Module imodelsx.augtree.stump
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from typing import List
import numpy as np
from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression, RidgeClassifier
import imodels
from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator, ClassifierMixin, RegressorMixin
import imodelsx.augtree.llm
import imodelsx.augtree.augtree
import imodelsx.augtree.utils
from imodelsx.augtree.embed import EmbsManager
import imodelsx.util
from imodelsx.metrics import gini_score, gini_binary
import logging
'i', 'me', 'my', 'myself', 'we', 'our', 'ours', 'ourselves', 'you', "you're",
"you've", "you'll", "you'd", 'your', 'yours', 'yourself', 'yourselves', 'he',
'him', 'his', 'himself', 'she', "she's", 'her', 'hers', 'herself', 'it', "it's",
'its', 'itself', 'they', 'them', 'their', 'theirs', 'themselves', 'what', 'which',
'who', 'whom', 'this', 'that', "that'll", 'these', 'those', 'am', 'is', 'are', 'was',
'were', 'be', 'been', 'being', 'have', 'has', 'had', 'having', 'do', 'does', 'did',
'doing', 'a', 'an', 'the', 'and', 'but', 'if', 'or', 'because', 'as', 'until', 'while',
'of', 'at', 'by', 'for', 'with', 'about', 'against', 'between', 'into', 'through',
'during', 'before', 'after', 'above', 'below', 'to', 'from', 'up', 'down', 'in', 'out',
'on', 'off', 'over', 'under', 'again', 'further', 'then', 'once', 'here', 'there', 'when',
'where', 'why', 'how', 'all', 'any', 'both', 'each', 'few', 'more', 'most', 'other',
'some', 'such', 'nor', 'only', 'own', 'so', 'than', 'too', 'very',
'can', 'will', 'just', 'don', "don't", 'should', "should've", 'now',
'ain', 'aren', "aren't", 'couldn', "couldn't", 'didn', "didn't",
'doesn', "doesn't", 'hadn', "hadn't", 'hasn', "hasn't", 'haven', "haven't", 'isn', "isn't",
'ma', 'mightn', "mightn't", 'mustn', "mustn't", 'needn', "needn't", 'shan', "shan't",
'shouldn', "shouldn't", 'wasn', "wasn't", 'weren', "weren't", 'won', "won't", 'wouldn', "wouldn't"
class Stump():
def __init__(
use_refine_ties: bool=False,
assert_checks: bool=False,
llm_prompt_context: str='',
embs_manager: EmbsManager=None,
verbose: bool=True,
use_stemming: bool=False,
cache_expansions_dir: str=None,
"""Fit a single stump.
Currently only supports binary classification with binary features.
self.max_features = max_features
self.split_strategy = split_strategy
self.use_refine_ties = use_refine_ties
self.child_left = None
self.child_right = None
self.assert_checks = assert_checks
self.llm_prompt_context = llm_prompt_context
self.refinement_strategy = refinement_strategy
self.verbose = verbose
self.embs_manager = embs_manager
self.use_stemming = use_stemming
self.cache_expansions_dir = cache_expansions_dir
if tokenizer is None:
self.tokenizer = imodelsx.augtree.utils.get_spacy_tokenizer(use_stemming=use_stemming)
self.tokenizer = tokenizer
if self.split_strategy == 'cart':
self.criterion = 'gini'
elif self.split_strategy == 'id3':
self.criterion = 'entropy'
elif self.split_strategy == 'mse':
self.criterion = 'mse'
def fit(self, X, y, feature_names=None, X_text=None):
# check input and set some attributes
assert len(np.unique(y)) > 1, 'y should have more than 1 unique value'
if not isinstance(self, RegressorMixin):
assert len(np.unique(y)) <= 2, 'only binary classification is supported'
X, y, _ = imodels.util.arguments.check_fit_arguments(
self, X, y, feature_names)
self.feature_names = feature_names
if isinstance(self.feature_names, list):
self.feature_names = np.array(self.feature_names).flatten()
# fit stump
if self.split_strategy == 'linear':
if isinstance(self, RegressorMixin):
raise NotImplementedError('linear split strategy not implemented for regression')
self.stump_keywords_idxs = self._get_stump_keywords_linear(X, y)
self.stump_keywords_idxs = self._get_stump_keywords_cart(X, y)
self.stump_keywords = self.feature_names[self.stump_keywords_idxs]
# set value
self._set_value_acc_samples(X_text, y)
if self.failed_to_split:
return self
# checks
if self.assert_checks:
preds_text = self.predict(X_text=X_text, predict_strategy='text')
preds_tab = self.predict(X=X, predict_strategy='tabular')
assert np.all(
preds_text == preds_tab), 'predicting with text and tabular should give same results'
assert self.value[1] > self.value[0], 'right child should have greater val than left but value=' + \
assert self.value[1] > self.value_mean, 'right child should have greater val than parent ' + \
# refine llm keywords
if not self.refinement_strategy == 'None':
if self.verbose:
logging.debug(f'\t\tbefore refining acc {self.acc:0.4f}')
self.stump_keywords_refined = self._refine_keywords(
self.stump_keywords, X_text, y, tokenizer=self.tokenizer,
self._set_value_acc_samples(X_text, y)
if self.verbose:
logging.debug(f'\t\trefined acc {self.acc:.4f} {self.stump_keywords_refined[0]} -> {self.stump_keywords_refined[:5]}...')
