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from typing import Iterable, Tuple, List
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from mlxtend import frequent_patterns as mlx
from sklearn.ensemble import BaggingRegressor, GradientBoostingRegressor, RandomForestRegressor, \
GradientBoostingClassifier, RandomForestClassifier
from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeRegressor
from sklearn.utils.validation import check_array
import inspect
from imodels.util import rule, convert
def extract_fpgrowth(X,
verbose=False) -> List[Tuple]:
itemsets_df = mlx.fpgrowth(
X, min_support=minsupport, max_len=maxcardinality)
itemsets_indices = [tuple(s[1]) for s in itemsets_df.values]
itemsets = [np.array(X.columns)[list(inds)] for inds in itemsets_indices]
itemsets = list(map(tuple, itemsets))
if verbose:
print(len(itemsets), 'rules mined')
return itemsets
def extract_rulefit(X, y, feature_names,
random_state=None) -> List[str]:
if tree_generator is None:
sample_fract_ = min(0.5, (100 + 6 * np.sqrt(X.shape[0])) / X.shape[0])
tree_generator = GradientBoostingRegressor(n_estimators=n_estimators,
if type(tree_generator) not in [GradientBoostingClassifier, GradientBoostingRegressor,
RandomForestRegressor, RandomForestClassifier]:
raise ValueError(
"RuleFit only works with GradientBoostingClassifier(), GradientBoostingRegressor(), "
"RandomForestRegressor() or RandomForestClassifier()")
# fit tree generator
if not exp_rand_tree_size: # simply fit with constant tree size
tree_generator.fit(X, y)
else: # randomise tree size as per Friedman 2005 Sec 3.3
tree_sizes = np.random.exponential(
scale=tree_size - 2, size=n_estimators)
tree_sizes = np.asarray([2 + np.floor(tree_sizes[i_])
for i_ in np.arange(len(tree_sizes))], dtype=int)
curr_est_ = 0
for i_size in np.arange(len(tree_sizes)):
size = tree_sizes[i_size]
tree_generator.set_params(n_estimators=curr_est_ + 1)
random_state_add = random_state if random_state else 0
random_state=i_size + random_state_add) # warm_state=True seems to reset random_state, such that the trees are highly correlated, unless we manually change the random_sate here.
tree_generator.fit(np.copy(X, order='C'), np.copy(y, order='C'))
curr_est_ = curr_est_ + 1
if isinstance(tree_generator, RandomForestRegressor) or isinstance(tree_generator, RandomForestClassifier):
estimators_ = [[x] for x in tree_generator.estimators_]
estimators_ = tree_generator.estimators_
seen_rules = set()
extracted_rules = []
for estimator in estimators_:
for rule_value_pair in convert.tree_to_rules(estimator[0], np.array(feature_names), prediction_values=True):
rule_obj = rule.Rule(rule_value_pair[0])
if rule_obj not in seen_rules:
extracted_rules = sorted(extracted_rules, key=lambda x: x[1])
extracted_rules = list(map(lambda x: x[0], extracted_rules))
return extracted_rules
def extract_skope(X, y, feature_names,
verbose=0) -> Tuple[List[str], List[np.array], List[np.array]]:
ensembles = []
if not isinstance(max_depths, Iterable):
max_depths = [max_depths]
for max_depth in max_depths:
# pass different key based on sklearn version
estimator = DecisionTreeRegressor(
init_signature = inspect.signature(BaggingRegressor.__init__)
estimator_key = 'estimator' if 'estimator' in init_signature.parameters.keys(
) else 'base_estimator'
kwargs = {
estimator_key: estimator,
bagging_clf = BaggingRegressor(
# oob_score=... XXX may be added
# if selection on tree perf needed.
# warm_start=... XXX may be added to increase computation perf.
y_reg = y
if sample_weight is not None:
sample_weight = check_array(sample_weight, ensure_2d=False)
weights = sample_weight - sample_weight.min()
contamination = float(sum(y)) / len(y)
y_reg = (
pow(weights, 0.5) * 0.5 / contamination * (y > 0) -
pow((weights).mean(), 0.5) * (y == 0)
y_reg = 1. / (1 + np.exp(-y_reg)) # sigmoid
for e in ensembles[:len(ensembles) // 2]:
e.fit(X, y)
for e in ensembles[len(ensembles) // 2:]:
e.fit(X, y_reg)
estimators_, estimators_samples_, estimators_features_ = [], [], []
for ensemble in ensembles:
estimators_ += ensemble.estimators_
estimators_samples_ += ensemble.estimators_samples_
estimators_features_ += ensemble.estimators_features_
extracted_rules = []
for estimator, features in zip(estimators_, estimators_features_):
estimator, np.array(feature_names)[features]))
return extracted_rules, estimators_samples_, estimators_features_
def extract_marginal_curves(clf, X, max_evals=100):
"""Uses predict_proba to compute marginal curves.
