Module imodelsx.d3.step3_verifier
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import pickle as pkl
import random
import os
import numpy as np
import re
import torch
import tqdm
from collections import defaultdict
from transformers import AutoTokenizer, AutoModelForSeq2SeqLM, T5ForConditionalGeneration
device = 'cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu'
device_count = torch.cuda.device_count()
if device_count == 4:
def normalize(t):
return re.sub("'(.+)'", r'\1', t.lower())
def qc2input(d):
return normalize(d['q'] + '\\n' + d['c'])
class T5ZeroShotClfQA(torch.nn.Module):
def __init__(self, qa_model_name, max_seq_length = 128, half_precision=False):
super(T5ZeroShotClfQA, self).__init__()
self.tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained('t5-small')
self.model = T5ForConditionalGeneration.from_pretrained(qa_model_name)
if half_precision:
print('Using half precision')
self.half_precision = half_precision
self.model = self.model.half()
if device == 'cuda':
self.vocab = self.tokenizer.get_vocab()
self.yes_id, self.no_id = self.vocab['▁yes'], self.vocab['▁no']
self.max_seq_length = max_seq_length
self.lsm = torch.nn.LogSoftmax(dim=-1)
def create_batch(self, q_dicts):
input_strings = [qc2input(d) for d in q_dicts]
input_strings = [normalize(i) for i in input_strings]
input_dict = self.tokenizer(input_strings, padding=True, return_tensors="pt",
truncation=True, max_length=self.max_seq_length).to(device)
return input_dict
def forward(self, input_dict):
starts = torch.tensor([[self.model.config.decoder_start_token_id]] * len(input_dict['input_ids'])).to(device)
output = self.model(**input_dict, decoder_input_ids=starts)
logits = self.lsm(output.logits[:, 0, [self.no_id, self.yes_id]])
return logits
def get_logits_from_input_dict_(self, input_strings):
input_dict = self.create_batch(input_strings)
return self.forward(input_dict)
def get_logits_from_input_dict(self, q_dicts, bsize=32, progress_bar=True):
result_logits = []
iter_count = (len(q_dicts) - 1) // bsize + 1
ranger = range(iter_count) if not progress_bar else tqdm.trange(iter_count)
for i in ranger:
l = self.get_logits_from_input_dict_(q_dicts[i*bsize:(i+1) * bsize]).detach().cpu().numpy().tolist()
return np.array(result_logits)
def save(self, path):, path)
def load(self, path):
def resize(sent_A, sent_B, max_length, t5tok):
combined_cap = max_length - 30
toks_A = t5tok(sent_A)['input_ids']
toks_B = t5tok(sent_B)['input_ids']
toks_A_new, toks_B_new = [], []
total_token_count = 0
for i in range(max(len(toks_A), len(toks_B)) - 1):
if total_token_count >= combined_cap:
if i < len(toks_A) - 1:
total_token_count += 1
if total_token_count >= combined_cap:
if i < len(toks_B) - 1:
total_token_count += 1
new_A, new_B = t5tok.decode(toks_A_new), t5tok.decode(toks_B_new)
return new_A, new_B
def query_paired_fitness_controlled_(h, pos, neg, num_examples, m, max_length=128):
t5tok = m.tokenizer
q = 'Is it true that compared to sentence B, sentence A ' + h + '?'
pairs = []
for i in range(num_examples):
sent_A = random.choice(pos)
sent_B = random.choice(neg)
pairs.append((sent_A, sent_B))
qc_dicts = []
for sent_A, sent_B in pairs:
sent_A, sent_B = resize(sent_A, sent_B, max_length, t5tok)
c = 'sentence A: ' + sent_A + '\n\nsentence B: ' + sent_B
qc_dicts.append({'q': q, 'c': c})
positive_logits = m.get_logits_from_input_dict(qc_dicts, bsize=BSIZE)
pos_score = np.mean((np.e ** positive_logits[:,1]) > 0.5)
qc_dicts = []
for sent_A, sent_B in pairs:
sent_A, sent_B = resize(sent_A, sent_B, max_length, t5tok)
c = 'sentence A: ' + sent_B + '\n\nsentence B: ' + sent_A
qc_dicts.append({'q': q, 'c': c})
reverse_logits = m.get_logits_from_input_dict(qc_dicts, bsize=BSIZE)
reverse_score = np.mean((np.e ** reverse_logits[:,1]) > 0.5)
return {
'h_score': pos_score - reverse_score,
'h': h,
'dicts': pairs,
'logits': {
'positive_logits': positive_logits,
'reverse_logits': reverse_logits
def query_single_fitness_controlled_(h, pos, neg, num_examples, m):
q = 'Is it true that this sentence ' + h + '?'