return self
def predict(self, X=None, X_text: List[str] = None,
predict_strategy='text', keywords=None) -> np.ndarray[int]:
"""Returns prediction 1 for positive and 0 for negative.
assert not (predict_strategy == 'tabular' and X is None)
assert not (predict_strategy == 'text' and X_text is None)
if predict_strategy == 'tabular':
X = imodels.util.arguments.check_fit_X(X)
# predict whether input has any of the features in stump_keywords_idxs
X_feats = X[:, self.stump_keywords_idxs]
pred = np.any(X_feats, axis=1)
if self.pos_or_neg == 'pos':
return pred.astype(int)
return 1 - pred
elif predict_strategy == 'text':
if not keywords:
if hasattr(self, 'stump_keywords_refined'):
keywords = self.stump_keywords_refined
keywords = self.stump_keywords
ngrams_used_to_predict = max(
[len(keyword.split(' ')) for keyword in keywords])
def contains_any_of_keywords(text):
text = text.lower()
text = imodelsx.util.generate_ngrams_list(
for keyword in keywords:
if keyword in text:
return 1
return 0
contains_keywords = 1 * \
np.array([contains_any_of_keywords(x) for x in X_text])
if self.pos_or_neg == 'pos':
return contains_keywords
return 1 - contains_keywords
def predict_regression(self, X_text, **kwargs):
preds_binary = self.predict(X_text=X_text, **kwargs)
return preds_binary * self.value[1] + (1 - preds_binary) * self.value[0]
def _get_stump_keywords_cart(self, X, y):
'''iteratively select the feature selected by DecisionTreeClassifier
removes that feature, and repeats
if self.criterion == 'gini':
criterion_func = imodelsx.augtree.utils.impurity_gini
elif self.criterion == 'entropy':
criterion_func = imodelsx.augtree.utils.impurity_entropy
elif self.criterion == 'mse':
criterion_func = imodelsx.augtree.utils.impurity_mse
# Calculate the gini impurity reduction for each (binary) feature in X
impurity_reductions = []
# whether the feature increases the likelihood of the positive class
feature_positive = []
n = y.size
gini_impurity = criterion_func(y)
# assert gini_impurity_1 == gini_impurity, 'gini impurity should be the same'
for i in range(X.shape[1]):
x = X[:, i]
idxs_r = x > 0.5
idxs_l = x <= 0.5
if idxs_r.sum() == 0 or idxs_l.sum() == 0:
gini_impurity_l = criterion_func(y[idxs_l])
gini_impurity_r = criterion_func(y[idxs_r])
# print('l', indexes_l.sum(), 'r', indexes_r.sum(), 'n', n)
- (idxs_l.sum() / n) * gini_impurity_l
- (idxs_r.sum() / n) * gini_impurity_r
feature_positive.append(np.mean(y[idxs_r]) > np.mean(y[idxs_l]))
impurity_reductions = np.array(impurity_reductions)
feature_positive = np.arange(X.shape[1])[np.array(feature_positive)]
# find the top self.max_features with the largest impurity reductions
args_largest_reduction_first = np.argsort(impurity_reductions)[::-1]
self.impurity_reductions = impurity_reductions[args_largest_reduction_first][:self.max_features]
# print('\ttop_impurity_reductions', impurity_reductions[args_largest_reduction_first][:5],
# 'max', max(impurity_reductions))
# print(f'\t{X.shape=}')
imp_pos_top = [
k for k in args_largest_reduction_first
if k in feature_positive
and not k in STOPWORDS
imp_neg_top = [
k for k in args_largest_reduction_first
if not k in feature_positive
and not k in STOPWORDS
# feat = DecisionTreeClassifier(max_depth=1).fit(X, y).tree_.feature[0]
if np.sum(imp_pos_top) > np.sum(imp_neg_top):
self.pos_or_neg = 'pos'
return imp_pos_top
self.pos_or_neg = 'neg'
return imp_neg_top
def _refine_keywords(
keywords: List[str], X_text: List[str],
y, tokenizer,
) -> List[str]:
"""Refine each keyword using LLM.
