", "loud"]. An empty list ([]) indicates 'silent' mode. - "rulelist" prints the generated rulelist at the end. - "rule" prints a summary of each rule generated. - "label" prints a summary of the class labels. - "minor" prints a summary of the minority bound. - "samples" produces a complete dump of the rules, label, and/or minor data. You must also provide at least one of "rule", "label", or "minor" to specify which data you want to dump, or "loud" for all data. The "samples" option often spits out a lot of output. - "progress" prints periodic messages as corels runs. - "mine" prints debug information while mining rules, including each rule as it is generated. - "loud" is the equivalent of ["progress", "label", "rule", "mine", "minor"].
ablation : int, optional (default=0)
Specifies addition parameters for the bounds used while searching. Accepted values are 0 (all bounds), 1 (no antecedent support bound), and 2 (no lookahead bound).
max_card : int, optional (default=2)
Maximum cardinality allowed when mining rules. Can be any value greater than or equal to 1. For instance, a value of 2 would only allow rules that combine at most two features in their antecedents.
min_support : float, optional (default=0.01)
The fraction of samples that a rule must capture in order to be used. 1 minus this value is also the maximum fraction of samples a rule can capture. Can be any value between 0.0 and 0.5.


Elaine Angelino, Nicholas Larus-Stone, Daniel Alabi, Margo Seltzer, and Cynthia Rudin. Learning Certifiably Optimal Rule Lists for Categorical Data. KDD 2017. Journal of Machine Learning Research, 2018; 19: 1-77. arXiv:1704.01701, 2017 Examples


max_depth Maximum depth the list can achieve criterion: str Criterion used to split 'gini', 'entropy', or 'log_loss'

Expand source code
class OptimalRuleListClassifier(GreedyRuleListClassifier if not corels_supported else CorelsClassifier):
    """Certifiably Optimal RulE ListS classifier.
    This class implements the CORELS algorithm, designed to produce human-interpretable, optimal
    rulelists for binary feature data and binary classification. As an alternative to other
    tree based algorithms such as CART, CORELS provides a certificate of optimality for its
    rulelist given a training set, leveraging multiple algorithmic bounds to do so.
    In order to use run the algorithm, create an instance of the `CorelsClassifier` class,
    providing any necessary parameters in its constructor, and then call `fit` to generate
    a rulelist. `printrl` prints the generated rulelist, while `predict` provides
    classification predictions for a separate test dataset with the same features. To determine
    the algorithm's accuracy, run `score` on an evaluation dataset with labels.
    To save a generated rulelist to a file, call `save`. To load it back from the file, call `load`.
    c : float, optional (default=0.01)
        Regularization parameter. Higher values penalize longer rulelists.
    n_iter : int, optional (default=10000)
        Maximum number of nodes (rulelists) to search before exiting.
    map_type : str, optional (default="prefix")
        The type of prefix map to use. Supported maps are "none" for no map,
        "prefix" for a map that uses rule prefixes for keys, "captured" for
        a map with a prefix's captured vector as keys.
    policy : str, optional (default="lower_bound")
        The search policy for traversing the tree (i.e. the criterion with which
        to order nodes in the queue). Supported criteria are "bfs", for breadth-first
        search; "curious", which attempts to find the most promising node;
        "lower_bound" which is the objective function evaluated with that rulelist
        minus the default prediction error; "objective" for the objective function
        evaluated at that rulelist; and "dfs" for depth-first search.
    verbosity : list, optional (default=["rulelist"])
        The verbosity levels required. A list of strings, it can contain any
        subset of ["rulelist", "rule", "label", "minor", "samples", "progress", "mine", "loud"].
        An empty list ([]) indicates 'silent' mode.
        - "rulelist" prints the generated rulelist at the end.
        - "rule" prints a summary of each rule generated.
        - "label" prints a summary of the class labels.
        - "minor" prints a summary of the minority bound.
        - "samples" produces a complete dump of the rules, label, and/or minor data. You must also provide at least one of "rule", "label", or "minor" to specify which data you want to dump, or "loud" for all data. The "samples" option often spits out a lot of output.
        - "progress" prints periodic messages as corels runs.
        - "mine" prints debug information while mining rules, including each rule as it is generated.
        - "loud" is the equivalent of ["progress", "label", "rule", "mine", "minor"].
    ablation : int, optional (default=0)
        Specifies addition parameters for the bounds used while searching. Accepted
        values are 0 (all bounds), 1 (no antecedent support bound), and 2 (no
        lookahead bound).
    max_card : int, optional (default=2)
        Maximum cardinality allowed when mining rules. Can be any value greater than
        or equal to 1. For instance, a value of 2 would only allow rules that combine
        at most two features in their antecedents.
    min_support : float, optional (default=0.01)
        The fraction of samples that a rule must capture in order to be used. 1 minus
        this value is also the maximum fraction of samples a rule can capture.
        Can be any value between 0.0 and 0.5.
    Elaine Angelino, Nicholas Larus-Stone, Daniel Alabi, Margo Seltzer, and Cynthia Rudin.
    Learning Certifiably Optimal Rule Lists for Categorical Data. KDD 2017.
    Journal of Machine Learning Research, 2018; 19: 1-77. arXiv:1704.01701, 2017