pos, neg = list(pos), list(neg)
pos_examples = pos[:num_examples]
qc_dicts = [{'q': q, 'c': s} for s in pos_examples]
pos_logits = m.get_logits_from_input_dict(qc_dicts, bsize=BSIZE)[:,1]
neg_examples = neg[:num_examples]
qc_dicts = [{'q': q, 'c': s} for s in neg_examples]
neg_logits = m.get_logits_from_input_dict(qc_dicts, bsize=BSIZE)[:,1]
pos_score = np.mean((np.e ** pos_logits) > 0.5)
neg_score = np.mean((np.e ** neg_logits) > 0.5)
return {
'h_score': pos_score - neg_score,
'h': h,
'dicts': (pos_examples, neg_examples),
'logits': {
'pos_logits': pos_logits,
'neg_logits': neg_logits
class DummyVerifier:
def __init__(self):
self.seq_length = 128
print('loading verifier')
self.model = T5ZeroShotClfQA('allenai/unifiedqa-t5-large',
max_seq_length=self.seq_length, half_precision=True)
print('verifier loaded')
self.description = 'Unifiedqa t5-large for debugging'
def return_verification(self, h, pos, neg, num_examples):
result = query_paired_fitness_controlled_(h, pos, neg, num_examples, self.model, max_length=self.seq_length)
return result
class Verifier0514:
def __init__(self):
self.seq_length = 256
print('loading verifier')
self.model = T5ZeroShotClfQA('ruiqi-zhong/t5verifier_0514',
max_seq_length=self.seq_length, half_precision=True)
print('verifier loaded')
self.description = 'Similar to Verifier 1207, though the fine-tuned on clean verification data'
def return_verification(self, h, pos, neg, num_examples):
result = query_paired_fitness_controlled_(h, pos, neg, num_examples, self.model, max_length=self.seq_length)
return result
class UnifiedQASingle:
def __init__(self):
self.seq_length = 256
print('loading verifier')
self.model = T5ZeroShotClfQA('allenai/unifiedqa-t5-11b',
max_seq_length=self.seq_length, half_precision=True)
print('verifier loaded')
self.description = 'UnifiedQA evaluated on single hypotheses'
def return_verification(self, h, pos, neg, num_examples):
result = query_single_fitness_controlled_(h, pos, neg, num_examples, self.model)
return result
class UnifiedQA_v2Single:
def __init__(self):
self.seq_length = 256
print('loading verifier')
self.model = T5ZeroShotClfQA('allenai/unifiedqa-v2-t5-11b-1251000',
max_seq_length=self.seq_length, half_precision=True)
print('verifier loaded')
self.description = 'UnifiedQA-v2 evaluated on single hypotheses'
def return_verification(self, h, pos, neg, num_examples):
result = query_single_fitness_controlled_(h, pos, neg, num_examples, self.model)
return result
class UnifiedQA_v2:
def __init__(self):
self.seq_length = 256
print('loading verifier')
self.model = T5ZeroShotClfQA('allenai/unifiedqa-v2-t5-11b-1251000',
max_seq_length=self.seq_length, half_precision=True)
print('verifier loaded')
self.description = 'UnifiedQA-v2 evaluated on comparison hypotheses'
def return_verification(self, h, pos, neg, num_examples):
result = query_paired_fitness_controlled_(h, pos, neg, num_examples, self.model, max_length=self.seq_length)
return result
def init_verifier(verifier_name):
return name2verifier_cls[verifier_name]()
name2verifier_cls = {
'ruiqi-zhong/t5verifier_0514': Verifier0514,
'dummy': DummyVerifier,
'unifiedqasingle': UnifiedQASingle,
'unifiedqa_v2single': UnifiedQA_v2Single,
'unifiedqa_v2': UnifiedQA_v2
def init_verifier(verifier_name)
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def init_verifier(verifier_name): return name2verifier_cls[verifier_name]()
def normalize(t)
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def normalize(t): return re.sub("'(.+)'", r'\1', t.lower())
def qc2input(d)
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def qc2input(d): return normalize(d['q'] + '\\n' + d['c'])
def query_paired_fitness_controlled_(h, pos, neg, num_examples, m, max_length=128)