Greedily add extra keywords based on whether they improve acc (should change to impurity).
Return list corresponding to the candidates from the single best keyword
if isinstance(self, RegressorMixin):
criterion_func = imodelsx.augtree.utils.mse_score
predict_func = self.predict_regression
criterion_func = imodelsx.augtree.utils.gini_score
predict_func = self.predict
criterions_keyword = []
candidates_list_keyword = []
for i in range(len(keywords)):
# get keyword
keyword = keywords[i]
# get refined_keywords
if self.refinement_strategy == 'llm':
keywords_refined = imodelsx.augtree.llm.expand_keyword(keyword, self.llm_prompt_context, cache_dir=self.cache_expansions_dir)
elif self.refinement_strategy == 'embs':
keywords_refined = self.embs_manager.expand_keyword(keyword)
# filter out keywords that are too long
keywords_refined = [
k for k in keywords_refined
if len(k.split()) <= max_words_in_single_keyword
if self.use_stemming:
# apply tokenizer to each unigram and combine
keywords_refined = [
' '.join([str(tok) for tok in tokenizer(str(word))])
for word in keywords_refined
# drop things that end up too short
keywords_refined = [
k for k in keywords_refined if len(k) > 2
# greedily grow words one at a time, testing acc with each new word
words = [keyword]
criterion_max = criterion_func(y, predict_func(X_text=X_text, keywords=words))
for keyword_refined in keywords_refined:
preds_check = predict_func(
X_text=X_text, keywords=words + [keyword_refined])
# if acc improved, add the refined_keyword
crit = criterion_func(y, preds_check)
if self.use_refine_ties:
check_crit = crit >= criterion_max
check_crit = crit > criterion_max
if check_crit:
criterion_max = crit
logging.debug(f'\t\t\tadded {repr(keyword_refined)}')
# append the results
# print(f'\t\t {i} refined acc {acc_max:.4f}',
# keyword, '->', words[:5], '...')
idx_best = np.argmax(criterions_keyword)
keywords_best = [
' '.join([str(tok) for tok in tokenizer(str(word))]) # clean up word
for word in candidates_list_keyword[idx_best]
# print(f'\trefined acc {criterion_max:.4f}', keywords[idx_best], '->', keywords_best[:5], '...')
return keywords_best
def _set_value_acc_samples(self, X_text, y):
"""Set value and accuracy of stump.
