some notes on generalization bounds in machine learning with an emphasis on stability

1.13. generalization#

1.13.1. basics#

  • Risk: \(R\left(A_{S}\right)=\mathbb{E}_{(X, Y) \sim P} \ell\left(A_{S}(X), Y\right)\)

  • Empirical risk: \(R_{\mathrm{emp}}\left(A_{S}\right)=\frac{1}{n} \sum_{i=1}^{n} \ell\left(A_{S}\left(X_{i}\right), Y_{i}\right)\)

  • Generalization error: \(R\left(A_{S}\right)-R_{\mathrm{emp}}\left(A_{S}\right)\)

1.13.2. uniform stability#

  • Sharper Bounds for Uniformly Stable Algorithms

    • uniformly stable with prameter \(\gamma\) if \(\left|\ell\left(A_{S}(x), y\right)-\ell\left(A_{S^{i}}(x), y\right)\right| \leq \gamma\)

      • where \(A_{S^i}\) can alter one point in the training data

    • stability approach can provide bounds even when empirical risk is 0 (e.g. 1-nearest-neighbor, devroye & wagner 1979)

    • \(n\underbrace{\left(R\left(A_{S}\right)-R_{\mathrm{emp}}\left(A_{S}\right)\right)}_{\text{generalization error}} \lesssim(n \sqrt{n} \gamma+L \sqrt{n}) \sqrt{\log \left(\frac{1}{\delta}\right)}\) (bousegeuet & elisseef, 2002)

1.13.3. trees#

  • A cautionary tale on fitting decision trees to data from additive models: generalization lower bounds (tan, agarwal, & yu, 2021)

    • (generalized) additive models: \(y = f(X_1) + f(X_2) + ... f(X_p)\) (as opposed to linear models)

    • main result

      • lower bound: can’t peform better than \(\Omega (n^{-\frac{2}{s+2}})\) in \(\ell_2\) risk (as defined above)

        • best tree (ALA tree) can’t do better than this bound (e.g. risk \(\geq \frac{1}{n^{s+2}}\) times some stuff)

    • generative assumption simplifies calculations by avoiding some of the complex dependencies be- tween splits that may accumulate during recursive splitting

    • ALA tree

      • learns axis-aligned splits

      • makes predictions as leaf averages

      • honest trees: val split is used to estimate leaf averages