    def __init__(self, c=0.01, n_iter=10000, map_type="prefix", policy="lower_bound",
                 verbosity=[], ablation=0, max_card=2, min_support=0.01, random_state=0):
        if corels_supported:
            super().__init__(c, n_iter, map_type, policy, verbosity, ablation, max_card, min_support)
            warnings.warn("Should install corels with pip install corels. Using GreedyRuleList instead.")
            self.fit = super().fit
            self.predict = super().predict
            self.predict_proba = super().predict_proba
            self.__str__ = super().__str__

        self.random_state = random_state
        self.discretizer = None
        self.str_print = None
        self._estimator_type = 'classifier'

    def fit(self, X, y, feature_names=None, prediction_name="prediction"):
        Build a CORELS classifier from the training set (X, y).
        X : array-like, shape = [n_samples, n_features]
            The training input samples. All features must be binary, and the matrix
            is internally converted to dtype=np.uint8.
        y : array-line, shape = [n_samples]
            The target values for the training input. Must be binary.

        feature_names : list, optional(default=None)
            A list of strings of length n_features. Specifies the names of each
            of the features. If an empty list is provided, the feature names
            are set to the default of ["feature1", "feature2"... ].
        prediction_name : string, optional(default="prediction")
            The name of the feature that is being predicted.
        self : obj
        if isinstance(X, pd.DataFrame):
            if feature_names is None:
                feature_names = X.columns.tolist()
            X = X.values
        elif feature_names is None:
            feature_names = ['X_' + str(i) for i in range(X.shape[1])]

        # check if any non-binary values
        if not np.isin(X, [0, 1]).all().all():
            self.discretizer = KBinsDiscretizer(encode='onehot-dense')
            self.discretizer.fit(X, y)
            feature_names = [f'{col}_{b}'
                         for col, bins in zip(feature_names, self.discretizer.n_bins_)
                         for b in range(bins)]
            feature_names = self.discretizer.get_feature_names_out()
            X = self.discretizer.transform(X)

        # feature_names = feature_names.tolist()

        super().fit(X, y, features=feature_names, prediction_name=prediction_name)
        # try:
        self._traverse_rule(X, y, feature_names)
        # except:
        #     self.str_print = None
        self.complexity_ = self._get_complexity()
        return self

    def predict(self, X):
        Predict classifications of the input samples X.
        X : array-like, shape = [n_samples, n_features]
            The training input samples. All features must be binary, and the matrix
            is internally converted to dtype=np.uint8. The features must be the same
            as those of the data used to train the model.
        p : array[int] of shape = [n_samples].
            The classifications of the input samples.
        if self.discretizer is not None:
            X = self.discretizer.transform(X)
        return super().predict(X).astype(int)

    def predict_proba(self, X):
        Predict probabilities of the input samples X.
        todo: actually calculate these from training set
        X : array-like, shape = [n_samples, n_features]
            The training input samples. All features must be binary, and the matrix
            is internally converted to dtype=np.uint8. The features must be the same
            as those of the data used to train the model.
        p : array[float] of shape = [n_samples, 2].
            The probabilities of the input samples.
        preds = self.predict(X)
        return np.vstack((1 - preds, preds)).transpose()

    def _traverse_rule(self, X: np.ndarray, y: np.ndarray, feature_names: List[str], print_colors=False):
        """Traverse rule and build up string representation



