5.2. nlp#

Some notes on natural language processing, focused on modern improvements based on deep learning. See also notes in đź“Ś transformers.

5.2.1. benchmarks# tasks#

Nice repo keeping track of progress here.

  • tokenization - convert raw text into tokens that can be fed to a model

  • token/word embeddings - convert tokens to semantic vectors

  • pos tagging - give each word its part-speech

  • named entity recognition - classify tokens based on some known annotations (e.g. person, organization)

    • nested entity recognition - more complex than individual tokens (e.g. “Mary = “Jacob’s brother”)

  • parse tree extraction - extract out tree of how words operate in a grammar

  • sentiment classification

  • text summarization

  • language modeling (i.e. text generation)

  • (machine) translation

  • coreference resolution - correspond simple entities (e.g. “she = Mary”, different names for a protein)

  • question answering

  • natural language inference - determining whether a “hypothesis” is true (entailment), false (contradiction), or undetermined (neutral) given a “premise”

  • topic modeling - unsupervised learning over documents datasets#


very popular

  • SuperGLUE Benchmark (2019)

    • 8 NLU tasks (keeps two hardest from GLUE, marked with ***) extending to coreference resolution and question-answering

    • BoolQ (Boolean Questions) - answer a yes/no question about a text passage.

    • CB (CommitmentBank) - given a text and a clause, predict how much the text commits to the clause

    • COPA (Choice of Plausible Alternatives) - given a premise sentence and two possible choices, the system must determine either the cause or effect of the premise from two possible choices

    • MultiRC (Multi-sentence Reading Comprehension) - given a context paragraph, a question about that paragraph, and a list of possible answers, the system must predict which answers are true and which are false

    • ReCoRD (Reading Comprehension with Commonsense Reasoning Dataset) - multiple-choice QA task (news article + Cloze-style multiple-choice question)

    • \(^\dagger\)RTE (Recognizing Textual Entailment) - determine if a sentence entails a given hypothesis or not.

    • WiC (Word-in-Context) - word sense disambiguation task cast as binary classification of sentence pairs. Given two text snippets and a polysemous word that appears in both sentences, the task is to determine whether the word is used with the same sense in both sentences

    • \(^\dagger\)WSC (Winograd Schema Challenge) - coreference resolution task in which examples consist of a sentence with a pronoun and a list of noun phrases from the sentence. The system must determine the correct referent of the pronoun from among the provided choices.

  • GLUE Benchmark (2019) = General language understanding evaluation

    • 9 NLU tasks including question answering, sentiment analysis, text similarity and textual entailment

    • single-sentence tasks

    • CoLA (Corpus of Linguistic Acceptability) - determine if sentence is grammatically correct

    • SST-2 (Stanford Sentiment Treebank) - determine if the sentence has a positive or negative sentiment

    • similarity + paraphrase tasks

      • MRPC (Microsoft Research Paraphrase Corpus) - determine if two sentences are paraphrases from one another.

      • QQP (Quora Question Pairs)- determine if two questions are semantically equivalent or not.

      • STS-B (Semantic Textual Similarity Benchmark) - determine the similarity of two sentences with a score from one to five.

    • Inference Tasks

      • MNLI (Multi-Genre Natural Language Inference) - determine if a sentence entails, contradicts, or is unrelated to another sentence

      • QNLI (Question-answering Natural Language Inference) - determine if the answer to a question is contained in a second sentence or not

      • RTE (Recognizing Textual Entailment) - determine if a sentence entails a given hypothesis or not

      • WNLI (Winograd Natural Language Inference) - determine if a sentence with an anonymous pronoun and a sentence with this pronoun replaced are entailed or not

  • more NLI ( natural language inference)

    • ANLI: Adversarial NLI (nie et al. 2019) - harder examples found by model failures

    • SNLI Benchmark (bowman et al. 2015) = Stanford Natural Languge Inference - entailment dataset

      • 570k human-annotated sentence pairs where people ask about entailment

    • FEVER: Fact Extraction and VERification (Thorne et al., 2018)

    • SciTail (khot et al. 2018) - textual entailment derived from science-question answering

  • QA

common data sources

  • WSJ

  • then twitter

  • then Wikipedia eval metrics#

  • perplexity (PP) - inverse probability of the test set, normalized by the number of words (want to minimize it)

    • \(PP(W_{test}) = P(w_1, ..., w_N)^{-1/N}\)

    • can think of this as the weighted average branching factor of a language

    • should only be compared across models w/ same vocab

  • BLEU

  • bert-score: https://github.com/Tiiiger/bert_score

5.2.2. individual tasks# tokenization#

Tokenizers - Hugging Face Course

  • word-based

    • punctuation splitting

    • unknown token [UNK] for anything not seen - to reduce the amount of this, can get character-based tokens

    • vocab tends to be too big

  • subword-based - break apart meaningful subparts of words, most popular (2022)

    • many more (e.g. byte-level BPE, used in GPT-2)

  • character-based - very little prior, generally sequences are too long

  • vocabulary

    • sometimes closed, otherwise have unkown words, which we assign its own symbol

    • can fix training vocab, or just choose the top words and have the rest be unkown

  • preprocessing

    • stemming - maps words to a common root, usually by just chopping off the ending (e.g. “dogs” -> “dog”)

      • most common way to do this is Porter’s algorithm, which has 5 phrases of rule-based word reductions

    • lemmatization - smarter version that takes into account vocab / morphological analysis (e.g. “am, are, is” -> “be”) token / word embeddings#

embeddings - vectors for representing words

  • ex. tf-idf - defined as counts of nearby words (big + sparse)

    • TF * IDF = [ (Number of times term t appears in a document) / (Total number of terms in the document) ] * log(Total number of documents / Number of documents with term t in it).