idxs_right = self.predict(X_text=X_text).astype(bool)
n_right = idxs_right.sum()
if n_right == 0 or n_right == y.size:
self.failed_to_split = True
self.failed_to_split = False
self.n_samples = [y.size - n_right, n_right]
self.value = [np.mean(y[~idxs_right]), np.mean(y[idxs_right])]
self.value_mean = np.mean(y)
if isinstance(self, RegressorMixin):
preds = self.value[1] * idxs_right + self.value[0] * ~idxs_right
self.acc = imodelsx.augtree.utils.mse_score(y, preds)
preds = 1 * idxs_right
self.acc = accuracy_score(y, preds)
# self.impurity_reduction = gini_binary(y.mean()) - \
# gini_binary(self.value[1]) / self.n_samples[1] * y.size - \
# gini_binary(self.value[0]) / self.n_samples[0] * y.size
def __str__(self):
if hasattr(self, 'stump_keywords_refined'):
keywords = self.stump_keywords_refined
keywords = self.stump_keywords
keywords_str = ", ".join(keywords[:5])
if len(keywords) > 5:
keywords_str += f'...({len(keywords) - 5} more)'
sign = {'pos': '+', 'neg': '--'}[self.pos_or_neg]
return f'Stump(val={self.value_mean:0.2f} n={self.n_samples}) {sign} {keywords_str}'
def get_str_simple(self):
if hasattr(self, 'stump_keywords_refined'):
keywords = self.stump_keywords_refined
keywords = self.stump_keywords
keywords_str = ", ".join(keywords[:5])
if len(keywords) > 5:
keywords_str += f'...({len(keywords) - 5} more)'
sign = {'pos': '+', 'neg': '--'}[self.pos_or_neg]
return f'{sign} {keywords_str}'
def _get_stump_keywords_linear(self, X, y):
# fit a linear model
m = LogisticRegression().fit(X, y), y)
# find the largest magnitude coefs
abs_feature_idxs = m.coef_.argsort().flatten()
bot_feature_idxs = abs_feature_idxs[:self.max_features]
top_feature_idxs = abs_feature_idxs[-self.max_features:][::-1]
# return the features with the largest magnitude coefs
if np.sum(abs(bot_feature_idxs)) > np.sum(abs(top_feature_idxs)):
self.pos_or_neg = 'neg'
return bot_feature_idxs
self.pos_or_neg = 'pos'
return top_feature_idxs
class StumpRegressor(Stump, RegressorMixin):
class StumpClassifier(Stump, ClassifierMixin):
class Stump (max_features=5, split_strategy='cart', tokenizer=None, refinement_strategy='None', use_refine_ties: bool = False, assert_checks: bool = False, llm_prompt_context: str = '', embs_manager: EmbsManager = None, verbose: bool = True, use_stemming: bool = False, cache_expansions_dir: str = None)
Fit a single stump. Currently only supports binary classification with binary features.
Expand source code
class Stump(): def __init__( self, max_features=5, split_strategy='cart', tokenizer=None, refinement_strategy='None', use_refine_ties: bool=False, assert_checks: bool=False, llm_prompt_context: str='', embs_manager: EmbsManager=None, verbose: bool=True, use_stemming: bool=False, cache_expansions_dir: str=None, ): """Fit a single stump. Currently only supports binary classification with binary features. """ self.max_features = max_features self.split_strategy = split_strategy self.use_refine_ties = use_refine_ties self.child_left = None self.child_right = None self.assert_checks = assert_checks self.llm_prompt_context = llm_prompt_context self.refinement_strategy = refinement_strategy self.verbose = verbose self.embs_manager = embs_manager self.use_stemming = use_stemming self.cache_expansions_dir = cache_expansions_dir if tokenizer is None: self.tokenizer = imodelsx.augtree.utils.get_spacy_tokenizer(use_stemming=use_stemming) else: self.tokenizer = tokenizer if self.split_strategy == 'cart': self.criterion = 'gini' elif self.split_strategy == 'id3': self.criterion = 'entropy' elif self.split_strategy == 'mse': self.criterion = 'mse' def fit(self, X, y, feature_names=None, X_text=None): # check input and set some attributes assert len(np.unique(y)) > 1, 'y should have more than 1 unique value' if not isinstance(self, RegressorMixin): assert len(np.unique(y)) <= 2, 'only binary classification is supported' X, y, _ = imodels.util.arguments.check_fit_arguments( self, X, y, feature_names) self.feature_names = feature_names if isinstance(self.feature_names, list): self.feature_names = np.array(self.feature_names).flatten() # fit stump if self.split_strategy == 'linear': if isinstance(self, RegressorMixin): raise NotImplementedError('linear split strategy not implemented for regression') self.stump_keywords_idxs = self._get_stump_keywords_linear(X, y) else: self.stump_keywords_idxs = self._get_stump_keywords_cart(X, y) self.stump_keywords = self.feature_names[self.stump_keywords_idxs] # set value self._set_value_acc_samples(X_text, y) if self.failed_to_split: return self # checks if self.assert_checks: preds_text = self.predict(X_text=X_text, predict_strategy='text') preds_tab = self.predict(X=X, predict_strategy='tabular') assert np.all( preds_text == preds_tab), 'predicting with text and tabular should give same results' assert self.value[1] > self.value[0], 'right child should have greater val than left but value=' + \ str(self.value) assert self.value[1] > self.value_mean, 'right child should have greater val than parent ' + \ str(self.value) # refine llm keywords if not self.refinement_strategy == 'None': if self.verbose: logging.debug(f'\t\tbefore refining acc {self.acc:0.4f}') self.stump_keywords_refined = self._refine_keywords( self.stump_keywords, X_text, y, tokenizer=self.tokenizer, ) self._set_value_acc_samples(X_text, y) if self.verbose: logging.debug(f'\t\trefined acc {self.acc:.4f} {self.stump_keywords_refined[0]} -> {self.stump_keywords_refined[:5]}...') return self def predict(self, X=None, X_text: List[str] = None, predict_strategy='text', keywords=None) -> np.ndarray[int]: """Returns prediction 1 for positive and 0 for negative. """ assert not (predict_strategy == 'tabular' and X is None) assert not (predict_strategy == 'text' and X_text is None) if predict_strategy == 'tabular': X = imodels.util.arguments.check_fit_X(X) # predict whether input has any of the features in stump_keywords_idxs X_feats = X[:, self.stump_keywords_idxs] pred = np.any(X_feats, axis=1) if self.pos_or_neg == 'pos': return pred.astype(int) else: return 1 - pred elif predict_strategy == 'text': if not keywords: if hasattr(self, 'stump_keywords_refined'): keywords = self.stump_keywords_refined else: keywords = self.stump_keywords ngrams_used_to_predict = max( [len(keyword.split(' ')) for keyword in keywords]) def contains_any_of_keywords(text): text = text.lower() text = imodelsx.util.generate_ngrams_list( text, ngrams=ngrams_used_to_predict, tokenizer_ngrams=self.tokenizer, all_ngrams=True ) for keyword in keywords: if keyword in text: return 1 return 0 contains_keywords = 1 * \ np.array([contains_any_of_keywords(x) for x in X_text]) if self.pos_or_neg == 'pos': return contains_keywords else: return 1 - contains_keywords def predict_regression(self, X_text, **kwargs): preds_binary = self.predict(X_text=X_text, **kwargs) return preds_binary * self.value[1] + (1 - preds_binary) * self.value[0] def _get_stump_keywords_cart(self, X, y): '''iteratively select the feature selected by DecisionTreeClassifier removes that feature, and repeats ''' if self.criterion == 'gini': criterion_func = imodelsx.augtree.utils.impurity_gini elif self.criterion == 'entropy': criterion_func = imodelsx.augtree.utils.impurity_entropy elif self.criterion == 'mse': criterion_func = imodelsx.augtree.utils.impurity_mse # Calculate the gini impurity reduction for each (binary) feature in X impurity_reductions = [] # whether the feature increases the likelihood of the positive class feature_positive = [] n = y.size gini_impurity = criterion_func(y) # assert gini_impurity_1 == gini_impurity, 'gini impurity should be the same' for i in range(X.shape[1]): x = X[:, i] idxs_r = x > 0.5 idxs_l = x <= 0.5 if idxs_r.sum() == 0 or idxs_l.sum() == 0: impurity_reductions.append(0) feature_positive.append(True) else: gini_impurity_l = criterion_func(y[idxs_l]) gini_impurity_r = criterion_func(y[idxs_r]) # print('l', indexes_l.sum(), 'r', indexes_r.sum(), 'n', n) impurity_reductions.append( gini_impurity - (idxs_l.sum() / n) * gini_impurity_l - (idxs_r.sum() / n) * gini_impurity_r ) feature_positive.append(np.mean(y[idxs_r]) > np.mean(y[idxs_l])) impurity_reductions = np.array(impurity_reductions) feature_positive = np.arange(X.shape[1])[np.array(feature_positive)] # find the top self.max_features with the largest impurity reductions args_largest_reduction_first = np.argsort(impurity_reductions)[::-1] self.impurity_reductions = impurity_reductions[args_largest_reduction_first][:self.max_features] # print('\ttop_impurity_reductions', impurity_reductions[args_largest_reduction_first][:5], # 'max', max(impurity_reductions)) # print(f'\t{X.shape=}') imp_pos_top = [ k for k in args_largest_reduction_first if k in feature_positive and not k in STOPWORDS ][:self.max_features] imp_neg_top = [ k for k in args_largest_reduction_first if not k in feature_positive and not k in STOPWORDS ][:self.max_features] # feat = DecisionTreeClassifier(max_depth=1).fit(X, y).tree_.feature[0] if np.sum(imp_pos_top) > np.sum(imp_neg_top): self.pos_or_neg = 'pos' return imp_pos_top else: self.pos_or_neg = 'neg' return imp_neg_top def _refine_keywords( self, keywords: List[str], X_text: List[str], y, tokenizer, max_words_in_single_keyword=4, ) -> List[str]: """Refine each keyword using LLM. Greedily add extra keywords based on whether they improve acc (should change to impurity). Return list corresponding to the candidates from the single best keyword """ if isinstance(self, RegressorMixin): criterion_func = imodelsx.augtree.utils.mse_score predict_func = self.predict_regression else: criterion_func = imodelsx.augtree.utils.gini_score predict_func = self.predict criterions_keyword = [] candidates_list_keyword = [] for i in range(len(keywords)): # get keyword keyword = keywords[i] # get refined_keywords if self.refinement_strategy == 'llm': keywords_refined = imodelsx.augtree.llm.expand_keyword(keyword, self.llm_prompt_context, cache_dir=self.cache_expansions_dir) elif self.refinement_strategy == 'embs': keywords_refined = self.embs_manager.expand_keyword(keyword) # filter out keywords that are too long keywords_refined = [ k for k in keywords_refined if len(k.split()) <= max_words_in_single_keyword ] if self.use_stemming: # apply tokenizer to each unigram and combine keywords_refined = [ ' '.join([str(tok) for tok in tokenizer(str(word))]) for word in keywords_refined ] # drop things that end up too short keywords_refined = [ k for k in keywords_refined if len(k) > 2 ] # greedily grow words one at a time, testing acc with each new word words = [keyword] criterion_max = criterion_func(y, predict_func(X_text=X_text, keywords=words)) for keyword_refined in keywords_refined: preds_check = predict_func( X_text=X_text, keywords=words + [keyword_refined]) # if acc improved, add the refined_keyword crit = criterion_func(y, preds_check) if self.use_refine_ties: check_crit = crit >= criterion_max else: check_crit = crit > criterion_max if check_crit: words.append(keyword_refined) criterion_max = crit logging.debug(f'\t\t\tadded {repr(keyword_refined)}') # append the results criterions_keyword.append(criterion_max) candidates_list_keyword.append(words) # print(f'\t\t {i} refined acc {acc_max:.4f}', # keyword, '->', words[:5], '...') idx_best = np.argmax(criterions_keyword) keywords_best = [ ' '.join([str(tok) for tok in tokenizer(str(word))]) # clean up word for word in candidates_list_keyword[idx_best] ] # print(f'\trefined acc {criterion_max:.4f}', keywords[idx_best], '->', keywords_best[:5], '...') return keywords_best def _set_value_acc_samples(self, X_text, y): """Set value and accuracy of stump. """ idxs_right = self.predict(X_text=X_text).astype(bool) n_right = idxs_right.sum() if n_right == 0 or n_right == y.size: self.failed_to_split = True return else: self.failed_to_split = False self.n_samples = [y.size - n_right, n_right] self.value = [np.mean(y[~idxs_right]), np.mean(y[idxs_right])] self.value_mean = np.mean(y) if isinstance(self, RegressorMixin): preds = self.value[1] * idxs_right + self.value[0] * ~idxs_right self.acc = imodelsx.augtree.utils.mse_score(y, preds) else: preds = 1 * idxs_right self.acc = accuracy_score(y, preds) # self.impurity_reduction = gini_binary(y.mean()) - \ # gini_binary(self.value[1]) / self.n_samples[1] * y.size - \ # gini_binary(self.value[0]) / self.n_samples[0] * y.size def __str__(self): if hasattr(self, 'stump_keywords_refined'): keywords = self.stump_keywords_refined else: keywords = self.stump_keywords keywords_str = ", ".join(keywords[:5]) if len(keywords) > 5: keywords_str += f'...