Module imodelsx.augtree.augtree

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from typing import Dict, List
import numpy as np
import imodels
import imodelsx.augtree.llm
from imodelsx.augtree.embed import EmbsManager
from imodelsx.augtree.stump import Stump, StumpClassifier, StumpRegressor
import logging
import warnings
from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator, ClassifierMixin, RegressorMixin

class AugTree:
    def __init__(
        max_depth: int = 3,
        llm_prompt_context: str='',
        embs_manager: EmbsManager=None,
        cache_expansions_dir: str=None,
        max_depth: int
            Maximum depth of the tree.
        max_features: int
            Number of features to consider expanding at each stump
        split_strategy: str
            Strategy for generating candidate seed keyphrases.
        refinement_strategy: str
            'None', 'llm', or 'embs'
        verbose: bool
            Whether to print debug statements
            Tokenizer to use for splitting text into tokens
        use_refine_ties: bool
            Whether to include expanded keywords that don't improve or decrease performance
        assert_checks: bool
            Whether to run checks during fitting
        llm_prompt_context: str
            Extra context string provided llm_refine (if refinement_strategy=llm)
            Class that provides function to query for keywords from closest embeddings
        cache_expansions_dir: str
            Directory to cache keyphrase expansions
        self.max_depth = max_depth
        self.max_features = max_features
        self.split_strategy = split_strategy
        self.verbose = verbose
        self.use_refine_ties = use_refine_ties
        self.assert_checks  = assert_checks
        self.llm_prompt_context = llm_prompt_context
        self.refinement_strategy = refinement_strategy
        self.use_stemming = use_stemming
        self.embs_manager = embs_manager
        self.cache_expansions_dir = cache_expansions_dir
        if tokenizer is None:
            self.tokenizer = imodelsx.augtree.utils.get_spacy_tokenizer(use_stemming=use_stemming)
            self.tokenizer = tokenizer
        assert self.refinement_strategy in ['None', 'llm', 'embs']
        if self.refinement_strategy == 'embs':
            assert embs_manager is not None, 'must pass embs_manager when refinement_strategy == "embs"'

    def fit(self, X=None, y=None, feature_names=None, X_text=None):
        if X is None and X_text:
            warnings.warn("X is not passed, defaulting to generating unigrams from X_text")
            X, _, feature_names =, [], ngrams=1)

        # check and set some attributes
        X, y, _ = imodels.util.arguments.check_fit_arguments(
            self, X, y, feature_names)
        if isinstance(X_text, list):
            X_text = np.array(X_text).flatten()
        self.feature_names = feature_names
        if isinstance(self.feature_names, list):
            self.feature_names = np.array(self.feature_names).flatten()

        # fit root stump
        stump_kwargs = dict(
            embs_manager = self.embs_manager,

        # assume that the initial split finds a feature that provides some benefit
        # otherwise, one leaf will end up NaN
        if isinstance(self, RegressorMixin):
            stump_class = StumpRegressor
            stump_class = StumpClassifier
        stump = stump_class(**stump_kwargs).fit(
            X, y,
        stump.idxs = np.ones(X.shape[0], dtype=bool)
        self.root_ = stump

        # recursively fit stumps and store as a decision tree
        stumps_queue = [stump]
        i = 0
        depth = 1
        while depth < self.max_depth:
            stumps_queue_new = []
            for stump in stumps_queue:
                stump = stump
                if self.verbose:
                    logging.debug(f'Splitting on depth={depth} stump_num={i} {stump.idxs.sum()}')
                idxs_pred = stump.predict(X_text=X_text) > 0.5
                for idxs_p, attr in zip([~idxs_pred, idxs_pred], ['child_left', 'child_right']):
                    # for idxs_p, attr in zip([idxs_pred], ['child_right']):
                    idxs_child = stump.idxs & idxs_p
                    if self.verbose:
                        logging.debug(f'\t{idxs_pred.sum()} {idxs_child.sum()}', len(np.unique(y[idxs_child])))
                    if idxs_child.sum() > 0 \
                        and idxs_child.sum() < stump.idxs.sum() \
                            and len(np.unique(y[idxs_child])) > 1:

                        # fit a potential child stump
                        stump_child = stump_class(**stump_kwargs).fit(
                            X[idxs_child], y[idxs_child],

                        # make sure the stump actually found a non-trivial split
                        if not stump_child.failed_to_split:
                            # set the child stump
                            stump_child.idxs = idxs_child
                            acc_tree_baseline = np.mean(self.predict(
                                X_text[idxs_child]) == y[idxs_child])
                            if attr == 'child_left':
                                stump.child_left = stump_child
                                stump.child_right = stump_child
                            if self.verbose:
                                logging.debug(f'\t\t {stump.stump_keywords} {stump.pos_or_neg}')
                            i += 1

                        ######################### checks ###########################
                            if self.assert_checks and isinstance(self, ClassifierMixin):
                                # check acc for the points in this stump
                                acc_tree = np.mean(self.predict(
                                    X_text[idxs_child]) == y[idxs_child])
                                assert acc_tree >= acc_tree_baseline, f'stump acc {acc_tree:0.3f} should be > after adding child {acc_tree_baseline:0.3f}'

                                # check total acc
                                acc_total_baseline = max(y.mean(), 1 - y.mean())
                                acc_total = np.mean(self.predict(X_text) == y)
                                assert acc_total >= acc_total_baseline, f'total acc {acc_total:0.3f} should be > after adding child {acc_total_baseline:0.3f}'

                                # check that stumptrain acc improved over this set
                                # not necessarily going to improve total acc, since the stump always predicts 0/1
                                # even though the correct answer might be always 0 or always be 1
                                acc_child_baseline = min(
                                    y[idxs_child].mean(), 1 - y[idxs_child].mean())
                                assert stump_child.acc > acc_child_baseline, f'acc {stump_child.acc:0.3f} should be > baseline {acc_child_baseline:0.3f}'

            stumps_queue = stumps_queue_new
            depth += 1

        return self

    def predict_proba(self, X_text: List[str] = None):
        preds = []
        for x_t in X_text:

            # prediction for single point
            stump = self.root_
            while stump:
                # 0 or 1 class prediction here
                pred = stump.predict(X_text=[x_t])[0]
                value = stump.value

                if pred > 0.5:
                    stump = stump.child_right
                    value = value[1]
                    stump = stump.child_left
                    value = value[0]

                if stump is None:
        preds = np.array(preds)
        probs = np.vstack((1 - preds, preds)).transpose()  # probs (n, 2)
        return probs

    def predict(self, X_text: List[str] = None) -> np.ndarray[int]:
        preds_continuous = self.predict_proba(X_text)[:, 1]
        if isinstance(self, ClassifierMixin):
            return (preds_continuous > 0.5).astype(int)
            return preds_continuous

    def get_tree_dict_repr(self) -> Dict[str, List[str]]:
        Returns a dictionary representation of the tree
        Each key is a binary prefix string
            "0" for root
            "00" for left child of root
            "01" for right child of root
            "000" for left child of left child of root, etc.
        Each value is a list of strings, where each string is a keyword
        tree_dict = {}
        stumps_queue = [(self.root_, "0")]
        while stumps_queue:
            stump, stump_id = stumps_queue.pop(0)
            # skip leaf nodes
            if stump.child_left is None and stump.child_right is None:
            if hasattr(stump, 'stump_keywords_refined'):
                keywords = stump.stump_keywords_refined
                keywords = stump.stump_keywords
            tree_dict[stump_id] = keywords
            if stump.child_left:
                stumps_queue.append((stump.child_left, stump_id + "0"))
            if stump.child_right:
                stumps_queue.append((stump.child_right, stump_id + "1"))
        return tree_dict

    def __str__(self):
        s = f'> Tree(max_depth={self.max_depth} max_features={self.max_features} refine={self.refinement_strategy})\n> ------------------------------------------------------\n'
        return s + self.viz_tree()

    def viz_tree(self, stump: Stump=None, depth: int=0, s: str='') -> str:
        if stump is None:
            stump = self.root_
        s += '   ' * depth + str(stump) + '\n'
        if stump.child_left:
            s += self.viz_tree(stump.child_left, depth + 1)
            s += '   ' * (depth + 1) + f'Neg n={stump.n_samples[0]} val={stump.value[0]:0.3f}' + '\n'
        if stump.child_right:
            s += self.viz_tree(stump.child_right, depth + 1)
            s += '   ' * (depth + 1) + f'Pos n={stump.n_samples[1]} val={stump.value[1]:0.3f}' + '\n'
        return s