    • pointwise mutual info - instead of counts, consider whether 2 words co-occur more than we would have expected by chance

  • ex. word2vec - short, dense vectors

    • intuition: train classifier on binary prediction: is word \(w\) likely to show up near this word? (algorithm also called skip-gram)

      • the weights are the embeddings

    • word2vec paper I: initial word2vec (mikolov et al. 2013) - simplifies neural language models for efficient training of word embeddings

      • maximizing the probabilities of words being predicted by their context words (with a DNN)

      • continuous bag-of-words (CBOW) - predict current word from window (order doesn’t matter)

      • skipgram - use current word to predict surrounding window – nearby context words weighted more heavily

    • word2vec paper II: Distributed Representations of Words and Phrases and their Compositionality (mikolov et al. 2013) - word2vec improvements

      • identify key ngrams and give them their own vecs

  • ex. GloVe (pennington, socher, & manning, 2014), which is based on ratios of word co-occurrence probs

  • ex. ELMO (peters…zettlemoyer, 2022) - use LSTM for word embeddings language modeling#

language models - assign probabilities to sequences of words

  • ex. n-gram model - assigns probs to short sequences of words, known as n-grams

    • for full sentence, use markov assumption

  • multi-token decoding for classification - regular beam search will favor shorter results over longer ones on average since a negative log-probability is added at each step, yielding lower (more negative) scores for longer sentences topic modeling#

topic models (e.g. LDA) - apply unsupervised learning on large sets of text to learn sets of associated words

  • LDA = latent dirichlet allocation interpretable prediction models# grammar / parse-tree exraction#

notes/figures from nltk book ch 8/9

  • language - set of all grammatical sentences

  • grammar - formal notation that can be used for “generating” the members of this set

  • phrases

    • noun phrases

    • adjective phrase

  • structures

    • constituent structure - words combine with other words to form units which are substitutable

      • e.g. the fact that we can substitute He for The little bear indicates that the latter sequence is a unit

    • coordinate structure: if \(v_{1}\) and \(v_{2}\) are both phrases of grammatical category \(X\), then \(v_{1}\) and \(v_{2}\) is also a phrase of category \(X\)

  • context-free grammar - set of grammar rules that define a gramm

    • e.g. \(S \to NP\; VP\)

    • rules can be probabilities (so we search for the most probable parse tree, rather than returning all)

  • phrase tree

    • phrase_tree

    • \(\begin{array}{lll}\text { Symbol } & \text { Meaning } & \text { Example } \\ \text { S } & \text { sentence } & \text { the man walked } \\ \text { NP } & \text { noun phrase } & \text { a dog } \\ \text { VP } & \text { verb phrase } & \text { saw a park } \\ \text { PP } & \text { prepositional phrase } & \text { with a telescope } \\ \text { Det } & \text { determiner } & \text { the } \\ \text { N }& \text { noun } & \text { dog } \\ \text { V } & \text { verb } & \text { walked } \\ \text{ P} & \text { preposition } & \text { in }\end{array}\)

    • note: chunking yields a similar partition of a sequence rather than a tree

  • algorithms

    • top-down parsing (e.g. recursive descent parsing) - starts from \(S\) , and keep expanding the grammar rules until finding a match

      • RecursiveDescentParser is unable to handle left-recursive productions of the form X -> X Y

    • bottom-up parsing - can be faster; find sequences that correspond to the righthand side of a grammar rule and replace them with the left

      • ex. shift-reduce parser

    • backtracking ensures we find a parse if one exists (and can find multiple if we choose)

  • dependency grammar focuses on how words relate to other words

    • relation between head (usually tensed verb) and its dependents (rest of the words)

    • dep_grammar

    • this can also be displayed as a tree

      • dep_tree

    • a dependency graph is projective if, when all the words are written in order, the edges can be drawn above the words without crossing

      • equivalent to saying that a word and all its descendants (dependents and dependents of its dependents, etc.) form a contiguous sequence of words within the sentence

      • above graph is projective

    • valencies - sometimes certain things in a class are allowed buothers are not

      • e.g. “Buster was frightened” âś… but “Buster saw frightened” :x:

      • need subcategories of things (e.g. intransitive verb vs transitive verb vs dative verb) to know what symbols are allowed in rules

      • verbs specifically have complements associated with them – unlike modifiers (like the word “really”), complemetes are not optional and usually not selected in the same way by the head

  • feature-based grammars - add things to word representations (e.g. plurality) and use these in the grammar rules