Assumes clf is a classifier with a predict_proba method and that classifier is additive across features
For GAM, this returns the shape functions
clf : classifier
A classifier with a predict_proba method
X : array-like
The data to compute the marginal curves on (used to calculate unique feature vals)
max_evals : int
The maximum number of evaluations to make for each feature
feature_vals_list : list of arrays
The values of each feature for which the shape function is evaluated.
shape_function_vals_list : list of arrays
The shape function evaluated at each value of the corresponding feature.
p = X.shape[1]
dummy_input = np.zeros((1, p))
base = clf.predict_proba(dummy_input)[:, 1][0]
feature_vals_list = []
shape_function_vals_list = []
for feat_num in range(p):
feature_vals = sorted(np.unique(X[:, feat_num]))
while len(feature_vals) > max_evals:
feature_vals = feature_vals[::2]
dummy_input = np.zeros((len(feature_vals), p))
dummy_input[:, feat_num] = feature_vals
shape_function_vals = clf.predict_proba(dummy_input)[:, 1] - base
return feature_vals_list, shape_function_vals_list
if __name__ == '__main__':
init_signature = inspect.signature(BaggingRegressor.__init__)
print('estimator' in init_signature.parameters.keys())
def extract_fpgrowth(X, minsupport=0.1, maxcardinality=2, verbose=False) ‑> List[Tuple]
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def extract_fpgrowth(X, minsupport=0.1, maxcardinality=2, verbose=False) -> List[Tuple]: itemsets_df = mlx.fpgrowth( X, min_support=minsupport, max_len=maxcardinality) itemsets_indices = [tuple(s[1]) for s in itemsets_df.values] itemsets = [np.array(X.columns)[list(inds)] for inds in itemsets_indices] itemsets = list(map(tuple, itemsets)) if verbose: print(len(itemsets), 'rules mined') return itemsets
def extract_marginal_curves(clf, X, max_evals=100)
Uses predict_proba to compute marginal curves. Assumes clf is a classifier with a predict_proba method and that classifier is additive across features For GAM, this returns the shape functions
clf : classifier A classifier with a predict_proba method X : array-like The data to compute the marginal curves on (used to calculate unique feature vals) max_evals : int The maximum number of evaluations to make for each feature
- The values of each feature for which the shape function is evaluated.
- The shape function evaluated at each value of the corresponding feature.
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def extract_marginal_curves(clf, X, max_evals=100): """Uses predict_proba to compute marginal curves. Assumes clf is a classifier with a predict_proba method and that classifier is additive across features For GAM, this returns the shape functions Params ------ clf : classifier A classifier with a predict_proba method X : array-like The data to compute the marginal curves on (used to calculate unique feature vals) max_evals : int The maximum number of evaluations to make for each feature Returns ------- feature_vals_list : list of arrays The values of each feature for which the shape function is evaluated. shape_function_vals_list : list of arrays The shape function evaluated at each value of the corresponding feature. """ p = X.shape[1] dummy_input = np.zeros((1, p)) base = clf.predict_proba(dummy_input)[:, 1][0] feature_vals_list = [] shape_function_vals_list = [] for feat_num in range(p): feature_vals = sorted(np.unique(X[:, feat_num])) while len(feature_vals) > max_evals: feature_vals = feature_vals[::2] dummy_input = np.zeros((len(feature_vals), p)) dummy_input[:, feat_num] = feature_vals shape_function_vals = clf.predict_proba(dummy_input)[:, 1] - base feature_vals_list.append(feature_vals) shape_function_vals_list.append(shape_function_vals.tolist()) return feature_vals_list, shape_function_vals_list
def extract_rulefit(X, y, feature_names, n_estimators=10, tree_size=4, memory_par=0.01, tree_generator=None, exp_rand_tree_size=True, random_state=None) ‑> List[str]