        str_print = f''
        df = pd.DataFrame(X, columns=feature_names)
        df.loc[:, 'y'] = y
        o = 'y'
        str_print += f'   {df[o].sum()} / {df.shape[0]} (positive class / total)\n'
        if print_colors:
            color_start = '\033[96m'
            color_end = '\033[00m'
            color_start = ''
            color_end = ''
        if len(self.rl_.rules) > 1:
            str_print += f'\t\u2193 \n'
            str_print += '   No rules learned\n'
        for j, rule in enumerate(self.rl_.rules[:-1]):
            antecedents = rule['antecedents']
            query = ''
            for i, feat_idx in enumerate(antecedents):
                if i > 0:
                    query += ' & '
                if feat_idx < 0:
                    query += f'(`{feature_names[-feat_idx - 1]}` == 0)'
                    query += f'(`{feature_names[feat_idx - 1]}` == 1)'
                df_rhs = df.query(query)
                idxs_satisfying_rule = df_rhs.index
                df.drop(index=idxs_satisfying_rule, inplace=True)
                computed_prob = 100 * df_rhs[o].sum() / (df_rhs.shape[0] + 1e-10)

                # add to str_print
                query_print = query.replace('== 1', '').replace('(', '').replace(')', '').replace('`', '')
                str_print += f'{color_start}If {query_print:<35}{color_end} \u2192 {df_rhs[o].sum():>3} / {df_rhs.shape[0]:>4} ({computed_prob:0.1f}%)\n\t\u2193 \n   {df[o].sum():>3} / {df.shape[0]:>5}\t \n'
                if not (j == len(self.rl_.rules) - 2 and i == len(antecedents) - 1):
                    str_print += '\t\u2193 \n'

        self.str_print = str_print

    def __str__(self):
        if corels_supported:
            if self.str_print is not None:
                return 'OptimalRuleList:\n\n' + self.str_print
                return 'OptimalRuleList:\n\n' + self.rl_.__str__()
            return super().__str__()

    def _get_complexity(self):
        return sum([len(corule['antecedents']) for corule in self.rl_.rules])


  • GreedyRuleListClassifier
  • sklearn.base.BaseEstimator
  • sklearn.utils._estimator_html_repr._HTMLDocumentationLinkMixin
  • sklearn.utils._metadata_requests._MetadataRequester
  • RuleList
  • sklearn.base.ClassifierMixin


def fit(self, X, y, feature_names=None, prediction_name='prediction')

Build a CORELS classifier from the training set (X, y). Parameters

X : array-like, shape = [n_samples, n_features]
The training input samples. All features must be binary, and the matrix is internally converted to dtype=np.uint8.
y : array-line, shape = [n_samples]
The target values for the training input. Must be binary.
feature_names : list, optional(default=None)
A list of strings of length n_features. Specifies the names of each of the features. If an empty list is provided, the feature names are set to the default of ["feature1", "feature2"… ].
prediction_name : string, optional(default="prediction")
The name of the feature that is being predicted.


self : obj
Expand source code
def fit(self, X, y, feature_names=None, prediction_name="prediction"):
    Build a CORELS classifier from the training set (X, y).
    X : array-like, shape = [n_samples, n_features]
        The training input samples. All features must be binary, and the matrix
        is internally converted to dtype=np.uint8.
    y : array-line, shape = [n_samples]
        The target values for the training input. Must be binary.

    feature_names : list, optional(default=None)
        A list of strings of length n_features. Specifies the names of each
        of the features. If an empty list is provided, the feature names
        are set to the default of ["feature1", "feature2"... ].
    prediction_name : string, optional(default="prediction")
        The name of the feature that is being predicted.
    self : obj
    if isinstance(X, pd.DataFrame):
        if feature_names is None:
            feature_names = X.columns.tolist()
        X = X.values
    elif feature_names is None:
        feature_names = ['X_' + str(i) for i in range(X.shape[1])]

    # check if any non-binary values
    if not np.isin(X, [0, 1]).all().all():
        self.discretizer = KBinsDiscretizer(encode='onehot-dense')
        self.discretizer.fit(X, y)
        feature_names = [f'{col}_{b}'
                     for col, bins in zip(feature_names, self.discretizer.n_bins_)
                     for b in range(bins)]
        feature_names = self.discretizer.get_feature_names_out()
        X = self.discretizer.transform(X)

    # feature_names = feature_names.tolist()

    super().fit(X, y, features=feature_names, prediction_name=prediction_name)
    # try:
    self._traverse_rule(X, y, feature_names)
    # except:
    #     self.str_print = None
    self.complexity_ = self._get_complexity()
    return self
def predict(self, X)

Predict classifications of the input samples X. Arguments

X : array-like, shape = [n_samples, n_features]
The training input samples. All features must be binary, and the matrix is internally converted to dtype=np.uint8. The features must be the same as those of the data used to train the model.


p : array[int] of shape = [n_samples]. The classifications of the input samples.