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def query_paired_fitness_controlled_(h, pos, neg, num_examples, m, max_length=128): t5tok = m.tokenizer q = 'Is it true that compared to sentence B, sentence A ' + h + '?' pairs = [] for i in range(num_examples): sent_A = random.choice(pos) sent_B = random.choice(neg) pairs.append((sent_A, sent_B)) qc_dicts = [] for sent_A, sent_B in pairs: sent_A, sent_B = resize(sent_A, sent_B, max_length, t5tok) c = 'sentence A: ' + sent_A + '\n\nsentence B: ' + sent_B qc_dicts.append({'q': q, 'c': c}) positive_logits = m.get_logits_from_input_dict(qc_dicts, bsize=BSIZE) pos_score = np.mean((np.e ** positive_logits[:,1]) > 0.5) qc_dicts = [] for sent_A, sent_B in pairs: sent_A, sent_B = resize(sent_A, sent_B, max_length, t5tok) c = 'sentence A: ' + sent_B + '\n\nsentence B: ' + sent_A qc_dicts.append({'q': q, 'c': c}) reverse_logits = m.get_logits_from_input_dict(qc_dicts, bsize=BSIZE) reverse_score = np.mean((np.e ** reverse_logits[:,1]) > 0.5) return { 'h_score': pos_score - reverse_score, 'h': h, 'dicts': pairs, 'logits': { 'positive_logits': positive_logits, 'reverse_logits': reverse_logits } }
def query_single_fitness_controlled_(h, pos, neg, num_examples, m)
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def query_single_fitness_controlled_(h, pos, neg, num_examples, m): q = 'Is it true that this sentence ' + h + '?' pos, neg = list(pos), list(neg) random.shuffle(pos) random.shuffle(neg) pos_examples = pos[:num_examples] qc_dicts = [{'q': q, 'c': s} for s in pos_examples] pos_logits = m.get_logits_from_input_dict(qc_dicts, bsize=BSIZE)[:,1] neg_examples = neg[:num_examples] qc_dicts = [{'q': q, 'c': s} for s in neg_examples] neg_logits = m.get_logits_from_input_dict(qc_dicts, bsize=BSIZE)[:,1] pos_score = np.mean((np.e ** pos_logits) > 0.5) neg_score = np.mean((np.e ** neg_logits) > 0.5) return { 'h_score': pos_score - neg_score, 'h': h, 'dicts': (pos_examples, neg_examples), 'logits': { 'pos_logits': pos_logits, 'neg_logits': neg_logits } }
def resize(sent_A, sent_B, max_length, t5tok)
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def resize(sent_A, sent_B, max_length, t5tok): combined_cap = max_length - 30 toks_A = t5tok(sent_A)['input_ids'] toks_B = t5tok(sent_B)['input_ids'] toks_A_new, toks_B_new = [], [] total_token_count = 0 for i in range(max(len(toks_A), len(toks_B)) - 1): if total_token_count >= combined_cap: break if i < len(toks_A) - 1: toks_A_new.append(toks_A[i]) total_token_count += 1 if total_token_count >= combined_cap: break if i < len(toks_B) - 1: toks_B_new.append(toks_B[i]) total_token_count += 1 new_A, new_B = t5tok.decode(toks_A_new), t5tok.decode(toks_B_new) return new_A, new_B
class DummyVerifier
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class DummyVerifier: def __init__(self): self.seq_length = 128 print('loading verifier') self.model = T5ZeroShotClfQA('allenai/unifiedqa-t5-large', max_seq_length=self.seq_length, half_precision=True) print('verifier loaded') self.description = 'Unifiedqa t5-large for debugging' def return_verification(self, h, pos, neg, num_examples): result = query_paired_fitness_controlled_(h, pos, neg, num_examples, self.model, max_length=self.seq_length) return result
def return_verification(self, h, pos, neg, num_examples)
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def return_verification(self, h, pos, neg, num_examples): result = query_paired_fitness_controlled_(h, pos, neg, num_examples, self.model, max_length=self.seq_length) return result
class T5ZeroShotClfQA (qa_model_name, max_seq_length=128, half_precision=False)
Base class for all neural network modules.
