some notes on uncertainty in machine learning, particularly deep learning

1.11. uncertainty#

1.11.1. basics#

  • calibration - predicted probabilities should match real probabilities

    • platt scaling - given trained classifier and new calibration dataset, basically just fit a logistic regression from the classifier predictions -> labels

    • isotonic regression - nonparametric, requires more data than platt scaling

      • piecewise-constant non-decreasing function instead of logistic regression

  • confidence - predicted probability = confidence, max margin, entropy of predicted probabilities across classes

  • ensemble uncertainty - ensemble predictions yield uncertainty (e.g. variance within ensemble)

  • quantile regression - use quantile loss to penalize models differently + get confidence intervals

1.11.2. outlier-detection#

Note: outlier detection uses information only about X to find points “far away” from the main distribution

  • overview from sklearn

    • elliptic envelope - assume data is Gaussian and fit elliptic envelop (maybe robustly) to tell when data is an outlier

    • local outlier factor (breunig et al. 2000) - score based on nearest neighbor density

    • idea: gradients should be larger if you are on the image manifold

    • isolation forest (liu et al. 2008) - lower average number of random splits required to isolate a sample means more outlier

    • one-class svm - estimates the support of a high-dimensional distribution using a kernel (2 approaches:)

      • separate the data from the origin (with max margin between origin and points) (scholkopf et al. 2000)

      • find a sphere boundary around a dataset with the volume of the sphere minimized (tax & duin 2004)

  • detachment index (kuenzel 2019) - based on random forest

    • for covariate \(j\), detachment index \(d^j(x) = \sum_i^n w (x, X_i) \vert X_i^j - x^j \vert\)

      • \(w(x, X_i) = \underbrace{1 / T\sum_{t=1}^{T}}_{\text{average over T trees}} \frac{\overbrace{1\{ X_i \in L_t(x) \}}^{\text{is } X_i \text{ in the same leaf?}}}{\underbrace{\vert L_t(x) \vert}_{\text{num points in leaf}}}\) is \(X_i\) relevant to the point \(x\)?

1.11.3. uncertainty detection#

Note: uncertainty detection uses information about X / \(\phi(X)\) and Y, to find points for which a particular prediction may be uncertain. This is similar to the predicted probability output by many popular classifiers, such as logistic regression.

  • rejection learning - allow models to reject (not make a prediction) when they are not confidently accurate (chow 1957, cortes et al. 2016)

  • To Trust Or Not To Trust A Classifier (jiang, kim et al 2018) - find a trusted region of points based on nearest neighbor density (in some embedding space)

    • trust score uses density over some set of nearest neighbors

    • do clustering for each class - trust score = distance to once class’s cluster vs the other classes bayesian approaches#

  • epistemic uncertainty - uncertainty in the DNN model parameters

    • without good estimates of this, often get aleatoric uncertainty wrong (since \(p(y\vert x) = \int p(y \vert x, \theta) p(\theta \vert data) d\theta\)

  • aleatoric uncertainty - inherent and irreducible data noise (e.g. features contradict each other)

    • this can usually be gotten by predicting a distr. \(p(y \vert x)\) instead of a point estimate

    • ex. logistic reg. already does this

    • ex. regression - just predict mean and variance of Gaussian

  • gaussian processes

1.11.4. neural networks# ensembles# directly predict uncertainty# nearest-neighbor methods# bayesian neural networks#

1.11.5. conformal inference#

  • conformal inference constructs valid (wrt coverage error) prediction bands for individual forecasts

    • relies on few parametric assumptions

    • holds in finite samples for any distribution of (X, Y) and any algorithm \(\hat f\)

    • starts with vovk et al. ‘90

  • simple example: construct a 95% interval for a new sample (not mean) by just looking at percentiles of the empirical data

    • empirical data tends to undercover (since empirical residuals tend to underestimate variance) - conformal inference aims to rectify this

  • Uncertainty Sets for Image Classifiers using Conformal Prediction (angelopoulos, bates, malik, jordan, 2021)

1.11.6. large language models (llms)#

  • Teaching Models to Express Their Uncertainty in Words (Lin et al., 2022) - GPT3 can generate both an answer and a level of confidence (e.g. “90% confidence”)

  • Can LLMs Express Their Uncertainty? An Empirical Evaluation of Confidence Elicitation in LLMs (xiong et al. 2023)