class AugTreeRegressor(AugTree, RegressorMixin):

class AugTreeClassifier(AugTree, ClassifierMixin):


class AugTree (max_depth: int = 3, max_features=5, split_strategy='cart', refinement_strategy='None', verbose=True, tokenizer=None, use_refine_ties=False, assert_checks=False, llm_prompt_context: str = '', use_stemming=False, embs_manager: EmbsManager = None, cache_expansions_dir: str = None)


max_depth: int Maximum depth of the tree. max_features: int Number of features to consider expanding at each stump split_strategy: str Strategy for generating candidate seed keyphrases. refinement_strategy: str 'None', 'llm', or 'embs' verbose: bool Whether to print debug statements tokenizer Tokenizer to use for splitting text into tokens use_refine_ties: bool Whether to include expanded keywords that don't improve or decrease performance assert_checks: bool Whether to run checks during fitting llm_prompt_context: str Extra context string provided llm_refine (if refinement_strategy=llm) embs_manager Class that provides function to query for keywords from closest embeddings cache_expansions_dir: str Directory to cache keyphrase expansions

Expand source code
class AugTree:
    def __init__(
        max_depth: int = 3,
        llm_prompt_context: str='',
        embs_manager: EmbsManager=None,
        cache_expansions_dir: str=None,
        max_depth: int
            Maximum depth of the tree.
        max_features: int
            Number of features to consider expanding at each stump
        split_strategy: str
            Strategy for generating candidate seed keyphrases.
        refinement_strategy: str
            'None', 'llm', or 'embs'
        verbose: bool
            Whether to print debug statements
            Tokenizer to use for splitting text into tokens
        use_refine_ties: bool
            Whether to include expanded keywords that don't improve or decrease performance
        assert_checks: bool
            Whether to run checks during fitting
        llm_prompt_context: str
            Extra context string provided llm_refine (if refinement_strategy=llm)
            Class that provides function to query for keywords from closest embeddings
        cache_expansions_dir: str
            Directory to cache keyphrase expansions
        self.max_depth = max_depth
        self.max_features = max_features
        self.split_strategy = split_strategy
        self.verbose = verbose
        self.use_refine_ties = use_refine_ties
        self.assert_checks  = assert_checks
        self.llm_prompt_context = llm_prompt_context
        self.refinement_strategy = refinement_strategy
        self.use_stemming = use_stemming
        self.embs_manager = embs_manager
        self.cache_expansions_dir = cache_expansions_dir
        if tokenizer is None:
            self.tokenizer = imodelsx.augtree.utils.get_spacy_tokenizer(use_stemming=use_stemming)
            self.tokenizer = tokenizer
        assert self.refinement_strategy in ['None', 'llm', 'embs']
        if self.refinement_strategy == 'embs':
            assert embs_manager is not None, 'must pass embs_manager when refinement_strategy == "embs"'

    def fit(self, X=None, y=None, feature_names=None, X_text=None):
        if X is None and X_text:
            warnings.warn("X is not passed, defaulting to generating unigrams from X_text")
            X, _, feature_names =, [], ngrams=1)

        # check and set some attributes
        X, y, _ = imodels.util.arguments.check_fit_arguments(
            self, X, y, feature_names)
        if isinstance(X_text, list):
            X_text = np.array(X_text).flatten()
        self.feature_names = feature_names
        if isinstance(self.feature_names, list):
            self.feature_names = np.array(self.feature_names).flatten()

        # fit root stump
        stump_kwargs = dict(
            embs_manager = self.embs_manager,

        # assume that the initial split finds a feature that provides some benefit
        # otherwise, one leaf will end up NaN
        if isinstance(self, RegressorMixin):
            stump_class = StumpRegressor
            stump_class = StumpClassifier
        stump = stump_class(**stump_kwargs).fit(
            X, y,
        stump.idxs = np.ones(X.shape[0], dtype=bool)
        self.root_ = stump