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def extract_rulefit(X, y, feature_names, n_estimators=10, tree_size=4, memory_par=0.01, tree_generator=None, exp_rand_tree_size=True, random_state=None) -> List[str]: if tree_generator is None: sample_fract_ = min(0.5, (100 + 6 * np.sqrt(X.shape[0])) / X.shape[0]) tree_generator = GradientBoostingRegressor(n_estimators=n_estimators, max_leaf_nodes=tree_size, learning_rate=memory_par, subsample=sample_fract_, random_state=random_state, max_depth=100) if type(tree_generator) not in [GradientBoostingClassifier, GradientBoostingRegressor, RandomForestRegressor, RandomForestClassifier]: raise ValueError( "RuleFit only works with GradientBoostingClassifier(), GradientBoostingRegressor(), " "RandomForestRegressor() or RandomForestClassifier()") # fit tree generator if not exp_rand_tree_size: # simply fit with constant tree size tree_generator.fit(X, y) else: # randomise tree size as per Friedman 2005 Sec 3.3 np.random.seed(random_state) tree_sizes = np.random.exponential( scale=tree_size - 2, size=n_estimators) tree_sizes = np.asarray([2 + np.floor(tree_sizes[i_]) for i_ in np.arange(len(tree_sizes))], dtype=int) tree_generator.set_params(warm_start=True) curr_est_ = 0 for i_size in np.arange(len(tree_sizes)): size = tree_sizes[i_size] tree_generator.set_params(n_estimators=curr_est_ + 1) tree_generator.set_params(max_leaf_nodes=size) random_state_add = random_state if random_state else 0 tree_generator.set_params( random_state=i_size + random_state_add) # warm_state=True seems to reset random_state, such that the trees are highly correlated, unless we manually change the random_sate here. tree_generator.fit(np.copy(X, order='C'), np.copy(y, order='C')) curr_est_ = curr_est_ + 1 tree_generator.set_params(warm_start=False) if isinstance(tree_generator, RandomForestRegressor) or isinstance(tree_generator, RandomForestClassifier): estimators_ = [[x] for x in tree_generator.estimators_] else: estimators_ = tree_generator.estimators_ seen_rules = set() extracted_rules = [] for estimator in estimators_: for rule_value_pair in convert.tree_to_rules(estimator[0], np.array(feature_names), prediction_values=True): rule_obj = rule.Rule(rule_value_pair[0]) if rule_obj not in seen_rules: extracted_rules.append(rule_value_pair) seen_rules.add(rule_obj) extracted_rules = sorted(extracted_rules, key=lambda x: x[1]) extracted_rules = list(map(lambda x: x[0], extracted_rules)) return extracted_rules
def extract_skope(X, y, feature_names, sample_weight=None, n_estimators=10, max_samples=0.8, max_samples_features=1.0, bootstrap=False, bootstrap_features=False, max_depths=[3], max_features=1.0, min_samples_split=2, n_jobs=1, random_state=None, verbose=0) ‑> Tuple[List[str], List[
], List[ ]] -
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def extract_skope(X, y, feature_names, sample_weight=None, n_estimators=10, max_samples=.8, max_samples_features=1., bootstrap=False, bootstrap_features=False, max_depths=[3], max_features=1., min_samples_split=2, n_jobs=1, random_state=None, verbose=0) -> Tuple[List[str], List[np.array], List[np.array]]: ensembles = [] if not isinstance(max_depths, Iterable): max_depths = [max_depths] for max_depth in max_depths: # pass different key based on sklearn version estimator = DecisionTreeRegressor( max_depth=max_depth, max_features=max_features, min_samples_split=min_samples_split, ) init_signature = inspect.signature(BaggingRegressor.__init__) estimator_key = 'estimator' if 'estimator' in init_signature.parameters.keys( ) else 'base_estimator' kwargs = { estimator_key: estimator, } bagging_clf = BaggingRegressor( n_estimators=n_estimators, max_samples=max_samples, max_features=max_samples_features, bootstrap=bootstrap, bootstrap_features=bootstrap_features, # oob_score=... XXX may be added # if selection on tree perf needed. # warm_start=... XXX may be added to increase computation perf. n_jobs=n_jobs, random_state=random_state, verbose=verbose, **kwargs ) ensembles.append(bagging_clf) y_reg = y if sample_weight is not None: sample_weight = check_array(sample_weight, ensure_2d=False) weights = sample_weight - sample_weight.min() contamination = float(sum(y)) / len(y) y_reg = ( pow(weights, 0.5) * 0.5 / contamination * (y > 0) - pow((weights).mean(), 0.5) * (y == 0) ) y_reg = 1. / (1 + np.exp(-y_reg)) # sigmoid for e in ensembles[:len(ensembles) // 2]: e.fit(X, y) for e in ensembles[len(ensembles) // 2:]: e.fit(X, y_reg) estimators_, estimators_samples_, estimators_features_ = [], [], [] for ensemble in ensembles: estimators_ += ensemble.estimators_ estimators_samples_ += ensemble.estimators_samples_ estimators_features_ += ensemble.estimators_features_ extracted_rules = [] for estimator, features in zip(estimators_, estimators_features_): extracted_rules.append(convert.tree_to_rules( estimator, np.array(feature_names)[features])) return extracted_rules, estimators_samples_, estimators_features_