Your models should also subclass this class.
Modules can also contain other Modules, allowing to nest them in a tree structure. You can assign the submodules as regular attributes::
import torch.nn as nn import torch.nn.functional as F class Model(nn.Module): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.conv1 = nn.Conv2d(1, 20, 5) self.conv2 = nn.Conv2d(20, 20, 5) def forward(self, x): x = F.relu(self.conv1(x)) return F.relu(self.conv2(x))
Submodules assigned in this way will be registered, and will have their parameters converted too when you call :meth:
, etc.Note
As per the example above, an
call to the parent class must be made before assignment on the child.:ivar training: Boolean represents whether this module is in training or evaluation mode. :vartype training: bool
Initialize internal Module state, shared by both nn.Module and ScriptModule.
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class T5ZeroShotClfQA(torch.nn.Module): def __init__(self, qa_model_name, max_seq_length = 128, half_precision=False): super(T5ZeroShotClfQA, self).__init__() self.tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained('t5-small') self.model = T5ForConditionalGeneration.from_pretrained(qa_model_name) if half_precision: print('Using half precision') self.half_precision = half_precision self.model = self.model.half() if device == 'cuda': self.vocab = self.tokenizer.get_vocab() self.yes_id, self.no_id = self.vocab['▁yes'], self.vocab['▁no'] self.max_seq_length = max_seq_length self.lsm = torch.nn.LogSoftmax(dim=-1) def create_batch(self, q_dicts): input_strings = [qc2input(d) for d in q_dicts] input_strings = [normalize(i) for i in input_strings] input_dict = self.tokenizer(input_strings, padding=True, return_tensors="pt", truncation=True, max_length=self.max_seq_length).to(device) return input_dict def forward(self, input_dict): starts = torch.tensor([[self.model.config.decoder_start_token_id]] * len(input_dict['input_ids'])).to(device) output = self.model(**input_dict, decoder_input_ids=starts) logits = self.lsm(output.logits[:, 0, [self.no_id, self.yes_id]]) return logits def get_logits_from_input_dict_(self, input_strings): input_dict = self.create_batch(input_strings) return self.forward(input_dict) def get_logits_from_input_dict(self, q_dicts, bsize=32, progress_bar=True): self.model.eval() result_logits = [] iter_count = (len(q_dicts) - 1) // bsize + 1 ranger = range(iter_count) if not progress_bar else tqdm.trange(iter_count) for i in ranger: l = self.get_logits_from_input_dict_(q_dicts[i*bsize:(i+1) * bsize]).detach().cpu().numpy().tolist() result_logits.extend(l) return np.array(result_logits) def save(self, path):, path) def load(self, path): self.model.load_state_dict(torch.load(path))
- torch.nn.modules.module.Module
def create_batch(self, q_dicts)
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def create_batch(self, q_dicts): input_strings = [qc2input(d) for d in q_dicts] input_strings = [normalize(i) for i in input_strings] input_dict = self.tokenizer(input_strings, padding=True, return_tensors="pt", truncation=True, max_length=self.max_seq_length).to(device) return input_dict
def forward(self, input_dict) ‑> Callable[..., Any]
Define the computation performed at every call.
Should be overridden by all subclasses.