        # recursively fit stumps and store as a decision tree
        stumps_queue = [stump]
        i = 0
        depth = 1
        while depth < self.max_depth:
            stumps_queue_new = []
            for stump in stumps_queue:
                stump = stump
                if self.verbose:
                    logging.debug(f'Splitting on depth={depth} stump_num={i} {stump.idxs.sum()}')
                idxs_pred = stump.predict(X_text=X_text) > 0.5
                for idxs_p, attr in zip([~idxs_pred, idxs_pred], ['child_left', 'child_right']):
                    # for idxs_p, attr in zip([idxs_pred], ['child_right']):
                    idxs_child = stump.idxs & idxs_p
                    if self.verbose:
                        logging.debug(f'\t{idxs_pred.sum()} {idxs_child.sum()}', len(np.unique(y[idxs_child])))
                    if idxs_child.sum() > 0 \
                        and idxs_child.sum() < stump.idxs.sum() \
                            and len(np.unique(y[idxs_child])) > 1:

                        # fit a potential child stump
                        stump_child = stump_class(**stump_kwargs).fit(
                            X[idxs_child], y[idxs_child],

                        # make sure the stump actually found a non-trivial split
                        if not stump_child.failed_to_split:
                            # set the child stump
                            stump_child.idxs = idxs_child
                            acc_tree_baseline = np.mean(self.predict(
                                X_text[idxs_child]) == y[idxs_child])
                            if attr == 'child_left':
                                stump.child_left = stump_child
                                stump.child_right = stump_child
                            if self.verbose:
                                logging.debug(f'\t\t {stump.stump_keywords} {stump.pos_or_neg}')
                            i += 1

                        ######################### checks ###########################
                            if self.assert_checks and isinstance(self, ClassifierMixin):
                                # check acc for the points in this stump
                                acc_tree = np.mean(self.predict(
                                    X_text[idxs_child]) == y[idxs_child])
                                assert acc_tree >= acc_tree_baseline, f'stump acc {acc_tree:0.3f} should be > after adding child {acc_tree_baseline:0.3f}'

                                # check total acc
                                acc_total_baseline = max(y.mean(), 1 - y.mean())
                                acc_total = np.mean(self.predict(X_text) == y)
                                assert acc_total >= acc_total_baseline, f'total acc {acc_total:0.3f} should be > after adding child {acc_total_baseline:0.3f}'

                                # check that stumptrain acc improved over this set
                                # not necessarily going to improve total acc, since the stump always predicts 0/1
                                # even though the correct answer might be always 0 or always be 1
                                acc_child_baseline = min(
                                    y[idxs_child].mean(), 1 - y[idxs_child].mean())
                                assert stump_child.acc > acc_child_baseline, f'acc {stump_child.acc:0.3f} should be > baseline {acc_child_baseline:0.3f}'

            stumps_queue = stumps_queue_new
            depth += 1

        return self

    def predict_proba(self, X_text: List[str] = None):
        preds = []
        for x_t in X_text:

            # prediction for single point
            stump = self.root_
            while stump:
                # 0 or 1 class prediction here
                pred = stump.predict(X_text=[x_t])[0]
                value = stump.value

                if pred > 0.5:
                    stump = stump.child_right
                    value = value[1]
                    stump = stump.child_left
                    value = value[0]

                if stump is None:
        preds = np.array(preds)
        probs = np.vstack((1 - preds, preds)).transpose()  # probs (n, 2)
        return probs

    def predict(self, X_text: List[str] = None) -> np.ndarray[int]:
        preds_continuous = self.predict_proba(X_text)[:, 1]
        if isinstance(self, ClassifierMixin):
            return (preds_continuous > 0.5).astype(int)
            return preds_continuous

    def get_tree_dict_repr(self) -> Dict[str, List[str]]:
        Returns a dictionary representation of the tree
        Each key is a binary prefix string
            "0" for root
            "00" for left child of root
            "01" for right child of root
            "000" for left child of left child of root, etc.
        Each value is a list of strings, where each string is a keyword
        tree_dict = {}
        stumps_queue = [(self.root_, "0")]
        while stumps_queue:
            stump, stump_id = stumps_queue.pop(0)
            # skip leaf nodes
            if stump.child_left is None and stump.child_right is None:
            if hasattr(stump, 'stump_keywords_refined'):
                keywords = stump.stump_keywords_refined
                keywords = stump.stump_keywords
            tree_dict[stump_id] = keywords
            if stump.child_left:
                stumps_queue.append((stump.child_left, stump_id + "0"))
            if stump.child_right:
                stumps_queue.append((stump.child_right, stump_id + "1"))
        return tree_dict