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def predict(self, X):
    Predict classifications of the input samples X.
    X : array-like, shape = [n_samples, n_features]
        The training input samples. All features must be binary, and the matrix
        is internally converted to dtype=np.uint8. The features must be the same
        as those of the data used to train the model.
    p : array[int] of shape = [n_samples].
        The classifications of the input samples.
    if self.discretizer is not None:
        X = self.discretizer.transform(X)
    return super().predict(X).astype(int)
def predict_proba(self, X)

Predict probabilities of the input samples X. todo: actually calculate these from training set Arguments

X : array-like, shape = [n_samples, n_features]
The training input samples. All features must be binary, and the matrix is internally converted to dtype=np.uint8. The features must be the same as those of the data used to train the model.


p : array[float] of shape = [n_samples, 2]. The probabilities of the input samples.

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def predict_proba(self, X):
    Predict probabilities of the input samples X.
    todo: actually calculate these from training set
    X : array-like, shape = [n_samples, n_features]
        The training input samples. All features must be binary, and the matrix
        is internally converted to dtype=np.uint8. The features must be the same
        as those of the data used to train the model.
    p : array[float] of shape = [n_samples, 2].
        The probabilities of the input samples.
    preds = self.predict(X)
    return np.vstack((1 - preds, preds)).transpose()
def set_fit_request(self: OptimalRuleListClassifier, *, feature_names: Union[bool, ForwardRef(None), str] = '$UNCHANGED$', prediction_name: Union[bool, ForwardRef(None), str] = '$UNCHANGED$') ‑> OptimalRuleListClassifier

Request metadata passed to the fit method.

Note that this method is only relevant if enable_metadata_routing=True (see :func:sklearn.set_config). Please see :ref:User Guide <metadata_routing> on how the routing mechanism works.

The options for each parameter are:

  • True: metadata is requested, and passed to fit if provided. The request is ignored if metadata is not provided.

  • False: metadata is not requested and the meta-estimator will not pass it to fit.

  • None: metadata is not requested, and the meta-estimator will raise an error if the user provides it.

  • str: metadata should be passed to the meta-estimator with this given alias instead of the original name.

The default (sklearn.utils.metadata_routing.UNCHANGED) retains the existing request. This allows you to change the request for some parameters and not others.

Added in version: 1.3


This method is only relevant if this estimator is used as a sub-estimator of a meta-estimator, e.g. used inside a :class:~sklearn.pipeline.Pipeline. Otherwise it has no effect.


feature_names : str, True, False, or None, default=sklearn.utils.metadata_routing.UNCHANGED
Metadata routing for feature_names parameter in fit.
prediction_name : str, True, False, or None, default=sklearn.utils.metadata_routing.UNCHANGED
Metadata routing for prediction_name parameter in fit.


self : object
The updated object.
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def func(*args, **kw):
    """Updates the request for provided parameters

    This docstring is overwritten below.
    See REQUESTER_DOC for expected functionality
    if not _routing_enabled():
        raise RuntimeError(
            "This method is only available when metadata routing is enabled."
            " You can enable it using"
            " sklearn.set_config(enable_metadata_routing=True)."

    if self.validate_keys and (set(kw) - set(self.keys)):
        raise TypeError(
            f"Unexpected args: {set(kw) - set(self.keys)} in {self.name}. "
            f"Accepted arguments are: {set(self.keys)}"

    # This makes it possible to use the decorated method as an unbound method,
    # for instance when monkeypatching.
    # https://github.com/scikit-learn/scikit-learn/issues/28632
    if instance is None:
        _instance = args[0]
        args = args[1:]
        _instance = instance

    # Replicating python's behavior when positional args are given other than
    # `self`, and `self` is only allowed if this method is unbound.
    if args:
        raise TypeError(
            f"set_{self.name}_request() takes 0 positional argument but"
            f" {len(args)} were given"

    requests = _instance._get_metadata_request()
    method_metadata_request = getattr(requests, self.name)

    for prop, alias in kw.items():
        if alias is not UNCHANGED:
            method_metadata_request.add_request(param=prop, alias=alias)
    _instance._metadata_request = requests

    return _instance

Inherited members