Although the recipe for forward pass needs to be defined within this function, one should call the :class:
instance afterwards instead of this since the former takes care of running the registered hooks while the latter silently ignores them.Expand source code
def forward(self, input_dict): starts = torch.tensor([[self.model.config.decoder_start_token_id]] * len(input_dict['input_ids'])).to(device) output = self.model(**input_dict, decoder_input_ids=starts) logits = self.lsm(output.logits[:, 0, [self.no_id, self.yes_id]]) return logits
def get_logits_from_input_dict(self, q_dicts, bsize=32, progress_bar=True)
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def get_logits_from_input_dict(self, q_dicts, bsize=32, progress_bar=True): self.model.eval() result_logits = [] iter_count = (len(q_dicts) - 1) // bsize + 1 ranger = range(iter_count) if not progress_bar else tqdm.trange(iter_count) for i in ranger: l = self.get_logits_from_input_dict_(q_dicts[i*bsize:(i+1) * bsize]).detach().cpu().numpy().tolist() result_logits.extend(l) return np.array(result_logits)
def get_logits_from_input_dict_(self, input_strings)
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def get_logits_from_input_dict_(self, input_strings): input_dict = self.create_batch(input_strings) return self.forward(input_dict)
def load(self, path)
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def load(self, path): self.model.load_state_dict(torch.load(path))
def save(self, path)
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def save(self, path):, path)
class UnifiedQASingle
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class UnifiedQASingle: def __init__(self): self.seq_length = 256 print('loading verifier') self.model = T5ZeroShotClfQA('allenai/unifiedqa-t5-11b', max_seq_length=self.seq_length, half_precision=True) self.model.eval() print('verifier loaded') self.description = 'UnifiedQA evaluated on single hypotheses' def return_verification(self, h, pos, neg, num_examples): result = query_single_fitness_controlled_(h, pos, neg, num_examples, self.model) return result
def return_verification(self, h, pos, neg, num_examples)
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def return_verification(self, h, pos, neg, num_examples): result = query_single_fitness_controlled_(h, pos, neg, num_examples, self.model) return result
class UnifiedQA_v2
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class UnifiedQA_v2: def __init__(self): self.seq_length = 256 print('loading verifier') self.model = T5ZeroShotClfQA('allenai/unifiedqa-v2-t5-11b-1251000', max_seq_length=self.seq_length, half_precision=True) self.model.eval() print('verifier loaded') self.description = 'UnifiedQA-v2 evaluated on comparison hypotheses' def return_verification(self, h, pos, neg, num_examples): result = query_paired_fitness_controlled_(h, pos, neg, num_examples, self.model, max_length=self.seq_length) return result
def return_verification(self, h, pos, neg, num_examples)
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def return_verification(self, h, pos, neg, num_examples): result = query_paired_fitness_controlled_(h, pos, neg, num_examples, self.model, max_length=self.seq_length) return result
class UnifiedQA_v2Single
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class UnifiedQA_v2Single: def __init__(self): self.seq_length = 256 print('loading verifier') self.model = T5ZeroShotClfQA('allenai/unifiedqa-v2-t5-11b-1251000', max_seq_length=self.seq_length, half_precision=True) self.model.eval() print('verifier loaded') self.description = 'UnifiedQA-v2 evaluated on single hypotheses' def return_verification(self, h, pos, neg, num_examples): result = query_single_fitness_controlled_(h, pos, neg, num_examples, self.model) return result
def return_verification(self, h, pos, neg, num_examples)
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def return_verification(self, h, pos, neg, num_examples): result = query_single_fitness_controlled_(h, pos, neg, num_examples, self.model) return result
class Verifier0514
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class Verifier0514: def __init__(self): self.seq_length = 256 print('loading verifier') self.model = T5ZeroShotClfQA('ruiqi-zhong/t5verifier_0514', max_seq_length=self.seq_length, half_precision=True) print('verifier loaded') self.description = 'Similar to Verifier 1207, though the fine-tuned on clean verification data' def return_verification(self, h, pos, neg, num_examples): result = query_paired_fitness_controlled_(h, pos, neg, num_examples, self.model, max_length=self.seq_length) return result
def return_verification(self, h, pos, neg, num_examples)
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def return_verification(self, h, pos, neg, num_examples): result = query_paired_fitness_controlled_(h, pos, neg, num_examples, self.model, max_length=self.seq_length) return result