    def __str__(self):
        s = f'> Tree(max_depth={self.max_depth} max_features={self.max_features} refine={self.refinement_strategy})\n> ------------------------------------------------------\n'
        return s + self.viz_tree()

    def viz_tree(self, stump: Stump=None, depth: int=0, s: str='') -> str:
        if stump is None:
            stump = self.root_
        s += '   ' * depth + str(stump) + '\n'
        if stump.child_left:
            s += self.viz_tree(stump.child_left, depth + 1)
            s += '   ' * (depth + 1) + f'Neg n={stump.n_samples[0]} val={stump.value[0]:0.3f}' + '\n'
        if stump.child_right:
            s += self.viz_tree(stump.child_right, depth + 1)
            s += '   ' * (depth + 1) + f'Pos n={stump.n_samples[1]} val={stump.value[1]:0.3f}' + '\n'
        return s



def fit(self, X=None, y=None, feature_names=None, X_text=None)
Expand source code
def fit(self, X=None, y=None, feature_names=None, X_text=None):
    if X is None and X_text:
        warnings.warn("X is not passed, defaulting to generating unigrams from X_text")
        X, _, feature_names =, [], ngrams=1)

    # check and set some attributes
    X, y, _ = imodels.util.arguments.check_fit_arguments(
        self, X, y, feature_names)
    if isinstance(X_text, list):
        X_text = np.array(X_text).flatten()
    self.feature_names = feature_names
    if isinstance(self.feature_names, list):
        self.feature_names = np.array(self.feature_names).flatten()

    # fit root stump
    stump_kwargs = dict(
        embs_manager = self.embs_manager,

    # assume that the initial split finds a feature that provides some benefit
    # otherwise, one leaf will end up NaN
    if isinstance(self, RegressorMixin):
        stump_class = StumpRegressor
        stump_class = StumpClassifier
    stump = stump_class(**stump_kwargs).fit(
        X, y,
    stump.idxs = np.ones(X.shape[0], dtype=bool)
    self.root_ = stump

    # recursively fit stumps and store as a decision tree
    stumps_queue = [stump]
    i = 0
    depth = 1
    while depth < self.max_depth:
        stumps_queue_new = []
        for stump in stumps_queue:
            stump = stump
            if self.verbose:
                logging.debug(f'Splitting on depth={depth} stump_num={i} {stump.idxs.sum()}')
            idxs_pred = stump.predict(X_text=X_text) > 0.5
            for idxs_p, attr in zip([~idxs_pred, idxs_pred], ['child_left', 'child_right']):
                # for idxs_p, attr in zip([idxs_pred], ['child_right']):
                idxs_child = stump.idxs & idxs_p
                if self.verbose:
                    logging.debug(f'\t{idxs_pred.sum()} {idxs_child.sum()}', len(np.unique(y[idxs_child])))
                if idxs_child.sum() > 0 \
                    and idxs_child.sum() < stump.idxs.sum() \
                        and len(np.unique(y[idxs_child])) > 1:

                    # fit a potential child stump
                    stump_child = stump_class(**stump_kwargs).fit(
                        X[idxs_child], y[idxs_child],

                    # make sure the stump actually found a non-trivial split
                    if not stump_child.failed_to_split:
                        # set the child stump
                        stump_child.idxs = idxs_child
                        acc_tree_baseline = np.mean(self.predict(
                            X_text[idxs_child]) == y[idxs_child])
                        if attr == 'child_left':
                            stump.child_left = stump_child
                            stump.child_right = stump_child
                        if self.verbose:
                            logging.debug(f'\t\t {stump.stump_keywords} {stump.pos_or_neg}')
                        i += 1