({len(keywords) - 5} more)' sign = {'pos': '+', 'neg': '--'}[self.pos_or_neg] return f'Stump(val={self.value_mean:0.2f} n={self.n_samples}) {sign} {keywords_str}' def get_str_simple(self): if hasattr(self, 'stump_keywords_refined'): keywords = self.stump_keywords_refined else: keywords = self.stump_keywords keywords_str = ", ".join(keywords[:5]) if len(keywords) > 5: keywords_str += f'...({len(keywords) - 5} more)' sign = {'pos': '+', 'neg': '--'}[self.pos_or_neg] return f'{sign} {keywords_str}' def _get_stump_keywords_linear(self, X, y): # fit a linear model m = LogisticRegression().fit(X, y), y) # find the largest magnitude coefs abs_feature_idxs = m.coef_.argsort().flatten() bot_feature_idxs = abs_feature_idxs[:self.max_features] top_feature_idxs = abs_feature_idxs[-self.max_features:][::-1] # return the features with the largest magnitude coefs if np.sum(abs(bot_feature_idxs)) > np.sum(abs(top_feature_idxs)): self.pos_or_neg = 'neg' return bot_feature_idxs else: self.pos_or_neg = 'pos' return top_feature_idxs
def fit(self, X, y, feature_names=None, X_text=None)
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def fit(self, X, y, feature_names=None, X_text=None): # check input and set some attributes assert len(np.unique(y)) > 1, 'y should have more than 1 unique value' if not isinstance(self, RegressorMixin): assert len(np.unique(y)) <= 2, 'only binary classification is supported' X, y, _ = imodels.util.arguments.check_fit_arguments( self, X, y, feature_names) self.feature_names = feature_names if isinstance(self.feature_names, list): self.feature_names = np.array(self.feature_names).flatten() # fit stump if self.split_strategy == 'linear': if isinstance(self, RegressorMixin): raise NotImplementedError('linear split strategy not implemented for regression') self.stump_keywords_idxs = self._get_stump_keywords_linear(X, y) else: self.stump_keywords_idxs = self._get_stump_keywords_cart(X, y) self.stump_keywords = self.feature_names[self.stump_keywords_idxs] # set value self._set_value_acc_samples(X_text, y) if self.failed_to_split: return self # checks if self.assert_checks: preds_text = self.predict(X_text=X_text, predict_strategy='text') preds_tab = self.predict(X=X, predict_strategy='tabular') assert np.all( preds_text == preds_tab), 'predicting with text and tabular should give same results' assert self.value[1] > self.value[0], 'right child should have greater val than left but value=' + \ str(self.value) assert self.value[1] > self.value_mean, 'right child should have greater val than parent ' + \ str(self.value) # refine llm keywords if not self.refinement_strategy == 'None': if self.verbose: logging.debug(f'\t\tbefore refining acc {self.acc:0.4f}') self.stump_keywords_refined = self._refine_keywords( self.stump_keywords, X_text, y, tokenizer=self.tokenizer, ) self._set_value_acc_samples(X_text, y) if self.verbose: logging.debug(f'\t\trefined acc {self.acc:.4f} {self.stump_keywords_refined[0]} -> {self.stump_keywords_refined[:5]}...') return self
def get_str_simple(self)
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def get_str_simple(self): if hasattr(self, 'stump_keywords_refined'): keywords = self.stump_keywords_refined else: keywords = self.stump_keywords keywords_str = ", ".join(keywords[:5]) if len(keywords) > 5: keywords_str += f'...({len(keywords) - 5} more)' sign = {'pos': '+', 'neg': '--'}[self.pos_or_neg] return f'{sign} {keywords_str}'
def predict(self, X=None, X_text: List[str] = None, predict_strategy='text', keywords=None) ‑> numpy.ndarray[int]
Returns prediction 1 for positive and 0 for negative.