                    ######################### checks ###########################
                        if self.assert_checks and isinstance(self, ClassifierMixin):
                            # check acc for the points in this stump
                            acc_tree = np.mean(self.predict(
                                X_text[idxs_child]) == y[idxs_child])
                            assert acc_tree >= acc_tree_baseline, f'stump acc {acc_tree:0.3f} should be > after adding child {acc_tree_baseline:0.3f}'

                            # check total acc
                            acc_total_baseline = max(y.mean(), 1 - y.mean())
                            acc_total = np.mean(self.predict(X_text) == y)
                            assert acc_total >= acc_total_baseline, f'total acc {acc_total:0.3f} should be > after adding child {acc_total_baseline:0.3f}'

                            # check that stumptrain acc improved over this set
                            # not necessarily going to improve total acc, since the stump always predicts 0/1
                            # even though the correct answer might be always 0 or always be 1
                            acc_child_baseline = min(
                                y[idxs_child].mean(), 1 - y[idxs_child].mean())
                            assert stump_child.acc > acc_child_baseline, f'acc {stump_child.acc:0.3f} should be > baseline {acc_child_baseline:0.3f}'

        stumps_queue = stumps_queue_new
        depth += 1

    return self
def get_tree_dict_repr(self) ‑> Dict[str, List[str]]

Returns a dictionary representation of the tree Each key is a binary prefix string "0" for root "00" for left child of root "01" for right child of root "000" for left child of left child of root, etc. Each value is a list of strings, where each string is a keyword

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def get_tree_dict_repr(self) -> Dict[str, List[str]]:
    Returns a dictionary representation of the tree
    Each key is a binary prefix string
        "0" for root
        "00" for left child of root
        "01" for right child of root
        "000" for left child of left child of root, etc.
    Each value is a list of strings, where each string is a keyword
    tree_dict = {}
    stumps_queue = [(self.root_, "0")]
    while stumps_queue:
        stump, stump_id = stumps_queue.pop(0)
        # skip leaf nodes
        if stump.child_left is None and stump.child_right is None:
        if hasattr(stump, 'stump_keywords_refined'):
            keywords = stump.stump_keywords_refined
            keywords = stump.stump_keywords
        tree_dict[stump_id] = keywords
        if stump.child_left:
            stumps_queue.append((stump.child_left, stump_id + "0"))
        if stump.child_right:
            stumps_queue.append((stump.child_right, stump_id + "1"))
    return tree_dict
def predict(self, X_text: List[str] = None) ‑> numpy.ndarray[int]
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def predict(self, X_text: List[str] = None) -> np.ndarray[int]:
    preds_continuous = self.predict_proba(X_text)[:, 1]
    if isinstance(self, ClassifierMixin):
        return (preds_continuous > 0.5).astype(int)
        return preds_continuous
def predict_proba(self, X_text: List[str] = None)
Expand source code
def predict_proba(self, X_text: List[str] = None):
    preds = []
    for x_t in X_text:

        # prediction for single point
        stump = self.root_
        while stump:
            # 0 or 1 class prediction here
            pred = stump.predict(X_text=[x_t])[0]
            value = stump.value

            if pred > 0.5:
                stump = stump.child_right
                value = value[1]
                stump = stump.child_left
                value = value[0]

            if stump is None:
    preds = np.array(preds)
    probs = np.vstack((1 - preds, preds)).transpose()  # probs (n, 2)
    return probs
def viz_tree(self, stump: Stump = None, depth: int = 0, s: str = '') ‑> str
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def viz_tree(self, stump: Stump=None, depth: int=0, s: str='') -> str:
    if stump is None:
        stump = self.root_
    s += '   ' * depth + str(stump) + '\n'
    if stump.child_left:
        s += self.viz_tree(stump.child_left, depth + 1)
        s += '   ' * (depth + 1) + f'Neg n={stump.n_samples[0]} val={stump.value[0]:0.3f}' + '\n'
    if stump.child_right:
        s += self.viz_tree(stump.child_right, depth + 1)
        s += '   ' * (depth + 1) + f'Pos n={stump.n_samples[1]} val={stump.value[1]:0.3f}' + '\n'
    return s
class AugTreeClassifier (max_depth: int = 3, max_features=5, split_strategy='cart', refinement_strategy='None', verbose=True, tokenizer=None, use_refine_ties=False, assert_checks=False, llm_prompt_context: str = '', use_stemming=False, embs_manager: EmbsManager = None, cache_expansions_dir: str = None)

Mixin class for all classifiers in scikit-learn.

This mixin defines the following functionality:

  • _estimator_type class attribute defaulting to "classifier";
  • score method that default to :func:~sklearn.metrics.accuracy_score.
  • enforce that fit requires y to be passed through the requires_y tag.

Read more in the :ref:User Guide <rolling_your_own_estimator>.


>>> import numpy as np
>>> from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator, ClassifierMixin
>>> # Mixin classes should always be on the left-hand side for a correct MRO
>>> class MyEstimator(ClassifierMixin, BaseEstimator):
...     def __init__(self, *, param=1):
...         self.param = param
...     def fit(self, X, y=None):
...         self.is_fitted_ = True
...         return self
...     def predict(self, X):
...         return np.full(shape=X.shape[0], fill_value=self.param)
>>> estimator = MyEstimator(param=1)
>>> X = np.array([[1, 2], [2, 3], [3, 4]])
>>> y = np.array([1, 0, 1])
>>>, y).predict(X)
array([1, 1, 1])
>>> estimator.score(X, y)


max_depth: int Maximum depth of the tree. max_features: int Number of features to consider expanding at each stump split_strategy: str Strategy for generating candidate seed keyphrases. refinement_strategy: str 'None', 'llm', or 'embs' verbose: bool Whether to print debug statements tokenizer Tokenizer to use for splitting text into tokens use_refine_ties: bool Whether to include expanded keywords that don't improve or decrease performance assert_checks: bool Whether to run checks during fitting llm_prompt_context: str Extra context string provided llm_refine (if refinement_strategy=llm) embs_manager Class that provides function to query for keywords from closest embeddings cache_expansions_dir: str Directory to cache keyphrase expansions

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class AugTreeClassifier(AugTree, ClassifierMixin):


  • AugTree
  • sklearn.base.ClassifierMixin

Inherited members

class AugTreeRegressor (max_depth: int = 3, max_features=5, split_strategy='cart', refinement_strategy='None', verbose=True, tokenizer=None, use_refine_ties=False, assert_checks=False, llm_prompt_context: str = '', use_stemming=False, embs_manager: EmbsManager = None, cache_expansions_dir: str = None)

Mixin class for all regression estimators in scikit-learn.

This mixin defines the following functionality:

  • _estimator_type class attribute defaulting to "regressor";
  • score method that default to :func:~sklearn.metrics.r2_score.
  • enforce that fit requires y to be passed through the requires_y tag.

Read more in the :ref:User Guide <rolling_your_own_estimator>.


>>> import numpy as np
>>> from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator, RegressorMixin
>>> # Mixin classes should always be on the left-hand side for a correct MRO
>>> class MyEstimator(RegressorMixin, BaseEstimator):
...     def __init__(self, *, param=1):
...         self.param = param
...     def fit(self, X, y=None):
...         self.is_fitted_ = True
...         return self
...     def predict(self, X):
...         return np.full(shape=X.shape[0], fill_value=self.param)
>>> estimator = MyEstimator(param=0)
>>> X = np.array([[1, 2], [2, 3], [3, 4]])
>>> y = np.array([-1, 0, 1])
>>>, y).predict(X)
array([0, 0, 0])
>>> estimator.score(X, y)


max_depth: int Maximum depth of the tree. max_features: int Number of features to consider expanding at each stump split_strategy: str Strategy for generating candidate seed keyphrases. refinement_strategy: str 'None', 'llm', or 'embs' verbose: bool Whether to print debug statements tokenizer Tokenizer to use for splitting text into tokens use_refine_ties: bool Whether to include expanded keywords that don't improve or decrease performance assert_checks: bool Whether to run checks during fitting llm_prompt_context: str Extra context string provided llm_refine (if refinement_strategy=llm) embs_manager Class that provides function to query for keywords from closest embeddings cache_expansions_dir: str Directory to cache keyphrase expansions

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class AugTreeRegressor(AugTree, RegressorMixin):


  • AugTree
  • sklearn.base.RegressorMixin

Inherited members