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def predict(self, X=None, X_text: List[str] = None, predict_strategy='text', keywords=None) -> np.ndarray[int]: """Returns prediction 1 for positive and 0 for negative. """ assert not (predict_strategy == 'tabular' and X is None) assert not (predict_strategy == 'text' and X_text is None) if predict_strategy == 'tabular': X = imodels.util.arguments.check_fit_X(X) # predict whether input has any of the features in stump_keywords_idxs X_feats = X[:, self.stump_keywords_idxs] pred = np.any(X_feats, axis=1) if self.pos_or_neg == 'pos': return pred.astype(int) else: return 1 - pred elif predict_strategy == 'text': if not keywords: if hasattr(self, 'stump_keywords_refined'): keywords = self.stump_keywords_refined else: keywords = self.stump_keywords ngrams_used_to_predict = max( [len(keyword.split(' ')) for keyword in keywords]) def contains_any_of_keywords(text): text = text.lower() text = imodelsx.util.generate_ngrams_list( text, ngrams=ngrams_used_to_predict, tokenizer_ngrams=self.tokenizer, all_ngrams=True ) for keyword in keywords: if keyword in text: return 1 return 0 contains_keywords = 1 * \ np.array([contains_any_of_keywords(x) for x in X_text]) if self.pos_or_neg == 'pos': return contains_keywords else: return 1 - contains_keywords
def predict_regression(self, X_text, **kwargs)
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def predict_regression(self, X_text, **kwargs): preds_binary = self.predict(X_text=X_text, **kwargs) return preds_binary * self.value[1] + (1 - preds_binary) * self.value[0]
class StumpClassifier (max_features=5, split_strategy='cart', tokenizer=None, refinement_strategy='None', use_refine_ties: bool = False, assert_checks: bool = False, llm_prompt_context: str = '', embs_manager: EmbsManager = None, verbose: bool = True, use_stemming: bool = False, cache_expansions_dir: str = None)
Mixin class for all classifiers in scikit-learn.
This mixin defines the following functionality:
class attribute defaulting to"classifier"
method that default to :func:~sklearn.metrics.accuracy_score
.- enforce that
to be passed through therequires_y
Read more in the :ref:
User Guide <rolling_your_own_estimator>
>>> import numpy as np >>> from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator, ClassifierMixin >>> # Mixin classes should always be on the left-hand side for a correct MRO >>> class MyEstimator(ClassifierMixin, BaseEstimator): ... def __init__(self, *, param=1): ... self.param = param ... def fit(self, X, y=None): ... self.is_fitted_ = True ... return self ... def predict(self, X): ... return np.full(shape=X.shape[0], fill_value=self.param) >>> estimator = MyEstimator(param=1) >>> X = np.array([[1, 2], [2, 3], [3, 4]]) >>> y = np.array([1, 0, 1]) >>>, y).predict(X) array([1, 1, 1]) >>> estimator.score(X, y) 0.66...
Fit a single stump. Currently only supports binary classification with binary features.
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class StumpClassifier(Stump, ClassifierMixin): ...
- Stump
- sklearn.base.ClassifierMixin
Inherited members
class StumpRegressor (max_features=5, split_strategy='cart', tokenizer=None, refinement_strategy='None', use_refine_ties: bool = False, assert_checks: bool = False, llm_prompt_context: str = '', embs_manager: EmbsManager = None, verbose: bool = True, use_stemming: bool = False, cache_expansions_dir: str = None)
Mixin class for all regression estimators in scikit-learn.
This mixin defines the following functionality:
class attribute defaulting to"regressor"
method that default to :func:~sklearn.metrics.r2_score
.- enforce that
to be passed through therequires_y
Read more in the :ref:
User Guide <rolling_your_own_estimator>
>>> import numpy as np >>> from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator, RegressorMixin >>> # Mixin classes should always be on the left-hand side for a correct MRO >>> class MyEstimator(RegressorMixin, BaseEstimator): ... def __init__(self, *, param=1): ... self.param = param ... def fit(self, X, y=None): ... self.is_fitted_ = True ... return self ... def predict(self, X): ... return np.full(shape=X.shape[0], fill_value=self.param) >>> estimator = MyEstimator(param=0) >>> X = np.array([[1, 2], [2, 3], [3, 4]]) >>> y = np.array([-1, 0, 1]) >>>, y).predict(X) array([0, 0, 0]) >>> estimator.score(X, y) 0.0
Fit a single stump. Currently only supports binary classification with binary features.
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class StumpRegressor(Stump, RegressorMixin): ...
- Stump
- sklearn.base.RegressorMixin
Inherited members